Chapter 29: Commander of the blood (1)

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"I can't let anything happen to Maddie" Clarke said gripping on the gun in her hands while she aimed it at her friend.
the room was silent. Lincoln stood in front of Octavia. "Clarke think this through, you kill me, my people kill you Maddie still becomes a commander" Octavia said and Clarke shed a tear and aimed at her more.
"I don't want her to become a commander either. She is a child Clarke" Octavia said and took her sword out. "I think you, me and Lexa know more than anyone how much it breaks a person to lead" Octavia said and Clarke took a step back.
"the only person who wants Maddie to be commander less than me, is you and you know that I can kill you now before you can fire the gun so why don't we just settle" Octavia said and Clarke sighed and took her gun away. 

Maddie was unconscious on the ground and Lexa ran and hugged her. "Maddie?" Lexa said softly.
Maddie wouldn't wake up and she shook her more. "Maddie" she said loud. "why doesn't she wake up?" Bellamy said. "the flame affects every commander differently. She should wake up" Gaia said. Lexa grabbed her dagger and put it on Gaia's neck. "if anything happens to my child Gaia, you will wish I had killed you." Lexa said. "Titus said you were screaming for hours. Maddie will wake up. trust me Heda, I will never harm her." Gaia said and Lexa just walked away and held Maddie and put her on the table.

The guards came inside and aimed at Bellamy. Clarke walked in and stood in front of Bellamy. "Clarke" Bellamy said and Clarke slapped him and shook her head at him.
"I need to get it out" Clarke said and Lexa stopped her. "the flame is linking with her mind. if you take it out now, she may not wake up anymore" Lexa said softly.
Octavia came inside. "so much for the Blakes Brother" Octavia said. "Clarke what did you do?" Bellamy said. "you already know" Clarke said with a lump and looked at Octavia. "I can't take it out" Clarke said with tears in her eyes. "take them to the rover" Octavia said to her guard. "I will go get Aden" Lexa said and Clarke nodded.

the guard put Maddie in the rover and Clarke looked at her and caressed her face softly. Maddie opened her eyes slowly. "Clarke" Maddie said. "Hi, you're okay I'm here" Clarke said caressing her hair. The guard aimed his guards at them.
Clarke turned around and raised her arms. "no.. no please. We had a deal. you don't have to do this. we are leaving now" Clarke said. "gon Bloodreina (for the red queen)" he said. "put the gun down Joroum" Maddie said with a calm voice.
 Clarke looked at her shocked. "you are Joroum kom sangedakru. Son of Lisbeth kom Sangedakru. You served with honor in the royal guard of Lexa kom Trikru. You believe in her, now believe in me" Maddie said and Clarke had tears in her eyes. He looked at her and knelt down. "Heda" he said and Lexa shot him. "why did you do that?" Maddie said while Lexa was helping Aden to sit in the trunk. "you know why" Lexa said and closed the door.

Clarke was driving and Maddie was sleeping. Lexa was grabbing her head in her hands and Aden was looking at her. "I know that you wanted to prevent that from happening" Aden said and Lexa sighed.
"we can still get it out" Clarke said and Lexa sighed and looked at Aden. "how are you feeling?" Lexa said and he smiled. "like I was shot in the stomach" Aden said and Lexa smiled sadly. They stopped the rover to rest and Clarke was looking at Maddie. Clarke took her hand close to Maddie's neck and Maddie woke up. "no" Maddie said and ran out.
Clarke ran after her. "I'm going back" Maddie said and Clarke pulled her. "that thing will not stay in your head" Clarke said. "Clarke" Lexa said.
"If you want to take the flame out, you have to kill me" Maddie said. "Maddie" Clarke said frustrated. "what? You are willing to let Bellamy, Gaia and Indra die. Why not me" Maddie shouted. "get back to the rover" Clarke said loudly.
 "why are you doing this? commanders don't run away I have to go back" Maddie said. "good thing you are not a commander" Clarke said and Maddie started walking again. "dammit Maddie. you wanna know why I'm doing this? okay I will show you" Clarke said going to get Lexa's journal and Lexa stopped her. "she has to see" Clarke said and Lexa shook her head and Clarke shed a tear.
"Octavia won't run away and because of you she will go on war. Thousands of people will die. Your people." Maddie said to Lexa and Lexa looked at her. "you are the one who united 12 clans with only 3 wars" Maddie said and Clarke looked at Lexa because Maddie was saying things Lexa never had told her.
 "I don't want war Maddie. I hate war and you should know it more than anyone by now. But we can't stop Octavia if we get back. Wonkru will kill all of us and she will still go to war because she is broken now" Lexa said and grabbed her face. "The flame doesn't make you wise if you don't know how to use it" Lexa said and Maddie looked at Clarke and nodded to Lexa.

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