Chapter 9: Heda and Wanheda

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It had been 3 months since Clarke left Camp Jaha which was now called, Arkaidia. Abby and some others were looking for Clarke and were worried about her. back in Polis, Lexa was under a lot of pressure. Ever since she went back for Sky people to fight mount weather, some of the clans called her "weak" for not being able to do what Clarke, who they referred to as Wanheda, mountain slayer did. Everyone was looking for Clarke. From her family to the ice queen. "the ice queen has sent killers for Clarke" Anya said and Lexa nodded to her while standing on her balcony. "call Titus" Lexa said and Anya bowed her head. "you sent for me Heda" he said and bowed. "I will be going for a few days with Anya. Take care of things here before I come back" she said. "Heda, you shouldn't be gone at this crucial time." He said and Anya wanted to say something. "take care of things. I have to do this and you know it" Lexa said. "you have to take her power" he said. "I will do things my way. you do your job" Lexa said and he bowed and went. "god I can't stand that guy" Anya said. "he is worried about my life." Lexa said and Anya nodded. "you need her Lexa. Not Wanheda. You need Clarke" Anya said and Lexa looked at the sky sadly. "we will leave by the time it gets dark" Lexa said and Anya left.
Indra gave them the map and marked the place she last saw Clarke while following her on Lexa's orders. Lexa and Anya left in the middle of the night. After hours, they reached the cabin Indra had marked. Lexa was going that Anya pulled her back. "look" she whispered. 3 men with Azgeda war paint were waiting outside the cabin. Lexa motioned Anya to go. They killed them and knocked the door. A girl opened the door. "Niylah" Anya said and Lexa came out from behind her. "Heda" she said shocked. "come in" Niylah went away and Lexa went in and took her hood off. "Niylah" Clarke said and came out of the room Niylah gave her and stopped when she saw Lexa. "hello Clarke" Lexa said. "Clarke" Anya said happily. "Anya" Clarke said softly. "commander" she continued and bowed her head a little. Lexa nodded to Anya and she left with Niylah. "what do you want?" Clarke said looking away. "I want you to come with me" Lexa said. "no thank you" Clarke said. "Clarke, the ice queen is looking for you. I can't let her take you" Lexa said. "I can protect myself" Clarke said. "oh yeah? Then you probably know 3 men tried to kill you, moments ago" Lexa said. "Lexa, just leave" Clarke said frustrated. "Clarke" Lexa said and walked towards her. "no. stay where you are" Clarke said with teary eyes and Lexa stopped. "come with me. I will send for your mother to come and take you to Arkaidia" she said. "you went into all this trouble just to let me go?" Clarke said. "I went to all that trouble, to save you" Lexa said. "you know when I needed saving? When that door didn't blow" Clarke said. "Clarke I came back for you" Lexa said. "you were late" Clarke said and a tear fell off her eye. "Clarke I know you. It's easier to hate me than to hate yourself" Lexa said. "oh I can do both" Clarke said and wiped her tear. "what do you want?" Clarke said. "I want you to stay next to me. bow before me. I want your people to become my people. become the 13th clan." Lexa said. "so this is what it's about? I made you look weak so you need Wanheda to bow to you?" Clarke said. "Clarke. Your people are not safe. You are not safe. If you get in the hands of the ice queen, she will kill you" Lexa said. "my people? don't you see? I'm done. I left" Clarke said. "you can't run away from who you are Clarke" Lexa said. "watch me" Clarke said looking right into her eyes and turned around. Lexa grabbed her arm and turned her around. "let me go" Clarke said. "Lexa let me go" she started crying and Lexa hugged her. she put her head on Lexa's shoulder. "Clarke" Lexa said softly. "I'm sorry" she said and caressed Clarke's hair and she hugged her tighter and cried out loud. "I need Clarke. I don't need Wanheda. You don't need to do anything. Just come with me" she said softly. "I will come with you" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "I have to think about this. you, me, your offer. Will you respect that?" Clarke said. "I just want you to be safe" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "is Niylah safe?" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "Niylah is going to be okay. You being here is more dangerous for her" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. Anya came in and Clarke went to pack her things. "how did you convince her?" Anya said. "I didn't. yet" Lexa said and Clarke came out. she hugged Anya. "I'm so glad you are alive" Anya said and Clarke smiled. "if you ever need anything, you can count on me" Niylah told Clarke and smiled at her. Anya looked at Lexa and Lexa went out. Clarke and Anya went out and walked behind her. "is she okay?" Clarke asked Anya. "she will be" Anya said and Clarke nodded looking at Lexa from behind. "we should rest here" Lexa said. "why didn't we just stay at Niylah's?" Clarke said. "that place was exposed" Lexa said without looking at her and started making fire. Clarke looked at Anya. "what is wrong with her?" Clarke whispered. "You already know" Anya said and patted her shoulder.
They took some sleep and started moving towards Polis. They reached Polis and was greeted by Titus. A week went by and Clarke wouldn't come out of the room. Lexa was training with the night bloods. Titus came and she stopped. "they are here" Titus said and Lexa nodded. "training is over for today. Rest" she told the night bloods and they went. "you still think the summit is a bad idea" Lexa said. "you mean well Heda, but now is not the time for good intentions. Queen Naia will stand against you" he said. "I will not let the fear of war, dictate our agenda. Sky people live on our lands now." She said. "why are you doing this? you know Naia will rise against you. Yet you are now offering a seat on our table to the sky people" he said. "Naia will sit down when she sees Wanheda bow before me" Lexa said. "she won't even see you. Yet all you do is elevate her. why?" he said. "Clarke elevates herself. She is special." She said. "you are special Lexa" Titus said. "sky people didn't come here to become the 13th clan. They came here to take Clarke back. You have to kill her to prove your strength to the coalition" he continued and Lexa raised her arm to silence him. "Heda, Clarke wants to see you" Anya said. "bring the prince of Azgeda to the meeting room" Lexa told Titus and nodded to Anya and they left.
She took a deep breath before going in Clarke's room after a week and opened the door. "you wanted to see me?" she said facing Clarke's back. "Clarke" she called her and she turned around. "I never wanted any of this. when we came to the ground, I didn't want to fight and kill to survive. You made me do that. Twice" she said. "but the thing is, I understand you" she continued. "I don't know how I can possibly do that but I do. Because if it was the other way around, I would do the same" she said looking at a wall. "I never meant to turn you into this" Lexa said softly. "well you did" she turned to face Lexa with a lump in her throat and Lexa looked at her sadly. "you are free to go. Your mother is here I will have you escorted to her" Lexa said and turned to leave. "wait" Clarke said. "I'm not finished" she said. "I don't trust you" she continued. "but I trust your rules. The only way my people are safe from the ice nation, is bowing to you" she said and Lexa nodded.
Abby and Kane were waiting in another room. "why isn't she here?" Abby said and the door opened. Clarke came in and Abby ran and hugged her. she pulled back. "I have something important to tell you" Clarke said and Abby nodded. "the ice nation is trying to dethrone Lexa. She offered to make us the 13th clan so we will be protected under her command" she said and Abby looked at her in surprise. "she left us in that mountain to die" she said. "she came back to help. Now that help has made her look weak" Clarke said. "that's none of our business" Abby said. "if Lexa is dethroned, we will be wiped out in seconds" Kane said and Clarke nodded. "what is going to keep her on her throne?" Abby said. "Me" Clarke said and Kane looked at her. the doors opened and Anya came inside. "Clarke, its time" she said and Clarke left. "why does she accept everything Lexa says?" Abby said. "because they think the same way" Kane said.
The meeting started. Lexa wore a long black dress. 12 clans ambassadors and Kane and Abby were in the room. The door opened and Clarke came in with a long golden dress. Lexa looked at her. she walked towards Lexa and stopped in front of her throne. Lexa looked at her eyes and Clarke looked back at hers. She sat on one knee and bowed her head to her. the rest of the clan ambassadors knelt and bowed. Kane and Abby did the same. "hail warriors of the 12 clans" Lexa said. "Hail commander of the blood" they said. "Rise" she said and everyone stood up. she looked at Clarke and she got up and nodded to her. Clarke stood next to her people. "we welcome sky kru to our halls in spirit of friendship and harmony and we welcome Clarke kom skykru. Legendary Wanheda, mountain slayer. The reason for this summit has changed. We are not here to negotiate with skaikru but rather to initiate them into the coalition." She said and the ambassadors started talking. "to symbolize this union, the leader of skykru should wear our mark" Lexa said and looked at Kane and Abby. Abby looked at Kane "the honor should be yours" she said and Kane nodded. Lexa nodded her head. "present your arm" Lexa said and Kane folded her shirt up and they burned the mark of the coalition on his arm. suddenly the doors opened and Bellamy and Octavia came in distressed holding their weapons. "what's the meaning of this?" Titus said and Bellamy looked at Clarke. "this summit is a trap" Bellamy said. "what are you talking about. Who gave you this information?" Anya said angrily. Bellamy's radio started buzzing. "Bellamy. Bellamy come in" Raven's voice was heard. "Raven what happened" Bellamy said. "grounders. They attacked the drop ship and mount weather. almost everyone is dead only me and 2 others were outside" Raven said and Clarke looked at Lexa. "commander what's happening?" she said "I don't know" Lexa said angrily and the ice nation ambassador came forward. "sky people shouldn't have stayed in mount weather and Trikru lands. we did what Lexa was too weak to do" he said looking at Lexa's eyes. "guards take the ice nation ambassadors. Including the prince" she shouted and they took them into prisons. "you should go. I will send an army to protect arkaidia for the time being. We will stand together" she said to Kane and Abby. "Clarke we need you to come back" Bellamy said. "we need a skykru ambassador in polis" Lexa said. "she isn't safe here" he said madly. "Clarke will be safe under my protection" Lexa said and Clarke hugged her mom. "she left us to die" Bellamy said with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" Clarke said. Octavia hugged her and grabbed forearms with Indra. She went to Lexa. "the only thing I definitely trust you with, is Clarke's life. May we meet again" Octavia said and Lexa grabbed her forearm. "tell Lincoln I said hi" she said and Octavia nodded.
Lexa went and stood next to Clarke. "still think becoming the 13th clan was a bad idea?" Lexa said with a low tone and Clarke looked at her. "it's still a terrible idea. But thank you for doing this" she said. Titus came and bowed to Lexa. "can we talk for a moment?" he said and Lexa nodded. Went towards the door with him. "queen Naia will be taken here in the morning" he said worried. "I know Titus. I know why you are worried. But this is something I had to do" she said. "I hope you know what you are doing" he said and bowed to her.
Clarke was standing facing the throne and Lexa closed the door and went to her. "thank you for staying" Lexa said. "I did what was right for my people" Clarke said. "our people" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "if you betray me again" Clarke said. "I won't" Lexa stopped her from talking. She looked at Clarke's eyes and knelt on her knees in front of her. "I swear fealty to you, Clarke kom skykru. I vow to treat your needs as my own and your people as my people" she said and Clarke looked at her softly. She reached her hand out and waited for Lexa to take it. Lexa looked at Clarke's hand and then at her eyes. She put her hand in Clarke's and Clarke helped her get up. they looked at each other softly. "Wanheda may have bowed to Heda but I was the one who had to bow to you for forgiveness" Lexa said after moments of silence and Clarke looked at her. she was different without her war paint. "what will happen tomorrow?" Clarke asked. "the queen will be questioned" Lexa said. "there is something I don't understand. It was almost a month ago. Why did prince Roan kill 5 of his own people to save me and take me to Niylah?" Clarke said and Lexa got up. "because he was there on my orders. I promised to lift his banishment if he was able to either get you here or to a safe place" Lexa said. "then why is he still banished?" Clarke said and Lexa stood silent. "you bailed" Clarke said shaking her head. "I was going to lift it. but then he would go to his mother and kill you to prove himself" Lexa said. "I couldn't risk it" she continued. "you should sleep Clarke. Tomorrow is a big day" Lexa said and went out. Anya checked in with the guards and knocked on Clarke's door. Clarke opened the door and smiled. "no problems?" Anya said and Clarke shook her head. Anya sat on the couch in the room and Clarke sat in front of her. "I'm so glad you chose to stay" Anya said. "I stayed because it was the right thing to do for my people" Clarke said and Anya rose her eyebrow. "what?" Clarke said. "nothing. I just don't think you did it just for your people" Anya said. "I don't know" Clarke said and Anya stood up and patted her back.
the next day, Clarke woke up with some sounds in the halls. A knock was heard. She got up and coughed to get her voice back. "come in" she said with a husky voice. Lexa came in "I'm sorry I woke you up" Lexa said softly. "no, when is the meeting?" Clarke said and Lexa looked at the guard and nodded. "I thought maybe you were not comfortable eating in a place filled with other ambassadors" she said and they brought food for Clarke and put it on the table. "you didn't have to do that" Clarke said and Lexa smiled and nodded to her. "eat and then come to meeting room. No need to hurry the meeting is in a few hours" Lexa said and left.
Clarke finished eating and went out of her room. She looked around the tower and went outside and saw Night bloods training. "impressive isn't it?" Anya said and Clarke jumped. "your trikru walk freaks me out every time" Clarke said and Anya chuckled. "commander told me to take you ambassador" Anya said and Clarke went with her. Titus and Lexa were arguing with a low tone and Anya coughed to get Lexa's attention. Clarke saw a chair with Ark Icon flag above it. "you asked for me commander" she said and Lexa nodded. "leave us" she looked at Titus and said. He went out and Lexa turned to Clarke. "Queen Naia is here Clarke" Lexa said and she looked at her. "I have chosen some guards for your room. She will try to get to you. They will be with you all day" Lexa said and Clarke nodded at her worried. "are you safe?" Clarke said and Anya sighed. "Lexa" she called again but the door opened. "Heda the ambassadors are here" Titus said and Lexa sat on her throne. They came inside and bowed to her. Clarke sat on her chair too which was the closest to the throne. "bring in the accused" Lexa said. They brought queen Naia in chains and everyone looked at her. she looked directly at Clarke. They pushed her to the ground and she stared at Lexa's eyes and Lexa stared back at hers. "queen Naia of azgeda has confessed to everything. Wanheda, what do you say?" Titus said and Lexa looked at Clarke. "skykru demands justice" Clarke said. "ice nation doesn't answer to this girl" Naia said. "silence, the punishment of this crime is death. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" Titus said. "I don't need any defense. She does" she said looking at Lexa. "today is judgement day. I call for a vote of no confidence" Naia said. "take this traitor out" Titus said and one of the ambassadors stood up. "not so fast. Commander no longer" he said and 2 said after him. "take these ones too" Titus said and Lexa raised her hand up. "Heda" he said and Anya looked at Lexa worried. "let her make her move" she said and all 12 clans stood up. "commander what is happening?" Clarke said. "this is a coup" Lexa said. "this is a law. Her law. A unanimous vote of the ambassadors or death is all that can move a commander off power" Naia said. "well it's not unanimous." Clarke said. "we don't recognize sky people as one of our own" Naia said. "we do. They took the brand of the coalition. This vote of no confidence has failed. All of these traitors will face the same fate as the ice queen" Titus said. "she won't take our heads because she knows our armies will retaliate. None of us wants war" Naia said. "we both know what you want Naia" Lexa said angrily and stood up and walked towards her. "if you think me unfit to command, issue the challenge and let get on with it" Lexa said looking straight in her eyes. "fine. You are challenged" Naia said. "and I accept your challenge" Lexa said and Clarke looked worried. "then its settled. A single combat, warrior against warrior till death" Titus said and Clarke looked at Lexa. "queen Naia, who do you choose as your fighter?" Titus said and she looked at her son. "My son, prince Roan of Azgeda" she said and Lexa walked back to her throne. Anya walked forward. "Heda, who do you choose" Titus said. Clarke looked at Anya desperately.
"I am the commander. No one fights for me" Lexa said

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