Chapter 15: New

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Lexa came back and went straight to the throne room for a meeting. Clarke went after her as the ambassador. Titus saw Clarke and bowed his head and Lexa sat down. "as we had predicted, Skaikru has taken down their leader and changed him to chancellor Kane. The armies of the clans have returned as I said they would" Lexa said. Trikru ambassador got up and looked at Clarke. "what did you do to the murderers?" she said. "the one that gave the orders will be given to Trikru and the commander will choose his fate. But the others will be punished inside Arkadia" Clarke said. "one man for 190?" she said. "one woman died for killing 100 of our people too. He gave the orders" Clarke said. "Wanheda is right. We don't want to have war. But the man who is responsible, will answer for his crimes. We will discuss this matter in Trikru. Justice will be done." Lexa said and she nodded her head to her.
The meeting was over and Lexa went to her room. Clarke knocked on the door and smiled when she saw Lexa. "I came to check on your wound" Clarke said and sat down on the couch and opened her kit. Lexa stood up and pulled her shirt up. Clarke looked at her wound and frowned caressing it. "I'm fine Clarke" Lexa said softly and Clarke sighed. "it isn't infected but you shouldn't really walk or sit so much. Please lay down I don't even know why you came personally when Anya was supposed to come. I don't" she said fast and Lexa grabbed her hand and she stopped talking. "I am Okay" Lexa said and kissed Clarke's lips softly. Indra knocked on the door and Lexa rolled her eyes and let go of Clarke. "enter" she said and Clarke started packing her kit up. "you asked for me Heda?" Indra said. "yes. I want you to look for someone for me" Lexa said and Clarke looked at them confused. "who Heda?" Indra said. "your daughter" Lexa said. "if Gaia wanted to be found, I would find her already" Indra said. "you can find her. I need her" Lexa said. "I will try" Indra said and Lexa nodded. "who is Gaia?" Clarke said after Indra went out. "you will find out" Lexa said and Anya came inside. "Clarke, your room is ready. Plus, what you asked for, I think I can do it" Anya said and Clarke nodded. Anya went out. "what did you ask for?" Lexa said and Clarke smirked at her. "you will find out" she said with a low tone and kissed her cheek and went out. Lexa raised her eyebrows and chuckled.
Clarke went in her room and saw Titus. She closed her door and looked at him. "what do you want?" Clarke said. "I wanted to apologize" Titus said. "I'm not the one that got shot" Clarke said. "I was trying to protect Lexa" Titus said. "from who Titus?" Clarke said frustrated. "from you" Titus said and Clarke scoffed. "I have known Lexa for like a year and the only thing she isn't, is impulsive" Clarke said.  "Lexa has been doing this since before I came here. it isn't the first time Lexa avoids war. The same Lexa that liked me, left my people in mount weather. It isn't about me Titus" Clarke said. "she still came back for you" Titus said. "because she is a human being. Lexa's humanity is the reason this coalition exists Titus" Clarke said desperately. Titus sat down. "I have served 4 commanders as flame keeper. None of them half as wise or strong as Lexa kom Trikru. The truth is, she was all those things even before her ascension. The flame just heightens whatever that is already there" Titus said. "then you should trust her. Lexa is special Titus. You know it. I know it. she is one of the few people that I know that really works towards peace. She can change things. Is she in danger? Of course she is. But doesn't that price come with having this big responsibility?" she said with a low tone. Titus got up. "you are right" he said and went outside. Clarke went after him. They went outside the tower and Titus went inside a room by going down the stairs. Clarke went after him and looked around. She saw paintings on the walls. She saw the infinity symbol. Titus brought out a cloth and looked at Clarke and gave it to her. "Titus why are you giving me this?" she said confused. "my job is over as the flame keeper. I betrayed my commander and I almost got her killed. Give this to the next flame keeper" Titus said. "didn't you say you are the last one in polis?" Clarke said confused. "I am not" Titus said and gave Clarke the flame kit.
Lexa was in her room that Anya came in. "Titus and Clarke are nowhere to be found" Anya said and Lexa got up fast but her wound started hurting. Her stitches were open and she was bleeding again. Anya ran outside and saw Clarke in the halls with Titus. Clarke found out from Anya's expression and ran to Lexa's room. Lexa looked at her and then Titus came in sadly. "are you okay?" Lexa said panting with pain and Clarke glared at her. she did her stitches again and cleaned her wound. Lexa looked at Titus. "can you give us a minute?" Lexa told Clarke and she went out. Lexa was about to sit down and Titus came to help her but she raised her hand to stop him. "I don't remember my father Titus. All I have is a spear head from him. But you were always a father to me" Lexa said. "I trusted you with my life. I still trust you with my life" Lexa said and looked at Titus. "but I don't trust you with Clarke's life." She said and Titus lowered his head. "you have served 4 commanders before me." Lexa said. "usually when someone harms me, we kill them. when someone betrays me, we kill them" Lexa said and looked at him. "like Gustus, like Semet" she said. "I deserve the same fate Heda" Titus said and looked at Lexa. "I am not going to kill you Titus" Lexa said with a low tone. "you must. I betrayed you and ended up harming you." Titus said. "no one knows that. I will not kill you. But you can't stand beside me either" Lexa said. "you are retired. Live for yourself now teacher" Lexa said. "I hope you achieve whatever that you have wanted to achieve" Titus said and Lexa nodded.
Titus grabbed his stuff and moved out of tower. He went into the city and saw Clarke walking in an ally and a boy was following her. he went after him and saw that Clarke met up with Octavia and got a radio from her and was moving towards the tower that the boy knocked him out inside the ally. Clarke was struggling to break free. "skaikru has taken everything from me" the boy said and Titus suddenly grabbed him and helped Clarke to get up. "Titus what are you doing?" Clarke said worried and the boy attacked Titus. they fell on the ground and the boy had a knife. Clarke looked around in pain and saw her knife on the ground. She slid it to Titus and he stabbed the boy. Titus pushed the boy away and Clarke smiled but it faded away when she saw Titus's chest. She went to him and he looked at her. "my fight is over Clarke." he said panting unable to breathe. "tell Lexa... I am so proud of spending my last years of life, beside her" he said and Clarke's tears dropped. "you are the flame keeper, until they find the next one" he said. "protect Lexa" he said with his last breath. Clarke closed her eyes and tears dropped from them.
she pulled Titus up and dragged him with her. the guards saw her and helped her. Lexa heard some voices from the halls and went out with Anya and saw Clarke putting Titus down. "oh my god" Anya said and Lexa just stood there for some moments. Her eyes were filled with tears and she slowly went close to him. She sat down on her knees and her lips were shaking. She touched his face and a tear dropped. "how?" she said with a low tone. "someone was trying to kill me. he saved my life" Clarke said and Lexa lowered her head and her tears dropped. "did he pass the mantle?" Anya said sadly. "yes. He passed it to me until the next flame keeper is found" Clarke said. She looked at Lexa who was still looking down. Anya put her hand on Lexa's shoulder and Lexa got up. she wiped her tears and turned to the guards. "we will prepare a ceremony in Polis. He is from Louwoda kliron kru but he has spent more than half of his life in Polis. Inform the night bloods." Lexa said and they nodded to her. They pulled Titus up and took him with them. Lexa turned around and caressed Clarke's cheek softly. "are you hurt?" she said. "no" Clarke said softly and Lexa nodded and went towards her room. "how am I going to tell her she doesn't need to be strong right now?" Clarke said. "you don't" Anya said and Clarke turned to her. "don't tell her anything" Anya said softly and Clarke nodded. Clarke went into the room and saw that Lexa was working. She sat down next to her and Lexa smiled at her and focused on her work. "you need to go to Arkadia in 4 days." Lexa said. "your people have to find a way to handle winter. I think they could use your mind" she continued and Clarke nodded. Lexa got up and tidied up the papers and Clarke took her hand. "are you okay?" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her eyes and didn't say anything. Clarke got up and stood next to her and turned her to herself. Lexa looked at her vulnerably and Clarke looked into her eyes. "Lexa, are you okay?" Clarke said and Lexa shook her head slowly and Clarke hugged her. Lexa cried silently and Clarke kissed her hair. "yu nou don kom ste yuj (you don't have to stay strong)" Clarke said with a low tone. "I can see your pain Lexa. You don't have to hide" she said and Lexa nodded.
there was a knock on the door and Lexa pulled away and wiped her tears and took a breath. "commander, you asked for me?" Anya said. "yes. I think we should tell her to come too." Lexa said and Anya looked at her confused. "her?" she said. "Luna" Lexa said and Anya looked at her. "she won't come Lexa" Anya said. "tell her anyways" Lexa said and she nodded. "who is Luna?" Clarke said and Lexa turned to her. "circle number 8" Lexa said.
The night bloods stood in a line and went outside the tower towards the body of the flame keeper. People were gathered around and the night bloods stood in a circle around Titus holding a torch with fire. Lexa went out with her war paint and Clarke went after her. Lexa walked towards the body and everyone bowed their head. Lexa looked at Clarke and Clarke grabbed a torch and walked around the last flame keeper and reached Lexa at last. She gave the torch to Lexa and stood next to her. "Natblida" Lexa said with a high tone and they all raised their torches. "kom graun oso na graun op. kom folau, oso nag yon op (from the earth we will grow, from the ashes we will rise)" she said as Trikru traditions. They set it on fire and stood in front of it. "Seda (teacher)" they all said and looked down as a sign of respect. Lexa raised her head up and saw a familiar face in the crowd. "bring the others inside" Lexa told Clarke who now had the mantle of flame keeper. Lexa went after the girl she saw and saw she went into an ally. Lexa went after her. "you are still so bad at running away" Lexa said loudly and the girl stopped. "yet I ran away pretty good didn't I?" she said and turned around. She took her hood off and Lexa smiled. "Luna" Lexa said. "commander" Luna said and Lexa walked close to her and took her hand out and Luna grabbed her forearm. "I knew you would come" Lexa said. "Titus's spirit couldn't be at peace if I wasn't here you know" Luna said sarcastically and Lexa chuckled sadly. "you must be sad though. You guys were like father and daughter" Luna said and Lexa smiled. "you are going back?" Lexa said. "I can't stay here" Luna said and Lexa looked at her confused. "I don't like killing. I haven't killed anyone since the conclave. I have made a good life for people in our clan. I better stick to it" Luna said and Lexa nodded understandingly. Luna hugged Lexa. "I'm glad I came here." Luna said. "thank you" Lexa said and Luna looked at her confused. "I know you are your clan's leader. Thank you for always sticking to the coalition" Lexa said and Luna nodded softly. "you better stay alive and keep things this way" Luna said and Lexa smiled.
Clarke was in the tower when Lexa came in. Lexa saw her and went to her. "why are you so concerned?" Lexa said. "Ontari. Who is going to teach her now that Titus is gone?" Clarke said. "me" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "No you are not. First, she is dangerous. Second, you have a lot to do." Clarke said. "I will find a way Clarke" Lexa said and Anya came. "Clarke, I'm ready if you are" Anya said and Clarke nodded. "ready for what?" Lexa asked. "training. Anya said she will train me just in case I don't have guns" Clarke said. "Anya?" Lexa said sarcastically. "Let me tell Nyko to be ready" Lexa said and Anya looked at Clarke. "I will go easy on her" Anya said reassuring Lexa and pulled Clarke and they went away.
Lexa went to train with the night bloods. She saw them train. Aden was still the strongest one. "Aden is getting better than I was before my conclave" Lexa told Indra. "you have to watch Ontari train too Heda" Indra said and Lexa nodded. they went and Lexa watched Ontari train with 3 big men at the same time. She shook her head and Indra looked at her. "if something bad happens to you Heda, Ontari is better than Aden at fighting" Indra said. "my problem is her mindset. The queen has ruined the child" Lexa said worried. "it has been 15 years since the last commander from Azgeda. We cannot risk it Heda" Indra said. "I have a really bad idea" Lexa said and Indra looked at her. "did you find Gaia?" Lexa asked. "I have been asking around. We will find her soon" Indra said. "what is your bad idea?" Indra said curiously. "Luna" Lexa said. "Heda, Luna will never accept this" Indra said and Lexa looked at Ontari. "I don't know what to do with her. I can't kill her and risk a war with Azgeda. At the same time, Aden is better than all the other night bloods. Do you know anyone who can train with him besides me?" Lexa said. "I have a bad idea" Indra said and Lexa looked at her. "is your bad idea Octavia?" Lexa said and Indra nodded. "tell her to come to me" Lexa said.
Clarke and Anya were training and Clarke kept getting on the ground. "is this why she wanted to call Nyko?" Clarke said wincing in pain and Anya pulled her up helping her to stand. "I'm going easy on you I think Lexa was unconscious for 2 days after our first training when she was a child" Anya said. "Wanheda, the commander wants to see you" a guard came and Clarke nodded and went after him. She went in Lexa's room and saw Lexa there. "you asked for me?" Clarke said. "I need you to come with me." Lexa said and Clarke frowned confusedly. Lexa came and gave Clarke something to wear on her head to go outside. "are we going to meet anyone?" Clarke said. "yes we are going to pass your mantle as flame keeper" Lexa said.
It was night and Lexa and Clarke went out of the tower and went inside a tunnel. Lexa opened the lock of a metal door with her knife and they went down the stairs. They walked inside and saw candles were on but it was so silent. Lexa pulled Clarke to walk in front of her and grabbed her hand as they walked slowly looking around. Sound of a sword was heard and the sword was on Lexa's neck from behind. "who are you and why are you following me?" a woman said. "nice to meet you Gaia" Lexa said and turned around slowly and took her hood off. "Heda" she said surprised. Clarke took her hood off too and Gaia put her sword aside. "to what do I owe this honor?" Gaia said. "I assume you know that Titus is dead" Lexa said and Gaia looked at her. "the flame keeper is dead?" she said. "yes he died 4 days ago" Lexa said. "but you have been following me for a week now" Gaia said confused. "yes. I was planning to retire Titus due to some past reasons. I'm glad I found you now." Lexa said. "who did he pass the mantle to?" Gaia said and Lexa looked at Clarke. "Wanheda" Gaia said respectfully. "you know me?" Clarke said confused. "everyone does" Gaia said. "I have a question Heda. Why me?" Gaia said. "aren't you the only one available?" Clarke said. "no she isn't. flame keepers say that they are the last of their kind because of a massacre that once happened by a commander called Sheidheda. He killed every last one of the flame keepers and only one escaped and killed him" Lexa said. "how do you know that? If they say that to protect themselves, they shouldn't tell the commander right?" Clarke said and Gaia smiled. "Heda knows because Titus trusted her so much" Gaia said and Lexa nodded. "I chose you because I can't have people around that I don't trust. You are logical and I need someone like that beside me. your vision is the closest to me between all the other flame keepers." Lexa said. "I am trying to make our people one. I can't do that alone. I need people that I can trust. People that don't stay in the way and genuinely believe in our true agenda" Lexa said and Gaia smiled at her. "it would be my pleasure to work for the commander" Gaia said and Lexa nodded.
The night came and Clarke was in her room. she took her shirt off and saw that she had bruises from the training. She was so sore and the door was knocked. Clarke put something on and went forward and opened the door. Lexa came in her gown and went in. she saw the bandages on the couch. "how was the training?" Lexa said. "um good" Clarke said and Lexa smiled looking at the bandages and turned to Clarke. Clarke looked at her. "okay I'm bruised" Clarke said and Lexa walked towards her and grabbed her waist softly. "you need help?" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. she sat down and took her shirt off with her back to Lexa. Lexa touched her bruises and Clarke winced a little. Lexa bandaged it for her and put her chin on Clarke's bare shoulder. "I got my ass kicked" Clarke and Lexa smiled and kissed her shoulder. "Anya said you passed out and were unconscious for 2 days" Clarke said. "my mother had told Anya to be hard on me and in my defense I was only 4 years old" Lexa said defensively and Clarke turned to her. "you mean she can't knock you out now?" Clarke said looking at Lexa. "what do you think?" Lexa looked at Clarke going closer to her face. "I don't think anyone can. Not even a bullet" Clarke said and wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck and they got close and kissed each other softly. Clarke touched Lexa's stomach and looked at her. "I'm okay Clarke" Lexa said softly and caressed Clarke's cheek and Clarke nodded smiling.
Clarke got up in the morning and went to the throne room. she saw Octavia and Lincoln there with Lexa. "Octavia? What are you doing here?" Clarke said confused and looked at Lexa. "I have asked Octavia to train with Aden" Lexa said. "why Octavia?" Clarke said. "because becoming Indra's second is tough and she did that all my herself. Aden has a lot to learn from her" Lexa said. "doesn't Aden train with the other night bloods?" Clarke said. "he does but he is better than all of them. we need to prepare him for Ontari" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "yeah" Clarke said after some moments of silence. "Octavia then you start tomorrow. Clarke, Gaia will be here today, prepare" Lexa said and they nodded.
Octavia and Clarke went out. "what is wrong?" Octavia said seeing the change of expression in Clarke. "imagine Lincoln getting ready for after his death everyday" Clarke said. "you dislike how openly she talks about the conclave that takes place after her death" Octavia said and Clarke nodded. "but it makes sense to you at the same time" Octavia said chuckling and Clarke nodded again chuckling sadly. "we were crazy on the ark but we have reached a new level of crazy on earth" Octavia said and Clarke looked at her. "I don't know about you but I was this crazy since I was born I understand everything. It's so painful sometimes" Clarke said. "we were raised in a place people got floated for giving birth to a second child and we had to understand because it was necessary." Octavia said painfully. "I'm sorry about your mom." Clarke said. "I'm sorry about your dad" Octavia said sadly.
"you called me with Octavia" Lincoln told Lexa when they were alone in the room. "you said you have been in contact with Luna right?" Lexa said and he nodded. "I have heard that floukru defense has become higher. Do you know how to contact with Luna in any way right now?" Lexa said. "Luna is my friend. I know how to get to her." Lincoln said. "she said she has made life better for people in boat clan." Lexa said. "you met Luna?" Lincoln said shocked. "she came for Titus's ceremony" Lexa said. "do you think she will accept staying in Polis? To help with the night blood training?" Lexa said. "Luna killed her own brother in your conclave. I don't think she would want anything to do with this" Lincoln said and Lexa nodded understandingly. "is there anything I can help with?" Lincoln said. "Ontari. She has this uncontrollable rage. Her mindset and her soul is cracked by the ice queen. If I kill her, Azgeda will retaliate. If I don't and she wins the conclave with this soul, everything that we have worked for, will be gone to dust." Lexa said and Lincoln thought. "maybe I can help. When I was a child, my father used to raise me to be a savage. I was raised to become a monster but I learned to control it. maybe I can do it" Lincoln said.
The ambassadors were in the throne room and Lexa came in with Clarke behind her. Clarke stood next to Lexa's throne. The ambassadors started talking to Lexa giving her information about the news and the needs of their clans. A guard came in and nodded to Clarke. Clarke bent down and Lexa looked at her. "Gaia is here" Clarke said in Lexa's ear and Lexa nodded softly. "there is another reason why we have gathered in here. As you know, the last flame keeper passed the mantle to Clarke Kom Skaikru until we find another flame keeper." Lexa said and the ambassadors nodded. Lexa nodded to Clarke. "enter" Clarke said and Gaia came inside. Clarke walked towards her and Gaia bowed her head to Clarke and bowed on her knee to Lexa. "I am Gaia Kom Trikru. I have come to prove my loyalty to the commander of the blood and take the rightful mantle of the flaimkepa" she said and Lexa nodded to Clarke. Clarke took out the flame kit and notebook and Gaia turned to her. "I, Clarke kom skaikru, successor to Titus kom Louwoda kliron kru, will pass the mantle of the flaimkepa, to its rightful successor, Gaia kom Trikru." Clarke said and gave Gaia the kit and bowed her head to her. Gaia looked at Lexa and Lexa nodded to her.
The next day, Lexa was walking around with Gaia and they saw Aden train with Octavia. Indra was watching them. "good Aden again" Octavia said and Aden attacked her again. They reached them and they stopped training. "I am glad I wasn't wrong" Lexa said and Octavia smiled panting. "he is pretty good" Octavia said. "he used to train with Heda herself" Indra said and Octavia smiled. Gaia looked at them. Aden went to train with the others. "I'm glad my mother found her rightful daughter after all" Gaia said sarcastically and Octavia looked at Indra confused. "she is your daughter?" she said. "yes" Indra said looking at Gaia. "I couldn't find you" Indra said. "it's because I didn't want to be found." Gaia said. Lexa stood there in silence. "you fight just like my mother" Gaia said. "she trained me" Octavia said and Gaia smiled painfully. "because you wanted to be a warrior" Indra said and looked at Gaia and walked away. "what is this about?" Octavia said confused. "my mother wanted me to be like you. I rejected that path and went through the religious path. She still can't get over it" Gaia said and Octavia looked at her. Lexa looked at Octavia and motioned her to leave with her. "Gaia, you should meet the night bloods." Lexa said and Gaia nodded.
Octavia went after Lexa and walked behind her. "where is Clarke? I wanted to see her before I leave" Octavia said. "she is training" Lexa said and Octavia looked at her. "Clarke? training?" Octavia said surprised. "with Anya" Lexa said and Octavia suppressed a laugh. They reached Anya and Clarke and looked at them. Clarke saw Lexa and got distracted and Anya knocked her down. Lexa went to her and helped her up. "you got distracted" Anya said and Clarke looked at Lexa in pain "of course I did" she said and winced in pain. "Clarke you should train with Indra" Octavia said and Anya smiled. "no thank you I am enjoying being alive recently" Clarke said and Lexa lowered her face and smiled.  "Anya teach her working with a knife instead of man to man fighting" Lexa said to Anya in a low tone and Anya looked at her confused. "she is Clarke she is too smart to get involved with people she can't handle" Lexa said. "you just don't want me to bruise her" Anya said. "knives work better with Clarke" Lexa said and Anya nodded smiling at her. "you want to teach them how we train?" Anya said smirking. "are you sure you are up for this?" Lexa said sarcastically and Anya raised her eyebrows. They grabbed a sword and Clarke and Octavia looked at them. Anya attacked Lexa and Lexa dodged it. "that's the best?" Anya said and Lexa smiled "you are not ready" Lexa said and attacked Anya with speed. she kept attacking with fast movements and at last she knocked Anya on the ground and smiled at her. "you give up?" Lexa said and grabbed Anya's arm to pull her up but Anya knocked Lexa to the ground. "never" Anya smirked. Lexa kicked her leg and she fell beside Lexa. "me neither" Lexa said and Anya laughed making Lexa laugh too. Clarke looked at Lexa smiling and Octavia looked at her and nudged her shoulder.

Clarke went in Lexa's room and closed the door. Lexa was in front of her mirror and was opening her braids. Clarke smiled and went behind her and took the braid from her hands. "let me" Clarke said softly and Lexa smiled. She started opening her braids "you are leaving in the morning?" Lexa said. "yeah I will be gone for 4 days" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. Clarke put her hand on Lexa's shoulders and kissed her head. Lexa looked at her in the mirror. "stay here tonight" Lexa said while getting up and hugged her waist. "well I can't say no to the commander so" Clarke said and Lexa smiled and kissed her softly. Clarke put her forehead on Lexa's. "what is it?" Lexa said softly. "I'm so glad I didn't take any longer" Clarke said. "I am glad too" Lexa said and kissed her hands. Clarke hugged her and Lexa hugged Clarke back.

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