Chapter 30: Commander of the blood (2)

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Lexa was nervously walking around. "Clarke is fine" Murphy said and Lexa looked at him. "she always finds a way to save herself and her people. don't worry about her" Murphy said. 

"McCreary has no honor. I don't even know what he is capable of." Lexa said.
"and Clarke is Clarke. even I don't know what she is capable of till this day" Murphy said and Lexa smiled weakly.
"Raven are you done?" Lexa said. "shsh" Raven said and Emori looked down trying to hold her laugh. "let me try. Raven, are you done?" Murphy said. "shut up Murphy" Raven said and Emori laughed.
Kane was extremely silent and Lexa sat down. "what happened down there?" Lexa said and he looked at her. "Octavia doesn't break easily. What did she have to do for her break this much?" Lexa said. "we all did all we could to survive. Octavia's humanity is long lost" Kane said and Lexa shook her head. "you disagree?" Kane said. "I think every leader has to tolerate things that others can't imagine" Diyoza said. "how is floating on the ark and death by knife cuts and setting on fire different from everything that Octavia has done?" Lexa said and Kane looked at her.

"the radio is up" Raven said and Lexa got it.
"monty kom op raun taim Yu na hear Ai (Monty come in if you can hear me)" Lexa said.
"Lexa" Bellamy said.
"chomouda trig? Chit ste wron (why trig? Is anything wrong?)" Bellamy said.
"emo get in bilaik kom up (they know you are coming)" Lexa said. "Clarke speaks trig too if she is with them, she can hear you talking" Murphy said to Lexa. "I know but she is going to stall" Lexa said.
"Bellamy Yu souda bak op (Bellamy you need to go back)" Lexa said.
"Oso na nou farm ste fleim au (we can't the farm is burnt)" Bellamy said. "oso na nou bak op. oso na nou hod op (We can't go back. we can't stop). Yu Yu don Fai deyon (you have five days)" Bellamy said and Lexa closed her eyes. "Oso are ona em (we're on it)" Emori said.

Lexa grabbed her gun. "we need details on troop count and weapons" Kane said. "I think we need to stop Clarke before she helps them more" Emori said. "no we don't. she knows what she is doing. We need to see what we can do from here" Raven said. "what do you think commander?" Diyoza said. Lexa loaded her gun. "we need to scout for details. Then I am going to get my family" Lexa said and moved out.

Abby woke up and Clarke was sitting next to her. "Clarke" Abby said. "mom" Clarke said and caressed her face. "I don't want you to see me this way" Abby said and tried to get up and Clarke kept her still.
"I need you. we have to treat McCreary's people in less than 5 days" Clarke said. "Clarke no" Maddie said. "this is not up for discussion. We don't have a choice at the moment" Clarke said. "that person is a sociopath and a murderer. I won't treat him" Abby said. "mom you have to" Clarke said. "he has threatened to kill us didn't he?" Maddie said.
"What should we do? Detox takes a few days. Is there any way we can get you to function?" Clarke said. "McCreary used pills to get me to do better. Throw those away first and then get my bag from under the bed." Abby said and Maddie nodded.

"we need to put my body in rapid detox. In case my heart stops, there is adrenaline in my bag too. I didn't die the last time so do it" Abby said. "last time? How long have you been overusing?" Clarke said.
"2 years. In the dark year, we had to do things... bad things to survive. I ran away by doing this" Abby said. "What bad things?" Clarke said. "You will find out" Abby said.

Lexa, Emori, Murphy and Raven were looking at the army. "they are putting gunners in positions" Lexa said. "there is no way Wonkru is taking this road. It's cold and they are easily seen. We should go" Raven said. "wait a minute" Murphy said and looked at the guns. "hello beautiful" Murphy said looking with the camera. "look, ammunition. If we steal that, they have nothing to load the guns with" Murphy said and looked at Lexa. "come on say it" Murphy said. "go" Lexa said.
Murphy, Emori and Raven went there to steal but a man put a gun on Murphy's head. "drop it" he said and Emori aimed at him. "you kill me she will kill you let's just go" Murphy said and 2 others came outside. One with the pulse weapon. Emori put the gun down and raised her hands.

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