Chapter 13: The 13th Clan

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Lexa was sleeping on the couch and Clarke came in her room. She saw her and went close to her. she grabbed the book that was open on Lexa's stomach and closed it. Lexa started moving. Clarke looked at her worried. Lexa woke up terrified. "hey, you're okay" Clarke said softly and rubbed Lexa's back. Lexa sighed and took her head in her hands. "does this happen all the time?" Clarke said. "becoming the commander has its own consequences." Lexa said and Clarke looked at her confused. "the flame has the spirit and the memories of the commanders starting from Becca pramheda, the first commander. I see everything they choose to show me" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her sadly. "you keep seeing their deaths?" Clarke said and the door was knocked. "enter" Lexa said getting up. Titus came in with some guards dragging a big box inside. "I'm sorry Heda. I didn't know you were busy" Titus said looking at Clarke and Lexa stood silent and waited for him to talk. "are you going to tell me what's in the box or not?" Lexa said looking at him. "forgive me Heda. This is a gift from the king of Azgeda for Wanheda" Titus said and Lexa and Clarke looked at him. "he said it is the answer to Wanheda's question about the death of her people in mount weather" Titus said and told the guards to open it. they opened the box and Clarke's eyes widened. "Carl Emerson" she said and Emerson growled and pushed her on the ground and attacked her. "get him out of here" Lexa shouted and went close to Clarke but Clarke pushed her hand away. Lexa stood there and Clarke grabbed her head in her hands.
Lexa and Titus were in the throne room alone. "what skykru did should be answered" Titus said and Lexa closed her eyes. "you're letting her affect your judgement" Titus said. "I thought you were supposed to be loyal to me Titus. I can't believe you think I made that decision because of Clarke" Lexa said. "I am loyal but you are making it too personal" Titus said and Clarke came in. "here she is" Titus said and Lexa closed her eyes and sighed. "you wanted to see me commander" Clarke said. "yes. We need to discuss the fate of the last mountain man" Lexa said. "I believe he deserves death" Titus said and Lexa looked at him. "she can speak for herself Titus" Lexa said. She turned and nodded to Clarke waiting for an answer. "Titus is right" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "see? It's human's nature to need revenge. That is our way" Titus said. "that WAS our way" Lexa said with a high tone and looked at Clarke. "Clarke" she said with a low tone and looked at her. Clarke looked at her sadly. "so blood must not have blood applies only when it is my people who bleed?" Lexa said disappointed. "that was about stopping a war. This is about finishing one" Clarke said and Lexa raised her eyebrows. "I'm sorry. But if you want my advice, I agree with Titus. He deserves to die for what he did" Clarke said. "I'm not looking for advice Clarke. I'm looking for a decision" Lexa said. "so what will it be then Clarke? banishment from our lands forever? Or death by 49 cuts by your hand? You have till sundown to decide" Lexa said and walked passed her.

Pike and Bellamy and some others were having a meeting. "we need fresh water and rich lands enough for everyone. So it will be till here" Pike said and showed a part on the map. "there are villages there" Bellamy said. "grounder villages" Monty's mom who was with pike, said. "they are civilians. We can't just kill them all" Monty said. Miller, one of the 100 who was with Kane, heard the conversation. "they are going to massacre villages now?" Kane said shocked. "tell Octavia. She knows their language. She can warn them" Miller said and Kane radioed Octavia. Abby came in. "Pike has taken the wounded grounders to prison. He says they shouldn't use our supplies" Abby said and Kane sighed. He went out and saw Bellamy. "I can't believe you" Kane said. "we didn't start anything" Bellamy said. "I hope you can live with yourself when it's all over" Kane said and walked past him.
Clarke went in the throne room and saw Emerson chained there. "give us a minute" Clarke said and the guards left the room. She pulled his cover off his head. "Carl Emerson mount weather security detail." Clarke said. "I heard what they call you now. Wanheda. Commander of death." He said. "I should have known it was you. There was no way the ice queen would know about mount weather self destructive system" Clarke said. "I didn't destroy mount weather. You did. 381 people. 182 men, 173 women, 26 children, two of them were mine" he said. "your president left me no choice." Clarke said and he screamed. "what? You don't want to face your demons?" he said and Clarke walked close him. "if you want mercy, you're gonna have to ask me for it." she said and he laughed. "I don't want mercy. I want you to suffer as much as I have" he said and Clarke walked out. "you can kill me Clarke, but you can't ever run away from what you have done" he shouted.
Clarke went in her room and saw Titus. "Titus, what are doing here?" she said. "you have spent so much time talking about peace. I think it's time we make peace with each other don't you think?" he said. "alright" she motioned him to sit down. "I appreciate the conflict that you are in Clarke, I do. After convincing Lexa not to take revenge it must be hard to take your own revenge" Titus said and Clarke looked at him. "perhaps now you can understand this new policy will be so hard for our people to accept." Titus said. "this has nothing to do with what happened to your army. Emerson is guilty. Wiping out my people for the crimes of a few is not justice. that's why Lexa accepted what I said." Clarke said. "did you not wipe out his people for what he did to yours? You are a leader Clarke. Lexa listens to you. Help me protect her. blood must not have blood is funny our people wil not accept it and I am afraid it might cost Lexa her life" Titus said. "I can't help you do something that will wipe out my people" Clarke said desperately. "then we are at a dead end" Titus said and went out.
Clarke went out into the city and found Raven. "Raven can you do something for me?" Clarke said.
In the throne room, everyone was there to see the fate of the last mountain man. Clarke came in and stood next to her chair and the doors opened and Lexa came in. "we come together tonight, as we have countless times before, to watch a man die." Lexa said and looked at Clarke. "Wanheda." Lexa said and took her knife out and gave it to the guard. The guard stood next to Emerson and Clarke came forward. "vengeance is your" Lexa said looking emotionless. She looked at Clarke strictly and Clarke looked at the dagger. "No" Clarke said and Titus's eyes widened. Lexa looked at her and everyone kept talking in the room. "I don't if death will bring me peace or not, I just know I don't deserve it" Clarke said looking at Emerson. "this man must die. If sky people don't do it, Heda will" Titus said. "Heda will speak for herself. Enough Titus" Lexa said. "what the hell is this?" Emerson said. "I wouldn't be killing you for what you've done." Clarke said. "I would be killing you for what I've done. I give this man his life. Blood must not have blood" Clarke said looking at Titus. Emerson shouted and everyone talked. "silence" Lexa said. "the crimes of the mountain, cannot be answered by one man. Wanheda knows this" Lexa said and Clarke nodded looking at her. "her actions show us a promise for a new future. A world in which violence does not always answer violence. A world in which our children can flourish, without the shadow of death" Lexa said and everyone stood silent. Clarke looked at her and nodded her head proudly and Lexa nodded back.
People of the Ark were planning their attack to the villages. Octavia went with her horse to warn them. she saw Arkaidia guards pointing their guns at a child in the woods. She saved the child and took him back to his village. "I am Octavia Kom skykru. You need to leave now. They are coming" she said panting. "you are one of them. why would we believe you" a man called Semet said.
"she saved my life" the child said. "come on. You need to hurry" Octavia begged. Semet nodded to another man and he started finding woods. They put them on each other and poured poison on them. "what is this?" Octavia said. "we are not leaving sky girl" Semet said and they tied Octavia to a tree.
Bellamy and some others arrived there and saw no one there. He saw Octavia. "Bellamy go it's a trap" she shouted and Semet shot a fire arrow to the wood and it exploded. Bellamy and the others shot their guns and killed everyone in the village.
There was a ceremony held in Polis because it was the day Lexa won the Conclave and it was her ascension day. Aden and the other night bloods were in the throne room with the ambassadors and Lexa, Anya and Titus. The doors opened and Semet went inside. "flame keeper promised us that our voices will be heard" Semet said. "Titus what is this about?" Lexa said. "there is something you should hear Heda" Titus said and she nodded. Semet bowed to Lexa and they dragged Octavia in with her mouth closed and her hands tied. "Octavia?" Clarke said shocked. "forgive me for intruding on this holy day, commander. I am Semet kom Trikru. I come seeking justice" he said. "explain yourself. Why do have Octavia kom skaikru as a prisoner?" Lexa said. "she is a prisoner of war Heda. Brought here to bear witness the crimes of her people" he said and Clarke walked forward. "what crimes?" Clarke said. "skaikru attacked their village." Titus said and Lexa looked at Clarke. "because their warriors were massacred while they were sent to protect you. Their village was defenseless." Titus said. "please commander. I beg you. Avenge us. Blood must have blood" he said and everyone said this after him. "death to skaikru" someone said. "you will respect the rule of this chamber" Titus said angrily.
Lexa opened the doors of her room madly. "how dare you bring this to me on ascension day?" Lexa said. "I did not bring this to you Heda. You did" Titus said and Lexa turned around. "against my advice you made Skaikru the 13th clan. They rejected this and killed 100 of your people but on the same place that they died, you decided to forgive the killers. Blood must not have blood has failed the only way to stop this is war" Titus said and Lexa looked at him. Anya rolled her eyes and looked at Clarke. "Clarke" Lexa said. "Clarke's opinion on this matter will be biased" Titus said. "he is right you know I will do everything to save my people" Clarke said and Lexa closed her eyes. "not everyone agrees with Pike" Clarke said.  "your people voted for Pike" Titus said to Clarke. "almost half of them voted for Kane. We need to give them time to see that they made the wrong choice and fix it" Anya said. "you think your people will take him out themselves" Lexa said. "we need to do something to prevent a war and your death" Anya said and Lexa looked at her. "if they use this time to plan their next attack, we must act now Heda. Make an example of the 13th clan. Show the other 12 what will happen if they defy you. You gained this when you killed the ice queen but the coalition is still fragile. If you don't act now" Titus said and Lexa raised her hand to stop him from talking. Anya and Clarke looked at her.
The went back into the throne room. "today I call upon the armies of the 12 clans to march on Arkadia." She said and Clarke sighed. "not to attack. But to contain" Lexa said and Semet looked at her madly. The ambassadors got up and Clarke closed her eyes. "we will blockade the 13th clan. We will keep them from the lands they wish to possess. We will give them time to take out their leader. Once they do that, we will welcome them back as one of ours" Lexa said and Octavia smiled shocked by Lexa's decision. "you heard the commander. Send riders" Titus said. "what are the orders Heda?" Anya said softly. Lexa looked at Clarke sadly. "any skaikru caught across the line will be subject to a kill order" Lexa said and Clarke had tears in her eyes. "Heda I don't understand. How is this vengeance?" Semet said. "it's not vengeance my brother. It's justice" Lexa said. "skaikru killed my sons and my brother and my wife. If the commander won't protect us, then what will" he shouted. "mind your words Semet" Titus said. "death to the commander" he said and attacked Lexa. Clarke's eyes widened and before she could take a step, Titus killed him. Anya was in front of Lexa. Titus turned to Lexa. "blood must have blood" he said.
Octavia was in Clarke's room. "no wonder you like it here" Octavia said. "stop" Clarke sighed. Octavia sat on the table and grabbed her head in her hands. "are you okay?" Clarke said. "I'm fine I'm worried about Lincoln" Octavia said. "I saw Indra in the crowd why wasn't she with Lexa?" Octavia said. "Indra isn't okay Octavia" Clarke said. "so what's the plan?" Octavia said. "I have to talk to her" Clarke said. "you just did and it ended with a kill order on our backs" Octavia said. "Lexa is trying her best to stop the 12 clans from wiping us out" Clarke said. "they will kill you, me and Lincoln the moment we go inside Arkaidia" Octavia said. "let me see what I can do. Raven is staying with Indra. Give her the radio see if she can contact anyone" Clarke said and went out.
Lexa was sitting the floor and closing her eyes. Clarke walked in and Lexa breathed. Clarke looked at her. "someone tried to kill you today. How are you this calm?" Clarke said and Lexa opened her eyes and looked at her. "you're angry about the kill order" she said and Clarke looked down. "yes" she said. "how else would you have me enforce a blockade?" Lexa said. Clarke stood silent. "so when do I have to leave?" Clarke said. Lexa got up. "we may be drawing a line but who can say you don't get to choose to stay on this side of it?" Lexa said hesitantly. "she said she shouldn't be disturbed" Titus said from the halls. "I know someone who might" Clarke said sarcastically and Lexa smiled. Clarke smiled and held her laugh when Titus came in. "wanheda. Your horses are ready" Titus said. "actually I have asked Clarke to stay in polis as my guest" Lexa said. Titus looked at her. "Clarke can you leave us for a minute?" Titus said and Clarke went out. Lexa turned around and sighed. "on this sacred day, I beg you to remember my teachings" he said and Lexa turned to him. "love is weakness. To be commander is to be alone" Titus said. "I will not hear this again" Lexa said frustrated. "yes you will. Your feelings for Clarke puts both of you in danger. The kill order must be fully enforced. If you care for Clarke, you will send her home and that is the only way that you will be safe" Titus said and Lexa looked down. "don't let her pay for your mistakes as Costia did" Titus said and Lexa glared at him. "MY mistakes? Azgeda cut off Costia's head and delivered it to my BED and still I let them into my alliance. I am more than capable of separating feelings from duty" Lexa shouted. "I'm sorry Lexa I didn't mean to offend you" Titus said. "yes you did. But you also mean well. I know where you stand teacher" Lexa said. "should I prepare for Clarke's departure?" Titus said. "that's up to Clarke" Lexa said.
Clarke was staring out of the window and Octavia came in. "what happened?" she said and Clarke looked at nowhere in silence. "she asked you to stay didn't she?" Octavia said and Clarke nodded. "well what did you say?" Octavia asked. "nothing. I said nothing" Clarke said. "we need you Clarke. if you are the person I think you are, you will be here for us to leave. Say your goodbyes. I am waiting for you at Indra's" Octavia said and went out. Clarke sighed and went towards Lexa's room.
Clarke went in Lexa's room and looked for her. Lexa came out of her bathroom with her hair on her shoulder. Clarke looked at her softly and sadly. "when do you leave?" Lexa said sadly. "now" Clarke said sadly and walked close to her. "I'm sorry" Clarke said. "don't be you have to go back they are your people. that's why I" Lexa said and stopped. Clarke looked at her. "that's you are you" Lexa said with tear in her eye softly. "maybe someday, you and I will owe nothing more to our people" Clarke said softly. "I hope so" Lexa smiled sadly holding her tears and held her hand out. "may we meet again" she said and Clarke held her forearm trying to look strong. she looked at Lexa's eyes and pulled her arm close and kissed Lexa's lips and put her hand on the back of Lexa's head. Lexa kissed her back with tear in her eyes and they pulled back for a moment to look at each other. Lexa shed a tear and Clarke kissed her again. They killed each other passionately filled with emotions that they took a long time to show. Clarke untied Lexa's shirt and they kissed each other again. Clarke took Lexa's arms and Lexa sat on the bed. She looked up and Clarke with tears and Clarke hovered over her and kissed her. after their love session, Clarke was laying behind Lexa supporting her head with her hand caressing Lexa's arm tattoo up and down as Lexa was laying with her back to Clarke and Closed eyes. She felt at peace for the first time in a long time. "if Octavia and I are gonna get behind the blockade by dawn" Clarke said. "shsh" Lexa said stopping her from talking about leaving and Clarke smiled. She caressed Lexa's back tattoo and traced it down with her finger. "it's so beautiful" Clarke said. "I got it on my ascension day. A circle for every night blood that died till the commander chose me" Lexa said with closed eyes. "7 circles. I thought you said there was 9 night bloods in your conclave" Clarke said. "there was" Lexa said softly. "what happened to number 8?" Clarke said and Lexa opened her eyes and turned around to face Clarke. "can we talk about something else?" Lexa said softly and Clarke smiled at her. "we don't have to talk at all" Clarke said smirking and Lexa smiled widely and they kissed each other again on the bed. Lexa got dressed and Clarke got out of bed and dressed too. Clarke looked at her sadly and Lexa pulled her in a hug. "I am waiting for you" Lexa said and Clarke sighed. "what if I'm wrong?" Clarke said and Lexa kissed her hand. "you are Wanheda. You are never wrong" Lexa said smirking and Clarke smiled. "take this" Clarke gave her a radio. "just in case" she said and Lexa nodded. Clarke caressed Lexa's cheek softly and Lexa closer her eyes. "you should go" Lexa said and Clarke nodded.
Clarke went in her room and saw Titus holding a gun and Murphy was tied to a chair. "Murphy what is going on" Clarke said shocked. "your friend was caught stealing" Titus said pointing the gun at her. "Titus what are you doing?" Clarke said afraid. "I'm sorry it came down to this Clarke" Titus said. "I'm leaving. Octavia is waiting for me" Clarke said with her hands up. "as long as you are alive, Lexa won't be able to do her duties" he said. "she will know it was you" Clarke said. "she will think it was him. It's your weapons." Titus said and shot. Clarke ran and Titus shot again. Clarke ran towards the door and Lexa opened it and got shot in the stomach. "Lexa" Clarke said shocked.

This chapter was so similar to the show but there will be a huge difference from next chapter

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