chapter 2: Commander Lexa

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Lexa was beyond what everyone expected. Trikru would die for her. But she wanted peace. Her agenda was always peace. Titus was amazed by her every day. He was the fleimkepa of 2 commanders before Lexa but he respected Lexa more than anyone.
Lexa was calm. She was charismatic , righteous , smart.
After a year of being the commander of Trikru, she decided to go to each clan. She didn't want war. Even though she was the commander, each clan had their own leader. Lexa wanted them to be united. With each clan being led by an individual, they had wars all the time. Lexa didn't want them to be savages.
Lexa told Titus about her plan. "Heda, your intentions are good but it is too dangerous. Azgeda will never accept this. Half of the clans have a big army.  Please reconsider"
"if someone doesn't take the first step, we will all kill each other. This is our agenda. We are not savage. Some of the clans will accept it without war. You know I will do it. so do your job and be beside the commander" she glared at him and he bowed slightly. "I will let Anya know"
"I need both of them. Get me Indra too. We are meeting the army in the woods " Lexa said and left the room.
Meeting with trikru war chiefs, Lexa started her journey. she brought the map out and explained to her war chiefs. "we are going to start from our southern neighbors, from yujleda and Louwoda Kliron clans. Yuljeda is tired of ice nation queen and Louwoda Kliron clan owes Us for protecting it. remember no one attacks till I give the orders. There are kids and elders in the villages. We don't attack till we need to attack"
They started with Louwoda Kliron (shadow valley clan) and their leader and people bowed to Lexa. "we are always great full for what trikru has done for us during these years. We don't have much of an army but we can provide you with supplies Heda. Plus, the valley is a good place for staying when needed"
Moving to Yujleda, Lexa only took Anya with her even though Titus disagreed. Lexa was always like that, she wanted to gain their leader's trust. "I want your people to become my people. One united army."
"heda, azgeda has tortured my people for years. We trust you and I will fight beside you till my last breath" he bowed to Lexa and so did all of the chiefs.
On the way back to the tents, Anya asked her "now what do we do?". Lexa smiled and said "now we may need an army of archers "
"what happened to no war?" . "its not a war Anya. We are going to use the first thing you taught me" she smirked. "scare your enemy when you are worried?" she asked looking at lexa with questioning eyes. They reached the tent and Indra asked Lexa about their next destination. "Ouskejonkru (Blue Cliff Clan)" , "Heda they are in a cliff. Our warriors will be slaughtered" Indra said and Anya smiled. "bring your best archers. Ask louwoda kliron kru to make us as many arrows as they can. We are going to act. we will move at dawn" Lexa said and everyone bowed confusedly to her and went outside.  Indra pulled Anya closer and whispered "why is she so calm?" Anya smiled and said "Lexa sees things that no one sees. You just have to trust her instincts. She is a natural" she patted Indra's back and went inside her tent.
Moving at dawn they reached Ouskejonkru sooner than they thought. Lexa met with the leader. They were scared of Azgeda so much. "im not letting my soldiers die in a war with Azgeda. If you are as smart as they say you are, you won't either. My army are all over the cliff. Trikru cant win us here. Escort the commander please" Lexa stood up calmly and went outside. She looked up and suddenly Trikru and Yujledakru archers stood up and aimed at the leader.
"don't bother calling out your army. They are surrounded by our army." She took a step closer to him. "see this is the thing you didn't know about my army. They live in the woods. Which means you have no idea how many are there. So" she moved a little closer to him "Queen Naia. She is so dangerous isn't she?" he nodded "do you know who she is afraid of?" she said calmly "Me. Do you know why?" he shook his head "because im everything she isn't. join me. I will give you 24 hours to think which side you wanna be on. just remember. Clans All around your clan are going to be in my coalition" she stood up and turned around. "Heda" he said and bowed to her and so did his war chiefs.
Lexa and her now 4 clan army trained and made more plans for a month. "we will be moving to Trishanakru"
Lexa moved with 10 guards and the other clan leaders and Anya to Trishanakru (Glowing Forest Clan). She went into the tent with only Anya facing some of Trishanakru village leaders including their leader. "I have heard that Trishanakru has so many great warriors" Lexa said "we don't need Trikru army to protect us from azgeda"
"actually-" Anya said and Lexa stopped her with raising her hand and stood up. Their leader was surprised by her reaction. She left the tent nodded to the other Clan leaders and they used their sign to get the attention of their armies. TrishanaKru leader was suddenly afraid. Lexa signed the leaders to stop and faced Trishanakru. "as you can see your people will be safer under my protection. We are going to stop a big war. You have great warriors, but they aren't so many of you who can fight. One attack from anyone directly and you are all slaughtered. I will be waiting for your answer. And don't worry I will not be attacking you. Anya will be here to hear your answer and guide you to us" she said and started walking and her guards and other leaders followed her. It was at night when they heard sounds from Trishanakru lands. Screams. Suddenly they heard a horn blown. "Heda, its Azgeda. They know what we are up to" Indra said
"prepare Trikru army. Tell others to be ready for command." Lexa answered quickly and put her armor on and ran by her army towards the enemy. After hours of fighting, they defeated the army. Trishanakru leader bowed to lexa "I will prove my loyalty to you Heda"
Through 5 months, Lexa had already convinced Ingranronakru (Plains Riders), Boudalankru (Rock Line Clan), Delfikru (Delphi Clan) to be in her coalition so they could fight against one common Enemy, the mountain Men. Only 4 clans were left.
Mount weather was a military base built within a mountain. It is a bunker which people took shelter there during the nuclear apocalypse which grounders refer to as Praimfaya. They had been in war with grounders for years by the time Lexa won the conclave. Their first priority was defeating mount weather. Lexa used this common goal in her favor and convinced those 3 clans to join her with a little force.
"we are going back to Trikru territory. Azgeda already is aware that we had been gone for too long. We will go back make a plan and then continue. Choose an ambassador for each of the clans to go back with me to polis"

 Choose an ambassador for each of the clans to go back with me to polis"

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We are meeting costia next chapter

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