Chapter 12: Lexa's Decision

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Lexa knocked on Clarke's door and opened it. Abby was talking to Clarke. Clarke got up when she saw Lexa. "how are you feeling?" Lexa asked. "I'm feeling better" Clarke said. "if you have rested enough, there is a meeting between Trikru and Skykru ambassador for the trading matter" Lexa said. "I can do it" Clarke said. "then I am waiting for you in the throne room" Lexa said and Clarke nodded.
Abby looked at Clarke and sighed. "I have a bad feeling about the trade" Abby said and Clarke nodded. "Lexa has more faith in our people than we do" Clarke said and Abby chuckled. "she doesn't have faith in them. she has faith in you and Kane" Abby said. Clarke went out and went to the throne room. She went inside and saw Lexa and Anya talking seriously. "is anything wrong?" Clarke said and Lexa looked her way. "we haven't heard from Kane yet" Lexa said and Clarke frowned. "do you think he has changed his mind?" Anya asked Clarke. "Kane would tell you. Something is wrong" Clarke said. "send your mom home" Lexa said and Clarke nodded.
Kane had asked Raven, Monty and some others who were good at technology to teach grounders. Kane was leaving for Polis with Raven again but he was stopped by Pike. "what do you think you are doing?" Pike said. People gathered around. "we are going to trade our technology with the grounders to learn hunting and get some farmers." Kane said. "who made that decision?" Pike said. "I did Pike. I am the chancellor. I talked to the commander. she was generous enough to move Trikru lands but we can't expect more from them without giving anything" Kane said. "the grounders are the reason we don't have enough men from farm station. They killed them" Pike said. "and Lexa killed Ice nation queen to prevent a war" Kane said. "No she killed the ice nation queen because YOU accepted her deal of becoming the 13th clan" Pike said and Kane looked at him. "show our people how they branded you like a cow" Pike said and folded Kane's sleeves up and showed people the burn mark. "they have put an army close to us" Pike said. "an army that Lexa sent to protect us because we don't have as many warriors as they do" Kane said. "they could attack us at any second. Eat or be eaten. That's the rule on the ground" Pike said. "Pike stand down" Kane said. "why should he?" Bellamy said. "the grounders have been killing us since we got down. We killed an entire race because of them. Children, elders. Then they bombed us" Bellamy said. "the ice nation did that" Lincoln said. "grounders are grounders" Bellamy said and Lincoln stood close to him. "really? You believe that? Then what am I Bellamy?" Lincoln said. "it has been decided" Kane said. "no it hasn't been. You are the chancellor because when we got to the ground, you were only available. You have been a good leader Kane. But our leaders are chosen by an election" Pike said. "who is going to be elected?" Kane said sarcastically. "you, Abby and Me" Pike said. Lincoln looked at Octavia worried.
Clarke was sitting in Lexa's room working on a Radio and Lexa was writing the supplies each clan needed in winter. Anya came in and sat on the couch. "you know how to fix that?" Anya asked Clarke and Lexa looked up. "Raven has taught me a few things and we were taught the basics before we were sent to the ground" Clarke said. "you had classes?" Anya asked. "we didn't know it was serious but it was needed when we were sent in detention" Clarke said. "what was your crime?" Anya said and Lexa looked at Clarke. "speaking up about the truth" Clarke said and Anya chuckled. "why am I not surprised" Lexa said. "Lexa was always punished for defending other people" Anya said and Clarke smiled. "why am I not surprised" Clarke said
"Clarke we should go towards Arkaidia to check supplies. I have sent people for the rest of the clans but your people barely even trust me so it's better if I go" Lexa said. "I will be ready tomorrow" Clarke said and Lexa nodded.
People were sitting in the hall eating food and they had prepared a ceremony for the lost ones. Lincoln was standing in the back. People came one by one and put something of their loved ones on the shelf as a memorial. Bellamy stood up and put the book of his friend that was killed by the ice nation bombing, on the shelf. A man stood up and looked at Lincoln with hatred. "grounders took everything from me" he said angrily and walked towards Lincoln. "my people were protecting themselves. Trikru has done all they could for you" Lincoln said. "grounders are all the same. How dare you put our suits on" he said and pushed Lincoln. Lincoln pushed him back and everyone knocked him down and started beating him. Bellamy pushed them away and helped Lincoln up but Lincoln pushed his hand away. He hit his shoulder to Bellamy's and walked past Pike. He went out and punched the wall with anger. "for Octavia. Get knocked down, get up another time" Lincoln said and went to the infirmary.
Pike sat in front of Bellamy. "you have lost a lot son" he said. "people trusted me to protect them and I couldn't" Bellamy said. "the grounders have a rule. Blood must have blood." Pike said and Bellamy looked at him. "this is our lands now. They don't have a right to take it from us or give it to us" Pike said. "there is an army out there that could kill us at any time. For once, let us prove them how powerful we are" he said and Bellamy nodded sternly.
"when did all of these happen?" Abby said and Kane shook his head. "we should have done this a long time ago. Not now" Kane said and Abby nodded. "Lincoln was hit can you check on him?" Kane said and Abby went to the infirmary.
Octavia came back and didn't see Lincoln anywhere. "Monty, where is Lincoln?" Octavia said and Monty looked worried. "he is in infirmary" he said and Octavia went. "what happened?" Octavia said walking towards Lincoln and hugged him. She looked at his wounds. "I'm okay Octavia" he said. "who did this?" Octavia said and he grabbed her cheeks in his hands. "doesn't matter. I'm fine" Lincoln said. "Abby, when you were gone, some of our people who Nyko couldn't cure were sent here. He thought maybe you would help them" Lincoln said. "of course" Abby said.
The speakers buzzed. "the counting is over. the winner is Pike with 51% of the votes" Kane said and Lincoln sighed. Kane got out and gave Pike the chancellor Pin. Pike nodded to Bellamy and Bellamy took some guns and some men and went towards the gates. Lincoln stood in front of the door. "Lincoln stand down" Bellamy said. "you have to kill me first" Lincoln said. "those people are here to protect you. A war will start if you don't make the right decision right now" Lincoln said. "I am making the right decision" Bellamy said and Lincoln took his gun out. "you will ruin everything" Lincoln said and something hit him in the head. He fell on the ground and was taken to prison. Pike and Bellamy and the rest of the people who were mostly farm station, went to kill the grounder army.

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