Chapter 16: Bonds

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Clarke packed her things up and went to Arkaidia with Octavia. The guards saw them and told Kane and Abby and they went towards the gates. They opened the gates and Clarke got off her horse. “hi mom” she said and hugged her mom. Raven came to them and hugged both of them. “glad you came” she said. Clarke saw Bellamy and nodded her head to him and he smiled. “so what’s up?” she said as she was going in with Kane and Abby.
They gathered around the table in the council room and Kane started explaining the hard situation they would have during winter. “we have been trying to consume the least and save the most but still, we only have food for 30 days. Winter seems to last 65 days as the commander has said. We are going to have extreme problem with supplies.” Kane said. “have you tried hunting?” Octavia said. “our people don’t know how to work with bows and daggers. Gun shots fears the animals away.” Kane said and Clarke thought. “what about plants? Have you tried saving them up?” she said. “we have sent multiple search parties to find eatable plants but most of them go through Trikru territory which we cannot pass through because of the problems” Kane said and Clarke nodded. “can’t you ask Lexa to send us supplies?” Abby said. “she is still under fire for letting the rest of the people involved in the massacre, live. She can’t help us anymore at least not now” Clarke said. “what if we give them medicine?” Abby said. “they have gone through winter for years without us and our medicine mom. Right now, they won’t admit they need it even if they do” Clarke said. “is there any way we can get enough food?” Kane said and looked at Clarke. “let me talk to Lexa for a minute. Octavia radio” Clarke said and Octavia handed her the radio. Clarke tapped a button twice and after some moments the radio buzzed. “Clarke” Anya said. “Anya I need to talk to Lexa” Clarke said and after a minute it buzzed again. “is everything okay?” Lexa said. “yes and no. I wanted to ask you something. is there any hunter inside Trikru that doesn’t hunt for the clan?” Clarke said and Lexa waited for some moments. “yes” Lexa said. “is there any way they would volunteer to hunt with us during the winter?” Clarke said. “he would if I asked him” Lexa said. “is something wrong?” Clarke said hearing the change of voice. They were all looking at her. “no Clarke. I just haven’t asked him anything in years. But he has learnt from the best. I will tell the guards to bring him to me. I will see what I can do” Lexa said. “thank you I know it’s going to be tough” Clarke said. “no one is aware of his existence for a year besides me, Indra and Anya so it’s okay Clarke” Lexa said and closed the line. “is there any other way we can gather some food?” Octavia said and Clarke looked at her. “just in case this fails” she continued. “there is another way.” Clarke said and Raven chuckled. “Clarke the problem solver” she said and Clarke smiled. “what is that other way?” Octavia said frowning confused. “Niylah. She has a trade cabin. If we can give her something she wants, she can give us food that hunters sell to her” Clarke said. “you aren’t serious are you?” Octavia said. “we need to use our recourses. Plus, she owes me something” Clarke said. “Lexa isn’t going to like this” Octavia said in a low tone. “I can handle Lexa” Clarke said in a lower tone and Octavia scoffed.
The meeting was over and they were waiting for Lexa to radio them about the hunter matter. Clarke went out and saw Bellamy sitting alone and went and sat next to him. “hey” Clarke said and Bellamy looked at her. “Octavia still doesn’t talk to me” he said. “give her time Bellamy” Clarke said. “I thought the grounders were the bad guys and we were the good guys. From one point, I realized that we are not the good guys either. Now I wonder, who is really the good guy? You? Me? Lexa? Octavia?” Bellamy said and Clarke looked at him and put her hand on his shoulder. “maybe there are no good guys” Clarke said and Bellamy looked at her. “you really believe that?” he said. “I have to. Some try to be good. Some are just pure evil. But in this world, no one is good” she said repeating the same words Lexa told her. Bellamy looked at her and looked down. “then what are we fighting for?” he said. “we fight to survive and live. This is the first time we have a chance to live” Clarke said. “I don’t know who I am and what I can do. I have spent all my life protecting Octavia and she doesn’t even look at me” Bellamy said. “you have a big heart Bellamy. But sometimes you got to use this too” Clarke said touching his head. “is this how you do it?” Bellamy said. Clarke nodded. “how have you forgiven me?” Bellamy said. “I move on quickly so I don’t stay hurt.” Clarke said looking at nowhere. “Octavia has the mindset of a warrior. Pike hasn’t still gotten what he deserves. She will move on after that. But you need to stay her big brother.” Clarke said and Bellamy sighed. Clarke patted his back and Raven got there. “I just fixed something that you are going to love” Raven said. Clarke got up confused and went after her with Bellamy.
Clarke stopped her in her tracks when she saw a rover. “shut up” she said surprised and Raven high fived Monty. “told you” Raven said. Clarke went towards the Rover and looked at it. “oh my god” she said excited and Octavia looked at her in surprise. “I swear this is the happiest I have seen Clarke in my whole life” Octavia said and Monty chuckled. Clarke came outside the Rover and looked at Raven. “one ride” Clarke said showing one with her hand and Raven winked at her. “I will drive I won’t let you break my masterpiece” Raven said and Clarke scoffed surprised and Raven sat in the driver seat. “Raven Reyes. I love you” Clarke said when she saw that Raven has installed radio inside the rover too. Monty, Bellamy and Miller went inside the Rover too. “where is Octavia?” Bellamy said and Octavia opened the gates and got on her horse. “there she is” Miller said. “try to keep up” Octavia said and they started the Rover and drove behind her. Abby was about to stop them that Kane pulled her back. “it’s okay let them be kids for once” Kane said.
Lexa was in the throne room thinking that Indra opened the door. “he is here Heda” she said. Lexa nodded to her and she went out with the guards leaving only Lexa and Anya in the room. “Oten” Lexa said when she saw the boy coming inside.
“sit down” Lexa said and he sat down. “it’s good to see you again Heda” Oten said. “it’s good to see you too.” Lexa said and Anya looked at them. “as you know, the coalition now has 13 clans. Due to the recent issues, none of the clan leaders can or will help skaikru for winter. We cannot ask for Clan hunters because they are responsible for their clans during the winter. However, Wanheda asked me if I can find any hunter that doesn’t work for the clan but can teach and hunt for the 13th clan” Lexa said. “I owe you my life Heda. You are the reason I know everything. If you weren’t here I would just be an orphan kid running around stealing in Polis” Oten said. “so I can tell them you are okay?” Lexa said. “of course but I have something to ask from you too” Oten said and Lexa looked at him and nodded. “there is this girl who lives near the border. I spend most of my days in her place and I used to give her my hunts in return of staying there.” Oten said and Anya looked at Lexa. “Niylah” Lexa said. “yes Heda. But her father was killed by skaikru. He was in the army they massacred. I would want to share my hunts with her at the same time as skaikru. Her place is somehow close to Arkadia” Oten said. “why doesn’t Niylah stay in Trikru villages? She is Trikru” Anya said. “she isn’t” Lexa said and Anya looked at her surprised and confused. “her father is Trikru her mother is Azgeda. She stayed on the borders since she was a child because of the war between the clans. She still can’t stay in Trikru because some people may recognize her” Lexa said. “how do you know that?” Anya said. “I am the commander I know everything” Lexa said and Oten smiled. “how are you feeling?” Lexa said. “alone” Oten said and Lexa nodded understandingly. Oten got up and pulled his bag up and Lexa looked at the bow he was carrying. “is that?” Lexa said and Oten nodded to her sadly. “can I?” Lexa said and Anya looked at her. Lexa grabbed the bow and found Costia’s name carved on it. she caressed it and smiled softly with a single tear in her eye. “you carved that” Oten said and Lexa nodded swallowing the lump in the throat. She gave Oten the bow and caressed his cheek and kissed the kid’s forehead. “I’m glad that you accepted.” Lexa said softly. “this way you won’t have to send a guard to keep an eye on me 24/7.” Oten said and Anya smiled. “you are aware. Costia has taught you well” Anya said and he smiled.
Oten got on his horse and rode towards Arkadia. Clarke and the others were working on the fences. They had installed solar batteries around their gardens which had the most sunlight. The batteries provided them power for electricity and heat. They saw a horse and the guards called Clarke. Clarke’s guards came to her and nodded. Clarke raised her hand to stop Arkadia Guards and went outside. Oten got off his horse and Clarke’s radio buzzed. “Clarke” Lexa said and Clarke went far from the others. “he is here” Clarke said. “I have something I need to tell you” Lexa said. “it’s the one who once told me about?” Clarke said softly. “yes and there is something else” Lexa said. “what is it?” Clarke said. “he has been staying at Niylah’s. he owes her and her father and he wants to give his hunts to them too but” Lexa said. “but you are worried about the time he can’t go in winter” Clarke said. “yes and apparently Niylah’s father is dead” Lexa said. “it’s us isn’t it” Clarke said sighing. “yes.” Lexa said. “you want me to go convince her to stay in Arkadia during the winter” Clarke said. “yes” Lexa said. “what makes you think she will listen to me?” Clarke said. “you guys seemed to get along” Lexa said. “she won’t do that because she loves her trade cabin and I wouldn’t live with my people either” Clarke said. “then what should we do?” Lexa said. “I may know a way to give her hunts during the winter.” Clarke said. “alright. When will you come back?” Lexa said. “soon” Clarke said and went to Oten.
“hi Oten my name is Clarke” she said and Oten smiled. “wanheda” he said. “I prefer Clarke but whatever you like” Clarke said and smiled at him. “so let’s go meet the others” she said and he went with her. they went in the council room. “I can teach hunting but you need to prepare a team that doesn’t have any other job. Hunting takes time and energy” Oten said. “consider it done.” Kane said. “what else do you need?” Abby said kindly. Oten was about to talk about Niylah. “I have thought about something. remember Niylah?” Clarke said and her mom nodded. “the one who gave you a place when Azgeda was trying to kill you?” Kane said and Clarke nodded. “we have done something horrible. Niylah can’t live in Trikru villages. She used to stay near the border with her dad. But” Clarke said and looked at Bellamy. “um, her dad was in the army that pike massacred” Clarke said and Bellamy looked down and went outside. “oten here, used to hunt for Niylah and stay with her but now that Oten is here, Niylah’s food will be reduced to almost nothing in winter because the hunters only hunt for their clans during winter and Niylah basically is in none of the clans” Clarke said. “why don’t we bring her here?” Abby said. “mom we killed her dad. She wouldn’t come here I know that” Clarke said and Kane looked at her feeling sorry. “how can we give her hunt if she doesn’t come here?” Abby said. “we can take the rover” Raven said. “I thought of that too. We have a vehicle that doesn’t get stuck in snow. We can carry enough food and take it to her every 20 days” Clarke said. “okay then” Abby said.
Clarke took Oten out. “we haven’t prepared a room for you yet but I don’t stay here so you can use my room” Clarke said and they went in her room. Lexa’s drawing was still stuck above her desk and oten saw it. Clarke was going to take it off “no leave it be if it’s okay” oten said and Clarke looked at him. “I don’t know anyone here it’s good to see a familiar face” oten said and Clarke smiled softly and nodded. “if you need anything while I’m gone to Polis, please ask Raven to radio me.” Clarke said and Oten took his bow and bag off and put it beside the table. Clarke saw Costia’s name on the bow and closed the door. She went out and sighed.
Clarke went back to Polis with her guards and Octavia 7 days after she last left it.
She went to her room and changed and went to the throne room with Octavia. “Clarke of sky people has honored us with her presence.” Lexa said and Octavia looked at Clarke. “I’m sorry I am late” Clarke said. “Octavia go home and rest, your training with Aden is in a few hours” Lexa said and she motioned Anya to go with her. they went out and Lexa turned around. “how was oten doing?” Lexa said. “good” Clarke said. “how about Niylah?” Lexa said. “we handled that” Clarke said. “you were supposed to come here 3 days ago” Lexa said and Clarke smiled. “you can’t be irresponsible Clarke you are the ambassador” Lexa said and Clarke looked down smiling and went to her and hugged her from behind and smiled. Lexa turned around and smiled. “I missed you too” Clarke said and kissed Lexa’s cheek.
Gaia came in and bowed her head to them. “Heda, we have 12 days till winter and Trikru leader said that she wants Pike to face justice before winter” Gaia said. “we will be moving to Ton dc soon” Lexa said and Gaia bowed her head.
“should I come too?” Clarke said. “yes. Actually Octavia wants to come too. She told me about it personally” Lexa said. “Octavia needs to at least punch that guy” Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. “Octavia is so much like our people than yours. She is more like Indra than Gaia is” Lexa said and Clarke nodded. “raven fixed a rover and guess what? Octavia rode her horse” Clarke said. “I don’t know how she survived in space” Lexa said. “she didn’t actually have a normal life. She had to stay hidden till she was 14. Then Bellamy took her to a dance and they found out about her existence. They killed their mother and sent Octavia to detention and then to the ground” Clarke said. “being like us makes her feel free and powerful” Lexa said and Clarke nodded. “what does it make you feel?” Lexa said putting Clarke’s hair behind her ear. “at first, it was just responsibility. I felt helpless? I guess.” Clarke said and then looked at Lexa. “now for the first time in my whole life, I feel peace. Even when bad things happen” Clarke said and Lexa smiled. “you were right about Polis. It did show me more of your people than just war and vengeance. I hope someday Arkadia will show you, what we see in it too” Clarke said and Lexa kissed her hand.
The next day, Clarke, Lexa, Anya, Indra, Gaia and Octavia went to Ton dc and pike was tied and dragged with them. people who had lost someone were there to see the murderer die. 190 cuts by the hands of 190 families. A group from Arkadia were going towards Ton dc too.
They tied Pike to a tree and Clarke stood next to Lexa. “you are going to let the grounders kill one of your own people in front of your eyes?” Pike said. Arkadia people arrived and Kane looked at Clarke and nodded to Lexa. “we are sorry but it’s a tradition. You must watch the fate of your people” Indra said to Kane and he looked at Lexa. “the grounder murdered our people” he said and looked at Bellamy. Bellamy walked away and stood next to Clarke and sighed. Clarke looked at him. “I can’t stay here” Bellamy said. “if you leave, it will make it questionable. Hang in there” Clarke said and Lexa looked at her.
“we have gathered here to watch a man die for killing 190 of our people” Lexa said. “Indra” Lexa said and nodded her head to Indra. Indra grabbed a dagger and scarred his hand. Clarke saw Niylah in the crowd and went close to Lexa. “Niylah is here” Clarke said and Lexa nodded. “Anya. Do it in her place” Lexa said and Anya took her dagger off. “for Anan kom trikru” Anya said and scarred Pike. Lexa nodded to Niylah and she went away. Octavia walked forward and grabbed a dagger and stood in front of Pike. “you killed 5 grounders inside Arkadia” Octavia said and scarred him 5 times. She looked at his eyes. “this one is for Lincoln” she said and scarred his face. Lexa looked at Clarke and Clarke went and stood next to Octavia. Lexa grabbed a sword and went in front of him. “you are the problem” Pike said and looked at her eyes. “kill him Heda” a man said from inside the crowd. “blood must have blood?” Pike said and Lexa looked at him and killed him with her sword.
Lexa was in her tent and Clarke went inside. Lexa was on the bed with closed eyes. “don’t think about what he said” Clarke said and Lexa turned her face to her and opened her eyes. Lexa took Clarke’s hand and kissed it. “we did what we had to do. It was one of the times, we did the right thing. But I think Octavia is sad she didn’t kill him” Clarke said and Lexa chuckled.
It was midnight and Lexa couldn’t sleep. She went out and saw Murphy and Bellamy with Raven. She nodded to them and was walking away. Raven got up and went to her. “thank you” Raven said and Lexa looked at her confused. “for trusting us. For helping our people” Raven said. “I didn’t do anything Raven. Clarke did” Lexa said. “I’m sorry we misunderstood you in the beginning” Raven said and pulled her hand out. Lexa grabbed her forearm. “this is the start of a beautiful friendship” Raven said and Lexa smiled softly. “Bellamy. Can I talk to you for a second?” Lexa said and Bellamy got up and went to her. they sat beside a fire and Bellamy was looking down all the time. “I will not talk as the leader of my people. I’m going to talk as someone who made a decision which ended with a lot of people dying” Lexa said and Bellamy looked at her. “keeping your head down and waiting for people to forgive you, is the worst way of being sorry” Lexa said. “your sister hasn’t talked to you in a month. The only person who talks to you like she used to, is Clarke. what do you do?” Lexa said. “keep your head down. That’s all you do.” She continued. “I don’t know what to do. How can I make Octavia forget what I have done? How can I look into Jasper’s eyes and don’t remember the face of Maya, laying in his arms dead? How can I come here and see the families of the people I killed?” Bellamy said. “you don’t forget, neither will Octavia nor Jasper” Lexa said. “but sitting and doing nothing isn’t what Octavia want you to do. You need to be her brother again” Lexa said and Bellamy looked at her. “do you think Clarke has forgotten that I left your people in mount weather? Do you think I have forgotten her burning 300 of my people?” Lexa said. “no we haven’t. but I am not the commander with Clarke and Clarke isn’t wanheda with me. we made each other remember why we stood together” Lexa said. “what am I supposed to do now?” Bellamy said. “be yourself Bellamy. you made a mistake. The reason behind that mistake could be anything. But your people need you. Nothing makes Clarke assured. But you do” Lexa said. “why are you telling me this?” Bellamy said. “because there is a lot of dead people between you and me. but I understand deeply how it feels to think that you are doing the best for your people but end up being wrong” Lexa said. “do you regret leaving us at mount weather?” Bellamy said. “the commander isn’t.” Lexa said and looked at him. “but I am. There is a big space between being a leader and a normal human” Lexa said. “but I am not a leader” Bellamy said. “exactly. If you ask Clarke If wanheda regrets killing everyone in mount weather, she will say no. but Clarke really got hurt after doing that.” Lexa said and Bellamy nodded. “your people need you and most importantly, Octavia needs her older brother” Lexa said.
Clarke got out and saw Lexa getting up next to Bellamy. she went towards them and Lexa saw her. “we will leave before noon tomorrow” Lexa said softly and Clarke nodded confusedly and motioned her head towards Bellamy and Lexa shook her head and walked away. Clarke sat down next to Bellamy. “Clarke” Bellamy said and Clarke looked at him. “do you regret killing everyone in mount weather?” he said. “as a leader, no. but I do wish things were different.” Clarke said and Bellamy smiled. “why?” Clarke said. “nothing” Bellamy said. “Clarke you don’t have to worry about winter. If you couldn’t come during the winter just radio” Bellamy said and got up and smiled at her. “okay?” Clarke said confused and stood up and went to Lexa’s tent.
“what did you do to my friend?” Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. “I just talked to him. Nothing more” Lexa said. “did you threaten him?” Clarke said and Lexa grabbed her chin. “should I?” Lexa said and Clarke smiled and kissed her.
The next day, they were heading off to Polis and Ark people were going back to Arkadia. Clarke hugged them. Bellamy packed everything up and saw Octavia. He went towards her and grabbed the bag from her and put it in the rover. “thanks” Octavia said. “take care O. stay in touch” Bellamy said and Octavia looked at him and hugged him. “I won’t be able to see you for at least 70 days. I will keep things well in Arkadia. May we meet again” Bellamy said and Octavia kissed his cheek. Lexa looked at them and Bellamy nodded to Lexa. Lexa nodded back and got on her horse. Clarke got on her horse and smiled at her friends.

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