Chapter 8: Our People

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Everyone was working hard on the plans. Raven on how to turn defenses off. Bellamy trying to protect the rest of the 100 from mountain men. They were getting lost one by one and their bone marrow was getting extracted for mountain men to be able to live on earth. Lexa and Clarke and the rest of the war chiefs were trying to work on ways to attack for less casualties. Octavia became Indra's second. Abby and Kane were trying to keep the peace between grounders and Sky people.
Clarke was in Lexa's tent and was looking at the maps and notes. Lexa was laying on the bed with closed eyes. "Clarke don't tire your mind" she said keeping her eyes closed. "it has to work and there has to be something we haven't thought of yet" Clarke said and Lexa opened her eyes and rolled them and got off the bed. She went to the table and gathered the maps and notes and put them away. "listen to me" Lexa said when she saw Clarke being annoyed by her action. "plans don't work in battle. The more plans you have, the more confused you are going to be. You are making the same mistakes I did when I first took command. If you trust your men, then put your faith in them" Lexa said and Clarke looked away. "what if I just put their lives at danger" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "the truth is we should look into the eyes of our warriors and say, go die for me" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her frustrated. "I didn't ask to be a leader" she said annoyed and Lexa didn't say anything for a minute. "you care about him" she said. "I care about all of them" Clarke said coming closer to her. "yet you care about him more" Lexa said avoiding Clarke's eyes. "I couldn't keep everyone alive if it wasn't for him." She said and Lexa faced Clarke and Anya came inside. "Clarke. Raven radioed" she said and Clarke took the radio and pressed the button. "raven" she said. "Bellamy said that its going to be over in 24 hours. We only have 24 hours till they are all sent for bone marrow extraction. Their leader has changed and it's the son now. He isn't as kind as his dad. We should hurry" she said. "have you found a way to turn off the acid fog?" Lexa said. "we have but Bellamy has to do it manually" Raven said. "be in contact. Over and out" Clarke said and gave Anya the radio. Lexa motioned her to leave. "Can you rest now?" Lexa said softly from behind Clarke and she turned around. "it's good to be nervous before battle Clarke. But you should rest so you can use your best weapon" Lexa said. "I have used my gun with only 2 hours of sleep before. I'm fine" Clarke said. "your biggest weapon isn't you gun Clarke." Lexa said and Clarke looked at her confused. Lexa put Clarke's hair behind her ear and Clarke couldn't move. So surprised by the sudden affection. "it's your mind Clarke. We need your brain" Lexa said softly. "your brain is what we need" Clarke said raising her eyebrow and Lexa smiled softly. "rest" she said.
Octavia was sitting beside the fire and Indra was beside her. "how can you forget what Lexa has done?" Octavia said all of a sudden knowing Lincoln and Indra already knew. "Lexa is ruthless. That's why she is an amazing leader" Indra said. "Lexa thinks more than she shows. Knows more than she seems. If she has done that, then she had a good reason to do that. She wouldn't risk Bellamy's life" Lincoln said and Octavia nodded. Lexa came out of her tent and saw them. "Indra, go join Anya to review the plans" she said and Indra went. She sat beside the fire with Lincoln and Octavia in silence. "is your shoulder okay? Clarke shot you" Lexa said and Lincoln nodded and smiled at her. Octavia stood up to leave and Lexa asked her to stay. "Lincoln, I need something from you" Lexa said. "in the attack tomorrow, I want you to stay with Clarke no matter what happens. Protect her" she said and Octavia looked at Lincoln. Lincoln bowed his head "yes Heda" he said. "what should I do?" Octavia said and Lexa looked at her. "when we get to Bellamy, stay with him" she said looking at the fire then she stood up and patted Lincoln's shoulder before leaving. Octavia looked at Lincoln shocked. "see?" he said and hugged her so they could sleep.
Lexa went in her tent and opened a box and took out a pike and a piece of braided hair. She caressed them. Anya came inside and saw her. Lexa didn't notice her. she put them back in the box and stood up and saw Anya. "tomorrow, you can avenge their death" Anya said. "I'm not the only one who has lost her parents to mountain men. They have taken a lot from us" Lexa said. Anya gave her the bottle she was drinking from and sat on the ground and Lexa sat Next to her sharing the drink. "I wish you don't put anything else in that box" Anya said. "don't die then" Lexa said resting her head to the wall "you should tell this to someone else too" Anya said "what are you talking about?" Lexa said. "Clarke has like 10 guards Lexa and you still asked Lincoln to be with her" Anya said. "I can keep Clarke safe but you have a bad habit of getting lost or almost dying so" she said sarcastically and Anya laughed. "Titus will be happy" Anya said sarcastically and Lexa chuckled painfully. "there is nothing for him to be happy about yet but he is going to lecture me every day from the moment I reach Polis" Lexa said. "love is weakness Lexa" Anya said imitating Titus's voice and made Lexa laugh. "the influence is there though" Lexa said sadly. "I know" Anya said. They drank the whole bottle and Anya went back to her tent and slept.
Clarke woke up in the middle of the night and went outside her tent. She saw Lexa sitting by a fire on her own. "can't sleep?" Clarke asked and snapped Lexa out of her thoughts and sat beside her. "the commanders before me, they talk to me in my sleep" she said. Clarke looked at her "they warned me about my own army tomorrow" Lexa continued. "I'm sure you will make the best possible decision" Clarke said and Lexa looked at the fire. "it's not about what my decision is. It's about how much time I spend making the right one" Lexa said and Clarke sat closer to the fire. "why are you awake?" Lexa asked. "I don't have commanders in my head but I'm pretty sure I have demons" Clarke joked and Lexa chuckled. "nightmare?" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. "what will you do when it's all over?" Lexa said. "I have no idea" Clarke said. "well what do you want?" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "my friends back for now. Can't think passed tomorrow" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "you should come with me to the capital. Polis will change the way you think about us" Lexa said. "you already have" Clarke said and smiled at her. "Clarke" Lexa said when Clarke was getting up and got up. "don't get hurt" she said. "tell your spirit to stay where it is" Clarke said and they smiled looking at the ground.
The night was over and finally it was the day of the battle. Bellamy shut down the acid fog manually but in doing so, he blew up his cover. Mount weather leader, Cage, turned it on again and the army had no Idea. Some people in mount weather helped Bellamy and the 100 but there was no time for Bellamy to go and release the grounder army from their cages. His Radio didn't work and it was jammed. Raven couldn't radio Clarke either so she took off and reached Ton dc before everyone else. "Clarke" she shouted and Clarke and Lexa came out so did Anya, Indra and Octavia.
"the acid fog is still on, can't contact Bellamy. We have no time. The grounder army is still in cages." She said going out of breath. Clarke looked at Lexa and Lexa went in her tent. "hey don't" Anya stopped Clarke from going inside.
Lexa sat down on the ground and closed her eyes. "help me" she whispered and tried to focus. She opened her eyes after some minutes and went outside. She gave raven the radio. "if you are as good as Clarke says, I want you to work on this for now. Try as hard as you can to contact Bellamy" she said and Raven just looked at Clarke desperately. "what's on your mind?" Clarke said grabbing her arm. "something you won't like" Lexa said.
"someone is working on the same radio" Raven said and suddenly it started buzzing. "raven do you copy" Monty's voice was heard. "Monty thank god you were awake in classes" Raven said. "I'm in the control room we have locked it from inside. I'm going to hack into the server to turn off the acid fog but there is no way we are able to rescue the army and they will find all of us in like 10 minutes, top" he said and Lexa motioned Anya to go with her. "we will find a way. hang in there" Clarke said. "work on the fog. I will try to find a way to distract the guards." Raven said. "what if you turn off the air lock of one floor?" Clarke said. "no there are children in here." Bellamy said. "I will find a way" Raven said and looked at Clarke. "sometimes I don't know if I should be afraid of you or Lexa" Raven said. "none of us. We are doing our best" Clarke said and went inside the tent to ask Lexa about her not so brilliant plan.
"we can't do this without the other clans Heda" Anya said with a low tone. "do what?" Clarke said. "I wanna accept their deal" Lexa said looking at the table. "what deal? Are you crazy?" Clarke said with a high tone. "a deal to get my people back. They sent a letter when you were in Camp Jaha" Lexa said looking at her. "if you get your people back before the war, your army won't fight. Clan leaders won't fight" Clarke said. "yes" Lexa said. "but you don't care do you?" Clarke said. "I do care Clarke. But the duty to protect my people comes first" Lexa said. "our people" Clarke said with higher tone. "tell me Clarke, if their leader offered you a deal to take back your friends, wouldn't you accept it right away?" Lexa said looking straight to her eyes. "I don't betray my friends." Clarke said. "yet you killed the boy you liked for us to have an alliance to save your people" Lexa said and Clarke just looked at her. "you are making me regret doing that" Clarke said. "I'm not betraying you. I will fight beside you. But I can't put the lives of my warriors in the hands of luck. If we are lucky, things will go the way we want them to go. But if we are not, and I could save my people another way, the coalition will fall" Lexa said and Anya looked at her. knowing how hard she is trying. "we will give our army a choice" Anya said. "after we get our people. we give a choice to fight or go back" she said. "what if they all choose to go back?" Clarke said. "then it's time for you to have faith in us" Anya said. "why didn't you tell me about the offer?" Clarke asked Lexa. "because I didn't have to accept it. but Bellamy failed Clarke. We underestimated our enemy's technological power. Because now, if I don't take it, they are going to be the bait between enemy and us. We will be in the exact situation they want us to be. I won't risk my people's lives anymore. No matter how much that makes you resent me" Lexa said and went out. "Lexa made this coalition on the blood of so many friends" Anya said after moments of silence. "she is the coalition. She is the only commander who tried to do this and didn't fail because she knows when to retreat" she continued and Clarke stood silent. "she didn't avenge Costia because of the coalition" she said and Clarke looked at her. "you would do the same and you know it Clarke. You and Lexa are not so different." Anya said and left Clarke in the tent alone.
"let's move" the 12 clan's armies and the sky people started moving towards mount weather. Anya and Lexa were ahead and the rest were behind them. Clarke walked to the front and stood beside Lexa and walked next to her. "only I will understand why you did it" Clarke said. "it's enough" Lexa said. "my people will resent you" Clarke said. "don't they already?" Lexa said and walked faster. Clarke sighed while walking next to Anya. "have you told anyone?" Anya said and Clarke shook her head. "tell Octavia" Anya said and walked faster to reach Lexa.
"we wait here" Lexa said and Anya raised her hand up to stop the warriors behind them. "are you sure about this?" Anya asked Lexa. "they will say I am weak either way. but this way, those who don't have to, won't die" Lexa said. "should we wait a little more?" Anya said and Lexa nodded. "Clarke" the radio buzzed and Clarke picked it up. "Bellamy" she said. "the fog is down but-" he said and the Radio got jammed again. "crap" Clarke said frustrated and Anya nodded to Lexa. "we still have our last chance." She said and brought out the control Raven made for them to blow their gates up. she nodded to Clarke and they pressed the button together. But nothing blew up. they pressed it again and still nothing blew up. Clarke looked at Lexa desperately and Lexa looked at her with pain. Again, she had to choose between her heart and her head. "I'm sorry" Lexa said and got up to accept cage's offer to take her people back. Octavia and Lincoln already knew Lexa's decision because Clarke had told them on the way. "stay with her. no matter what happens" Lexa said grabbing Lincoln's forearm. "I trust you. My friend" she said and left to meet with Emerson, the only other mountain man who got bone marrow treatment besides cage.
A horn was blown and the grounder army stood back. Abby and Kane and other sky people who had no idea of what was happening. Clarke and Octavia stood next to each other. The grounder army who was being kept inside the mountain got out of the front door. Lexa stood there and watched this. they all went back to their families. Clarke looked at Lexa with a broken heart and an understanding mind. the biggest battle they were both facing at the same time between their hearts and minds.
The snipers started shooting and the sky people forced their way inside mount weather. Clarke shooting with 2 guns and Octavia and Lincoln behind her fighting with her. they united with Bellamy and 2 others. "the rest are taken. We escaped" Bellamy said
Back in the woods. Lexa stood on a stone. "our people are safe. For now, we are safe and sound. We can go home" she said and her army cheered for her. "or, we can go and fight with the enemy who has tortured us, killed us, made us into monsters, used us as medicine, for years" Lexa continued. "with all due respect Heda, my warriors will not fight a war that they know they will lose" Lake clan leader said and 10 other leaders agreed with him and Lexa nodded. They went back group by group and at last only Trikru remained. "if the commander wants to fight with mountain men, trikru will fight next to her" Indra said. "we have lost a lot commander" one warrior said. "let us go and kill all of them" someone else said and Anya looked at Lexa proudly. They covered themselves in mud and war paint. they went slowly near the door and the caves. Lexa motioned them and they went inside the mount weather.
Guards were coming from everywhere. Clarke was with Lincoln and Octavia was with Bellamy. The rest of their people were captured for bone marrow extraction. Including Clarke's mom and raven. Clarke and Lincoln were surrounded by guards and suddenly Lexa and Anya ran shouting and killed them all. "we will take care of the guards. Find your people" Lexa said and went with Anya.
Clarke and Bellamy captured Cage's dad. "Cage. If you don't let our people go, your father will be dead" Clarke said and Cage became soft for a moment just to hear a gun shot from the radio. His father killed himself for his son to continue what he was doing.
"we have to do this" Clarke said while looking at the air lock lever. "Clarke no. there are children in here." Bellamy said desperately. "you won't be able to live with yourself Clarke" Octavia said. "I bear it, so they don't have to" she said and pulled the lever. Radiation alarms sounded and Bellamy and Octavia went to get their people. so many people were unable to walk. Lexa was done with the last guard in sight. "no" Anya said knowing it was Clarke who did that. Lexa killed the guard that was trying to kill Clarke at the door and the guy dropped on the floor. "Clarke" she said breathing hard with blood on her face. Clarke walked to her and put her knife on Lexa's throat and cried. "I'm sorry" Lexa whispered and Clarke shook her head crying and hugged her. "we should go now" Lexa said and Clarke grabbed her arm. "you should go. My people can't see you right now." She said and Anya pulled Lexa and they went back with her people. "stay with your girlfriend" Lexa said when she saw Lincoln going with them. "but" Lincoln said sadly. "Lincoln kom Trikru, you are banned from our lands till the time I say otherwise" Lexa said trying to control her tears. She knew Lincoln would go to her because of his loyalty to his people. Clarke looked at the radiated bodies fallen on the ground. Jasper was holding his girlfriend in his arms. "you did this" he said and cried. Clarke was controlling herself. She hugged her mom and Raven. "let's go" she said and they went back to Camp Jaha.
At the door, Clarke stopped. "I'm not going in there" Clarke said. "this is your home Clarke" Bellamy said sadly. "I can't see them every day and remember what I have done to take them back" she said. "what are you going to do?" he said. "I have to do this on my own. Survive on my own. I bear it so they don't have to." She said and kissed his cheek. She hugged Octavia. "will you go to polis?" Octavia said. "I might. But not now. I can't look at her either." Clarke said. She walked away with Lincoln's notebook so she wouldn't get lost. Wanheda was born. Commander of death.

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