Chapter 10: The True commander

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"ai laik Heda, non na throu daun gon i. (I am the commander. No one fights for me)" Lexa said. Anya looked at her in shock and Clarke looked at her with tear in her eyes. Lexa looked at Naia's eyes and she smirked at her.
Naia and Roan were taken to their room and Lexa refused to talk to anyone. Clarke and Anya were in Clarke's room. "how can she be this reckless?" Clarke said frustrated. "she is Lexa" Anya said. "the queen isn't fighting why should she?" Clarke said. "because the queen's power isn't doubted. Heda's is. Thanks to you" Titus said and Anya sighed. "Lexa saved their people without a war and they are using that against her?" Clarke said frustrated with a high tone. "Clarke" Anya said and Clarke turned to her. "she will be questioned no matter what she does. It has been Naia's plan since Lexa was a child and won her conclave" Anya said. "that's why she shouldn't do anything for Naia to react" Titus said and Anya turned to him. "Lexa's agenda has been with her since she was 8 years old. She will not change Titus. I don't want her to change. She is capable of doing what no one is capable of." Anya said and Clarke went towards the door. "that's why she can't die." She said and slammed the door behind her. she went into the city and sat on a chair. "you must be so brave here" Roan said and Clarke looked at him. "just because I saved your life once, doesn't mean I can't kill you now Clarke" he said. "we need to talk" Clarke said. "there is nothing to talk about. I need to prepare for the battle" he said. "I know you didn't have anything to do with the attacks but this is what your mother wanted all along" Clarke said. "what do you want?" Roan said. "I want you to become the king" Clarke said. "the queen is willing to let you die. She banned you from your own lands" Clarke continued. "when I win today, I will go home" he said. "for how long? As much as your mother needs you there? You are the bait Roan" Clarke said. "my people won't accept me if I kill my own mother" he said. "but I can help you do it" he continued.
Clarke went in the tower and went to the throne room. She saw Lexa sitting on her throne. The night bloods were sitting on the ground and she was teaching them. "talked her out of it yet?" Clarke said to Anya. "no. but maybe you can" she said and Clarke nodded. Lexa looked forward and saw Clarke. She nodded to Titus and he clapped his hands and the night bloods stood in a line. "Aden stay" Lexa said and Aden stayed beside her. "this is Clarke" she said. "Clarke, he is Aden. He is the most promising one of the night bloods. If I die today, he will most likely succeed me." she said and Clarke looked at her. "Clarke worries about her people. tell her what will happen after you become the commander" she said. "if I become Heda, I will prove my loyalty to the 13th clan" he said and bowed his head to Clarke. "you can join the others now" Lexa said and Clarke looked at him leave. "see? Nothing to worry about" Lexa said smiling and Clarke turned to her. "I'm sorry if I'm worried that the fate of my people lays on the hands of a child" Clarke said and Lexa walked to her throne. "your people are protected as I vowed the would be" she said. "this isn't just about my people Lexa" Clarke said with a high tone and Lexa looked at her. "you don't stand a chance against Roan" she said and Lexa looked at her. "you've never seen me fight" she said madly and Anya left the room. "no but I see him kill 3 men before the first one hit the ground" Clarke said. "if you are right, today, is the day my spirit will choose its successor and you need to accept that" she stood close to Clarke's face. "like hell I do" Clarke said and walked out of her room and passed by Anya. Anya went in and saw Lexa sitting on her throne closing her eyes. "she is worried" Anya said and Lexa nodded. "this is the only way" Lexa said and Anya squeezed her shoulder. "I know" she said.
Clarke grabbed a knife from her room and went inside the queen's room. "Wanheda. What a pleasure" the queen said. "the pleasure is mine" Clarke said sarcastically. "sit down" she said and Clarke sat on the other side of the table. "what if I change my vote?" she said. "now you are thinking like a leader of your people" the queen said. "I need to be assured about some things. My people need to be safe." She said. "my war is with Lexa. Not with you" Naia said. "when she is gone, I don't need the power of Wanheda." She continued. "okay" Clarke said. "okay? You don't need vengeance for the death of your people?" Naia said. "my priority is with the living. We bind ourselves by our blood" Clarke said and grabbed Naia's knife and put it on her hand. Her blood fell in the glass. She cleaned the knife with her sleeve and gave it to Naia. "no" a girl named Ontari said and pushed Clarke on the table. She smelled her shirt. "poison" she said to Naia. "we could be allies Clarke. But now I declare you and sky people enemies of Azgeda" she said and grabbed Ontari's hand. "send this message to Lexa" she said and slit Ontari's hand and black blood fell on Clarke's face.
Clarke went to Lexa and Anya looked at her shocked. Titus caressed Clarke's cheek with his finger and figured it is blood. "Azgeda commander. That was her plan all along and we played right into it" he said. "I have never seen blood that color." Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "goes back to the first commander. When a night blood child is found they are sent to polis to train or are supposed to" she said.  "you still have time to replace a warrior" Anya said. "you know I can't do that" she said. "but Heda" Titus said. "leave us" Lexa said and Anya and Titus left. "Anya is right Lexa. You are giving her exactly what she wants" Clarke said. "only if I lose" Lexa said frustrated and saw Clarke's face and closed her eyes. "I know you are trying to help Clarke but there is nothing you can do here" Lexa said and turned around. "I can't just let Roan kill you" Clarke said with tear in her eyes. "if that is to be my fate, you must. You are driven to fix everything for everyone but you can't fix this. I have to do this on my own and you have to let me" Lexa said softly. "I can't just sit there and watch you die" Clarke said and a tear dropped. Lexa was about to say something that Anya came in. "it's time" she said and Lexa nodded. "then this is goodbye" she said and Clarke looked at her sadly. "for now" she nodded reassuringly. Clarke went into her room. "I can't sit here" she said and washed the blood off her face. She ran and saw people gathering. Lexa and Roan stood next to each other. "in a solo combat. There is only one rule. Someone must die here" Titus said and they separated to get ready. Lexa opened her armor's clips and gave it to her guards. Clarke pushed her way to the front and took her hood off and Lexa saw her. they looked at each other. Lexa relieved that Clarke was there and Clarke worried about Lexa. "I'm glad you came" Lexa smiled slightly. "me too" Clarke nodded and said with lump in her throat. Lexa drew her sword out and looked at Clarke. "Heda" people said and Clarke looked afraid as Roan was approaching Lexa with his sword. Lexa suddenly turned and blocked him and injured his back. They looked at each other and Lexa attacked him with fast movements. He blocked her attack and pushed her down with his sword. "get down" he mumbled and Lexa grabbed the other end of her sword with her hand. Her black blood running down and Clarke looked at her worried. She escaped and dodged his attacks but he attacked her more powerfully and her weapon fell of her hands. She punched his leg and kicked him with her knee and took both weapons for herself and Clarke sighed in relieve. Roan punched a guards and took his spear. He turned it around in his hands and attacked Lexa. She dodged it but he managed to throw Lexa's sword. She lost her second sword and he kicked her to the ground. Clarke looked at her worried with tear in her eye as Roan approached Lexa with his spear. Lexa looked straight into his eyes and just when the spear was about to stab her, she turned and dodged it and kicked and tripped Roan to the ground. She got away and he got up. he swung is spear and Lexa dodged it and grabbed it from him and kicked him. She swung it around and stabbed behind his knee and knocked him out by kicking under his chin. He fell on the ground and Lexa stood above him. The queen who was sitting next to the other ambassadors stood up. "get up. if you die, you don't die a prince. You die a coward" she shouted and Lexa looked at Roan. "get it over with" he said and Lexa closed her eyes for a moment. She saw Costia's head sent to her. "jus drein jus daun (blood must have blood)" she said and threw the spear and killed the queen. Anya looked at her and a tear dropped from her eyes. "the queen is dead. Long live the king" Lexa shouted. Clarke smiled with tears from happiness and relief and everyone shouted cheering for their beloved commander. Titus looked at her proudly and her night bloods looked like they had seen their god.
Lexa was in her room that Anya went inside. "let me help you" she said and wiped Lexa's war paint off her face. "I'm so proud of you" Anya said and Lexa just sat there in silence. "Costia is finally resting in peace" Lexa said. "what about you?" Anya said and Lexa shook her head. "vengeance never makes me feel better" she said and Anya nodded and smiled softly at her. "good night commander" she said and went out. Lexa changed into a black long gown and went outside.
Clarke was looking outside her window and she heard a knock on the door. She went and opened it. she saw Lexa with her hair fallen on one of her shoulders at the door. "is this I told you so?" Clarke said. "no. this is thank you" Lexa said and Clarke moved away. "come in" she said. Lexa walked in and Clarke grabbed her hand which was bandaged and looked at it. "sit down. Let me change that for you" she said and Lexa sat at Edge of the couch straightly and looked at Clarke as she was grabbing some things. Clarke came and opened her bandage and looked at her slit palm. She tore a piece of cloth and bandaged Lexa's hand. "that girl, Ontari. What will happen to her?" Clarke said. "she won't be back until the conclave after my death" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "do you ever talk about anything, other than your death?" Clarke said and smiled at her. Lexa smiled and looked down. "thank you for backing me" she said. "I did what was right for my people" Clarke said and Lexa looked hurt. "your ambassadors betrayed you. How do you move forward?" Clarke said. "they did what they believed was right for their people too" Lexa said and Clarke got up and Lexa got up after her. "good night Clarke" she said softly and turned to leave. Clarke hesitated for a moment before hugging her from behind. Lexa closed her eyes trying to hold back. "I'm so glad you aren't dead" Clarke said with a low tone and Lexa turned around. Clarke looked at her with tears and a tear dropped. Lexa wiped her tear with her thumb and hugged her softly. "I didn't care before" Lexa said "but today, I really wanted to stay alive." She continued and Clarke came out of her embrace. "tell your spirit to stay at its place" Clarke said and Lexa chuckled which made Clarke laugh a little. "the ice queen's body will be returned to your people. we will go there tomorrow" Lexa said and Clarke looked worried. "what's wrong?" Lexa said. "I don't know if I can face them" Clarke said and Lexa pulled her chin up. "I will be there Clarke." She said and Clarke nodded. "Rashop (goodnight) Heda" she said and Lexa smiled softly. "good night ambassador" she said and walked out.
In the morning Lexa got out of her room and was greeted by Anya. "they are here Heda" she said and Lexa walked towards the throne room. Clarke was in there with the rest of the ambassadors plus an ambassador that King Roan had sent. They stood up and bowed their heads to her when she sat down. "Azgeda" Lexa said and the ambassador walked forward. He bowed on one knee to Lexa "king of azgeda is loyal to the commander of the blood and her coalition" he said and the other ambassadors knelt too. "Heda" they said as an apology and Clarke smiled at her and knelt on her knee. Lexa looked at Clarke. "rise" she said and they rose and sat down. "the body of the ice queen will be returned to the sky people. Wanheda, is this enough for the blood of your people?" Titus said and they all turned to Clarke. "yes" she said and Lexa nodded. "we have an issue to discuss" Lexa said and Titus looked at her confused. "the ice nation has betrayed the night blood tradition. If it is seen once more, the clan will be out of the coalition and the armies of the united clans will retaliate. So it has been decided. The ice nation will return Ontari kom Azgeda to polis to train with the other night bloods and there will be a census. Clan by clan, the night blood children above the age of 5 will be brought to Polis. After this census, any clan that doesn't obey the rules till the time they change, we pay" she said and Anya looked worried but all of the clan ambassadors bowed their heads. They went outside and only Anya, Clarke and Lexa were in the room. "some families don't send their children because of the conclave. Not everyone is made to become a warrior" Anya said to Lexa. "I know" she said and Clarke looked at her. "then what was that about?" Anya said. "I don't want another Ontari situation Anya." Lexa said. "Lexa is right" Clarke said. "if she lets go of this and Ontari stays there till the conclave, if she doesn't react to this, any clan that wants power, will do this. her law should be completely done." Clarke said. "it's not her rules Clarke" Anya said with a high tone and showed Lexa with her finger. "she is against this. always has been. That's why she is the only commander who doesn't kill the parents that don't give their children away" Anya said angrily and Lexa closed her eyes. "why don't you change the law?" Clarke looked at Lexa and she didn't answer. "because it's impossible. If it becomes a choice, no one will send their child. The commander selection will be interfered. There will be a big war. It's not as simple as it seems Clarke" Anya said. "but" Clarke said "I can bend the rules" Lexa said and they turned to her. "I said after the age of 5. That's all I can do at the moment" Lexa said. "you couldn't say this sooner?" Anya said. "I would if you two had stopped talking for a second" Lexa said and Clarke chuckled. "Clarke get ready we need to go to arkaidia" Lexa said and Clarke went out holding her laugh and Lexa smiled looking at her leaving. She turned her head and saw Anya looking at her. "what?" she said. "nothing commander" she said sarcastically raising her eyebrows.
Lexa got ready and stopped in front of Clarke's room. Clarke opened the door and saw her. "I'm ready" she said and Lexa closed the door. "the horses are ready." Lexa said and she nodded. They started moving towards Arkaidia.

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