Chapter 3: Lexa's weakness

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Lexa and her guards went back to polis. She entered through the gates and the people of polis started greeting her. She was so popular between people. their reason for respect towards lexa was not fear. It was love and trust. She was all those things before ascension. People of trikru and polis truly trusted her with their lives. The coalition was just forming. It took time for people to trust someone outside their clan with their lives and decisions.
When the gates were closed, Lexa got down from her horse to see and interact with her people. a kid stole something from a girl and that girl ran after him. The little boy bumped into Lexa and the guards stopped him. Lexa nodded to them and they let go of his hands. The girl who was robbed came and realized it was the commander. She bowed her head and took her hood off her head. "Heda I'm sorry for any inconvenience. He stole from me but he is just a child" she said. Her voice was soft. Her eyes were dark brown and her hair was in braids which fell on her shoulder. She had a bow on her shoulder.
Lexa took off and they all followed her. She went to the booth and bought meat for the child. She sat down on her knee and gave it to him. "stealing is not a noble thing to do. If you need something you need to do something to get it. where are your parents?"
"they both died in battle"
"what's your name?" Lexa asked "Otan Kom Trikru Heda"
"Bring me the Hunter" she told her guard and he came back with her
"from today, you have direct command from me to train Otan Kom Trikru to hunt. What is your name?"
"I am Costia Kom Trikru" , "Heda, please accept this from me" she gave her hunt to Lexa and smiled at her. She was a bright girl.
When Lexa reached the tower and was greeted by Titus. "what you have done has been incredible Heda but I disagree with bringing Azgeda (Ice Clan), Floukru (Boat Clan), Sankru (Desert Clan) into the coalition"
"how is nightblood training going?" she asked while walking towards the meeting room. "we have gathered night bloods from all the clans. Their eldest is 10 and youngest is 4" . she nodded "continue your job Titus. Let me do mine" She had ordered Titus to go back to polis and prepare for the meeting of the ambassadors.
She walked in and the leaders of the other 8 clans stood up. She sat on her throne and Anya stood on her right side while Titus stood on her left side. "we are now joined by a common cause. To protect our people from mountain men and the constant attacks of the ice nation. We will be joining our forces to march on Azgeda but for now, I ask the ambassadors of the 8 clans including Anya kom trikru as the leader of Trikru Army to talk about the responsibilities of each clan. The number of warriors, healers, hunters. We need to know everything about everyone so we can have one united army"
"how can we know that Heda won't betray us??" one of the ambassadors stood up and Anya went for her knife. Lexa stopped Anya with a motion of her hand and nodded to her to stand down. "I am the commander. I was chosen by the spirit of the commanders. Do you think I would go through this much trouble just to betray you my brother?"
"will the spirit of the commanders protect us from an attack?" he said and she stood up and went close to him
"Our army will be a united army of 9 clans. An attack towards you will be an attack towards me. so here is the question for you. I would die to protect you. Will you die to protect me? ambassador of Trishanakru?"
"Sha Heda" He bowed to her and so did everybody else. She sat down on her throne again and Anya smiled at her.
After spending a while in polis Lexa decided to continue on and go back to Ton DC to talk about strategies before calling upon the other clans of their coalition.
On the way back to Ton DC, Lexa ordered them to take a rest in the middle of the way. They got off their horses and Lexa and Anya sat away from the guards. Suddenly Lexa heard something and stood up. She saw her horse being uneasy she went towards him. "Lexa watch out" Anya shouted running to her and Lexa turned around and saw a black tiger coming towards her. Anya was further than the Tiger there was no way she could have made it before that.  She took out her sword and suddenly some(thing) jumped over the tiger and rolled around with it and stabbed it so many times. The Tiger was lifeless and the girl pushed it aside. "Heda" she said panting and smiling. "Costia" Lexa said and went to her. She helped her get up for a few seconds before she passed out in her arms. "she is so hurt we have to go to Ton DC NOW" Anya helped her get her on her own horse and went faster than Lexa to prepare the healer. Nyko. Lexa was riding as fast as a person could with a lifeless body in front of her. "Don't die on me" she said worriedly. When she reached Ton DC, they took Costia to Lexa's tent. Nyko began to work on her wounds and Lexa was watching him. When his job was done he bowed and went outside. Lexa sat on the throne. After a few hours Costia woke up, saw Lexa sleeping on her throne and wanted to get out of the bed. "where do you think you are going?" Lexa said with closed eyes. She opened them and stood up went close to the bed and took a look at Costia's wound. "you should rest its not healed yet" Lexa said softly. "did you get hurt?" Costia asked. "No the tiger was attacked" Lexa looked down and smiled a little and Costia smiled at her too. "my pleasure, Le- commander" . "you can call me Lexa when we aren't outside this tent." She said. Costia shifted in her place and winced. "are you in pain? Should I call Nyko?" Lexa said worriedly and Costia laughed. "what?" "nothing your eyes change when you aren't on duty". Lexa looked at her. She was beautiful. Costia was smart and strong but so soft at the same time.
They heard sounds from outside and Anya came in. "oh you are awake. Le- Heda the boy you sent with her, Oten, he has come with the tiger Costia stabbed" Lexa tried to control her laughter because Anya was only like that in front of her and Costia looked so shocked by her attitude. "guess I made the right call" Lexa said looking at Costia "actually Commander I am the one who trained him so" she answered without hesitation and Anya looked at her in shock. Lexa put her hand on Anya's shoulder and nodded with a smile and went out of her tent. Her people were dividing the food. Indra came to Lexa but Lexa motioned her to go back. Costia came outside and stood next to her. "good hunt" Lexa said to break the silence. "good leadership" she said and lexa smiled. "thank you for saving my life" she looked at her. "I would die for the commander to be safe" costia answered. "go and eat. No need to die for me. live" she said and went into the crowd. Indra called the war chiefs of the other clans of the coalition. They all met up in the meeting room inside Ton DC. The woods were always the safest place and Ton DC was in the middle of it, well protected. They decided to plan an attack towards PodaKru (lake clan). "before that, I need 20 warriors to go to Floukru (boat clan). Indra and Anya are coming with me. we need a leader to stay in Ton DC for Trikru"
"Heda, Gustus is our most well trained warrior" , "then Gustus is staying here. We will leave at dawn" she ended the meeting. At night on her way to her tent she saw Costia sitting by a fire. She told her guard to tell her to go to her. She went inside her tent and Lexa turned around. "you asked for me?" she asked confused. "will you stay here till I'm back?" she said out of nowhere. "who said I'm not coming with you?" Costia answered. "it's not safe you are not a warrior" Lexa started glossing her sword. "first of all, I am a hunter that is better with a bow than any of your warriors. Second," she stood in front of her "if its not safe why are you only taking 20 warriors with you?" Lexa didn't answer. "look at me Lexa" she grabbed the side of her face. "let me be there with you. We both know that's the only way we are going to be fine". "you are going to stay close to me" Lexa said and stepped back. "Tell Nyko to take care of your wound. Get some rest we are moving at dawn" she said and Costia smiled and left.
The Next Morning, they moved to FlouKru. Boat people were calm and kind. They didn't have a big army and they were not a big clan either. Their power was inside the water. They had boats, knew how to fish, were fast swimmers. That's how they had survived from the attacks of other clans. When they reached Floukru, Lexa stopped her horse and took a deep breath. Anya looked at her worriedly and Costia had no idea why but she had never seen Lexa like that before. She got off her horse and they all did the same. They sat inside the boat that took them to the FlouKru headquarters and their leader. Lexa got off the boat and one of the guards went to inform their leader. "Luna, the commander is here"
Luna kom FlouKru, the person who was Lexa's friend before the conclave was their leader. People had never seen Floukru leader. But deep down Lexa always knew. She knew it the second she set foot there. Their defense system, the way they got things done, she knew it was Luna. She explained the matter to Luna's first man. Indra said "where is their leader. How dare he not see the commander himself". Anya went close to Lexa, "its her isn't it" she said. "keep your voice down if someone hears it, her life will be at danger" Lexa said trying hard to collect her emotions. Costia slid her hand down and touched Lexa's hand. She shifted and looked at her. Costia just nodded without knowing the whole story and smiled assuring Lexa.
"she wants to unite the 12 clans. Including Azgeda. Our people will be her people. our army is going to be her army" the guy explained to Luna. But she already knew all that. She told him she had to think about it. he went and told Lexa to wait. Luna went behind the fences and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. Lexa was controlling herself. Costia knew that. Luna saw that from far away. That was the reason Luna backed off from the conclave and ran away. Lexa was never driven by her emotions. She was great at controlling them. But she did care. She did feel and she didn't care about what Titus used to tell them all their childhood. She had a strong heart. "May we meet again Leksa Kom TriKru" she whispered and called her first man and ordered him to bow to Lexa and accept the coalition and that they could stay for the night as a guest. They all stayed in the same room. Indra and Anya were sleeping and Costia had closed her eyes. Lexa sat with her back to the wall. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath. Costia opened her eyes and saw her.
"Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim (Get knocked down, get back up)" Lexa said to herself 3 times.
Costia just stared at her. Admiring her. She was the strongest person she had ever met. She got up and Lexa looked at her. "can't sleep?" costia said so Lexa wouldn't feel awkward. She shook her head and costia went and sat next to her with her head against the wall. "Yu don a yuj tombom (you have a strong heart)" she said and put her head on lexa's shoulder and Lexa hugged her. The next day they all went back to Ton DC with an ambassador of FlouKru to Join in for an attack towards Lake clan. "Heda" Gustus bowed "there is something you need to see" he showed the way and Lexa went after him. "this is Lisbeth kom sankru. He has something to tell you" he said and Lexa looked at Lisbeth. He bowed to Lexa "ai Lisbeth kom sankru, have come here to inform the commander of united clans that sankru is ready to join forces with Heda", "rise Lisbeth kom SanKru" she said and he rose. "The Desert clan is now a part of the coalition".
The preparations for the attack towards Lake clan were coming to an end. Lexa had thought about it for a long time. The armies of 10 clans now were marching towards Azgeda's most loyal clan. ice nation queen had sent warriors to the battle too including her son roan. It was a really hard battle. The last day of the battle was the hardest. The army was tired. The army was surrounded and the clan leaders were starting to doubt Lexa. "Lexa we need to go back" Anya said in the middle of the war standing in front of Lexa. "we are not going back" Lexa insisted. Costia was next to her. "we need to attack like hunting commander" she said. "the coalition needs you" Costia continued. "RETREAT" Lexa shouted. Roan threw his spear and costia pushed Lexa to the side. The spear caught her by her arm. She took it out and continued walking back dragging Lexa with her, with the rest of the army. The army was worn out. so many injured. There was no way they would attack again. Lexa was out. she had nothing to say to make them fight for another day. It already had been 7 days. Costia was hurt. They had to go back.
Lexa called Anya in her tent. "tell the clan leaders that they are going back". "they?" Anya was sharp enough to know what Lexa meant. "they will go back. So will the army of Trikru. Including Costia" she turned around to her throne. "and we, are going hunting". "Lexa.." she was worried. "do you trust me, Anya Kom Trikru?" she looked at her. "Yes Commander" Anya bowed to her. Lexa called a guard in "bring me Costia" she said and Anya left. Costia came in. "how is your arm?" Lexa sat her down and looked at her wound. "Lexa" she called her. "never do that again. I won't  lose you" she said and Costia just kissed her.
She sat on her lap and kissed her as if she knew what Lexa was thinking about. They started kissing on the bed. Lexa was trying hard not to be vulnerable. She could die at any second the next day. It was a stupid thing to do but she had to do it. they spent the night together. The next morning Costia woke up and saw Lexa looking at her. "you want to attack don't you?" she said and took her hand. "you need to go back I will not let you come" Lexa answered and Costia nodded because she knew how hard that decision had been for Lexa. "Be strong" she said and kissed her. Costia and the whole army went back. Lexa had ordered Indra to go back to polis and blow the horn to announce the return of the commander to fool their enemies. After hearing the horn and seeing the army leaving, the ice nation army went back to Azgeda with the prince.
Lexa, Anya and 50 warriors attacked on Lake people and their leader surrendered to Lexa. Anya gave a fire signal to show everyone that the 11th clan was in Lexa's coalition.
They came back with an ambassador of the lake clan, they reached Ton DC and Stopped for resting. Lexa got off her horse and looked around. "where is costia?" she asked. Suddenly something was heard in the woods. Oten came running. "the Ice nation... they took her"

So sorry for the long ass chapter 😂😂
Clarke will be here in 2 chapters stay tuned 🙈

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