Chapter 14: Leadership

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"Lexa" Clarke said shocked and Lexa looked at her afraid and fell on her knees. Titus dropped the gun and went to her. "help me get her to the bed" Clarke said desperately and Titus hugged Lexa and put her on the bed. "what have I done?" Titus said. "I need something to stop the bleeding. Open Murphy" Clarke said and put her hand on Lexa's stomach. "you're going to be okay just lay still okay? Lay still" Clarke said to Lexa. Lexa put her hand on Clarke's and looked at her. "don't be afraid" Lexa said. "you're going to be fine just don't move" Clarke said. Titus opened Murphy and brought something for Clarke to stop the bleeding. "radio Raven. Tell her to bring the medical kit I asked her" Clarke said to Murphy and he ran to radio Raven. Clarke teared up Lexa's shirt. Titus brought out a kit to bring out the flame out of Lexa. "don't touch her" Clarke said angrily. "Clarke" Lexa said panting and nodded. Titus grabbed her face. "I'm sorry" he said and Lexa looked at him. "you won't ever harm Clarke anymore" Lexa said and Raven came in. "oh my god" Raven said shocked and gave Clarke the kit. "I will fix you. Just stay with me" Clarke said and looked at Titus. Titus went away. "I need blood" Clarke said. "Titus" Clarke shouted and Titus nodded. they brought Aden and some other night bloods. "Aden" Clarke said and Aden sat down and pulled his sleeve up. "she is losing too much blood" Clarke said. "I need to get the bullet out" Clarke said and Murphy looked at her. "Clarke" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "I'm here" Clarke said. "my" Lexa was saying and Clarke stopped her. "hey Heda, don't you dare give up" Clarke said. "I'm not" Lexa said panting and Murphy took the bullet out. "Aden" Clarke said and Aden nodded. Raven put the tube in Aden's arm and the other end in Lexa's arm and they started a blood transition. "I don't know if she has hurt any of her organs" Clarke said desperately. "Nyko" Aden said. "he told me he learnt a lot from your mother." He continued. "Raven" Clarke said. "I'm on it" she said and left to bring Nyko who was treating Indra. "Clarke" Lexa said out of energy and Clarke took her hand and kissed it. "I'm not letting you die" Clarke said and Lexa closed her eyes and a tear dropped. "it was predicted" Titus said. "no it was a warning. She won't just die because the 'commanders' in her head said she will" Clarke said. Nyko came in and saw Lexa. "Heda" Nyko said and went to her. Clarke went away and he touched Lexa's body. "her organs aren't hurt but she has lost a lot of blood" he said and saw Aden. Lexa was unconscious and Clarke wouldn't get up. "Clarke we have to go" Raven said putting her hand on Clarke's shoulder. "the blockade will start in a few hours Octavia is probably gone by now" Raven said and Clarke nodded. Anya came inside when she heard that Lexa was hurt. She came and saw Clarke. "how is she?" Anya said and hugged Clarke. "keep her alive" Clarke said and went to Aden. She sat on her knee in front of him. "thank you. Nyko will take this out in a few hours. Rest okay?" Clarke asked and caressed his hair. "I love her. we all do" Aden said and Clarke nodded softly. she went towards Lexa and kissed her head and then her lips. She got up and put her strong face on. "she shouldn't get up so much. If anything bad happened, I gave Lexa a radio" Clarke said and walked past Titus. She nodded to Raven and Murphy and they went with her. Octavia had already contacted Kane. They got to Indra's house and they didn't see Octavia anywhere. "they are executing the grounders. Octavia went some minutes ago. You should go fast" Indra said and Clarke, Raven and Murphy got on horses and rode as fast as they could. They saw Octavia covering behind a tree. "I can't see Lincoln" she said crying. Clarke looked at Arkadia gates madly and took the gun from Murphy. Kane and Abby and Miller and Monty escaped from there and Lincoln was tortured to tell where they were. Bellamy came for Kane and they knocked him out. they brought him with them and Octavia saw him. She went close with tears in her eyes. "what did you do" Octavia said crying and punched him in the face. Miller tried to stop her but Monty stopped Miller. She punched him till his face was covered in blood. "if something happens to him, you are not my brother anymore Bellamy. You hear me?" she shouted. Clarke kept looking at the gates. Raven went close to her. "I don't like that look" Raven said. "what look?" Clarke said. "that look. You are going to pull a Lexa here I can feel it" Raven said. "I'm not going to pull a Lexa" Clarke said and grabbed another gun in her other hand. "I'm going to pull a Wanheda." She said and moved towards the gates. "cover her come on" Raven said and Murphy went after Clarke frustrated. "are you crazy?" Murphy said walking next to Clarke. "do you care?" she said and Murphy smirked. "I am Murphy I don't care about anything" he said and Clarke pulled her guns out. "good" she said.
They brought Lincoln out and his hands were tied and his legs were chained. Octavia saw that and went after Clarke. Kane, Miller and Monty grabbed a gun and went too. "I'm not losing anyone today" Clarke said and shot two bullets in the air just when Pike was about to shoot Lincoln. She aimed her gun at Pike and another one at Bellamy's head. "let him go" she said madly. Some of the guards were going to come close and Murphy shot in the air to keep them away. Pike let Lincoln go and Octavia ran to him and hugged him and pulled him to their side. "Clarke put your gun down" Pike said carefully. "you aren't this kind of person" Pike said. "that's where you are wrong. I'm not that person anymore" Clarke said and pushed Bellamy towards Pike. He fell on the ground. Monty's mom came forward with her gun. "Monty drop your gun" she said and Monty looked at her disappointed. "Clarke" he said and stood in front of Clarke as a shield for her. Pike grabbed his gun and aimed it at them. "our enemy is out there and what are you doing?" Pike said. "I can't let you get us all killed" he said and was about to pull the trigger but he stopped by a gun click sound behind his head. "drop your gun" Bellamy said. The people that voted for Kane all came out and stood in front of Clarke and her friends. The guards who were Pike's people, were caught off guard. Clarke looked at Bellamy and nodded her head at him. Clarke came in the front and looked at the guards. "you are the guards of the Ark. You aren't going to shoot Ark people" Raven said and they dropped their guns.
  "we keep talking about grounders. but we aren't better than they are" Clarke said loudly. "we executed my father because he was talking about the truth. We would kill all of them if they stepped on our lands. We take revenge just like they do. But there is a big difference between us and them" she said and looked at Bellamy. "they have honor and we don't" Clarke said. People started talking. "you aren't the leader Clarke stop playing leader" Jasper said. "yes I am not. I am just the person who makes the tough calls and get blamed for them" she said and Raven raised her eyebrows with widened eyes and looked at Murphy and he looked at her back with widened eyes too. "don't worry Jasper. I don't want to be the leader any more than you want me to be" Clarke said. "but we did have a leader. Kane was our leader." She said and showed Kane. "grounders have killed my father" a girl from farm station said. "a man called semet died yesterday. We had killed his wife and brother and sons" Clarke said looking at her eyes. "they killed 37 of us when we came on the ground Clarke" a boy from the 100 said. "I single handedly killed 300 of them" Clarke said. "we did that to protect ourselves" he said. "and they didn't?" Clarke said desperately. "Lexa made us part of her coalition risking her life. So we wouldn't lose any more of our friends" Clarke said. "we didn't ask for this" Monty's mom said. "do you like war ma'am?" Octavia said walking to her and grabbed Monty. She pulled a dagger and put it on his neck. "what if your son gets killed?" Octavia said and let go off Monty. "this is the ground" she shouted. "They are the grounders. how many wars will It take for us to be killed completely?" Octavia said and they stood silent.
"an election will be held tomorrow morning. Think" Clarke said. Clarke, Murphy and Raven walked passed the crowd and went inside. Octavia came down and grabbed Lincoln's arm and pulled him up and supported his weight on herself and started walking him to infirmary. Bellamy came to help and she glared at him. "don't touch him" she said and Miller came to help her take Lincoln. Kane was going inside with Abby and saw Bellamy. He looked at him and Abby went inside. "did you turn Pike in because of Octavia or because you thought he was wrong?" Kane said and Bellamy looked at him. "you have to find the answer to that. Then maybe we can trust you again" Kane said and walked passed him. Clarke went to see Lincoln in the infirmary. "my savior" Lincoln said and Clarke smiled softly. "you saved my life twice Clarke. thank you" Lincoln said. "you are my people" Clarke said. Raven stopped Clarke at the infirmary door. "how are you doing?" Raven said worried. "I'm okay" Clarke said and walked to her room. she took Lexa's painting outside and looked at it. she stuck the drawing to her wall above her desk. She sat on the bed and looked at it with teary eyes.
"the grounder army has us surrounded till 5 miles each side" Miller said and Clarke nodded. Raven ran to her. "farm station won't work on the lands" she said and Clarke got mad and was going outside. Murphy stopped her. "Clarke" he said and stopped Clarke from walking. "let me handle this" he said and Clarke rolled her eyes. "please. You aren't okay right now" he said and Clarke nodded. he went out and grabbed a shovel. Monty and some others went after him and grabbed a shovel too. They started working on the lands in front of the farm station people. a boy with a broken arm came and grabbed a shovel too and started working on the land. A man from the farm station came forward and grabbed the shovel from him. The rest of them started getting up and doing the same. Clarke looked at them and Murphy nodded his head to her. Clarke went in the prison and sat in front of Pike. He looked at her. "you have been in a lot of pain" he said and Clarke smiled. "don't play shrink on me Pike you don't know my pain" Clarke said. "it must have been hard to kill so many people" Pike said and Clarke came close to his face. "I did it so my friends could survive." Clarke said. "these things work on Bellamy. He has a big heart it's easy. But just so you know, I don't make impulsive decisions" Clarke said smirking. "there is some pain inside you" Pike said and Clarke laughed. "we are going to make a decision about you tomorrow." Clarke said and got up.
"flame keeper, where is the commander" an ambassador said. "how are we going to handle winter now that the commander is sick" another one said. "Heda will recover soon" Titus said. "if Heda isn't present in the meetings, how are we going to know what to do?" a woman said and the room got noisy.
Lexa opened her eyes and winced in pain. Anya took her hand. "how are you feeling?" Anya said. "did she go?" Lexa said and Anya nodded. "I need to have a meeting" Lexa said and Anya stopped her. "Clarke said you shouldn't move" Anya said. "I have to go" Lexa said and grabbed her stomach. "Lexa" Anya said worried. "the coalition depends on Me at the moment. I should be in the meeting. At least for today" Lexa said and Anya helped her put her armor on. She stood up and walked towards the throne room. the room was so noisy and Titus was trying to silence them. the doors opened and Lexa walked in like she had no pain. "Heda" Titus said and Lexa walked towards the throne and stood in front of it. "I know why you are distressed. The supplies for winter is ready to be sent to every clan." Lexa said. "when will our armies return? What will happen with the 13th clan?" a man said. "they have a week to handle things" Lexa said and Anya looked at her shocked. "so our armies either attack skaikru or come back after a week?" an ambassador said. "yes" Lexa said.
They all went outside and Lexa got dizzy. Titus grabbed her arm to stop her from falling and Lexa raised her hand up and closed her eyes. He took he hand away and looked at Lexa sadly. Anya took her arm and helped her to go to her room. Lexa laid on the bed and winced in pain. "a week?" Anya said giving her water. "Clarke can do it" Lexa said and closed her eyes.
People were putting their votes in boxes. Clarke was standing and Abby came next to her. "why didn't you elect yourself?" Abby said. "I just want to go back to polis" Clarke said. "you're leaving again?" Abby said. "I will come back more but I can't breathe in here. The moment Kane gets selected I'm going to Polis." Clarke said. "your friends need you Clarke" Abby said. "I'm not leaving anyone. But we need an ambassador in Polis." Clarke said. "is that the only reason?" Abby said and Clarke looked at her. "Lexa" Abby said and Clarke nodded.
Raven walked to Clarke. "so if Kane gets elected, do you think Trikru will trade with us after we have killed their army?" Raven said. "do you want me to optimistic?" Clarke said. "you are Clarke you can't be optimistic" Raven said and Clarke chuckled. "then no. I don't think so. I think we should just be okay with whatever they give us for a while" Clarke said. "you think our people can do that?" Raven said. "they brought this on themselves" Clarke said. "you should be here more often" Raven said. "I will be here more. But I will stay mostly in Polis" Clarke said. "should any of us come with you?" Raven said. "I don't think Octavia and Lincoln would stay here. If they want to, they will come. You have to stay here" Clarke said. "why?" Raven said. "because you are one of the few good people that I know" Clarke said and Raven smiled. "be there for Bellamy." Clarke said and Raven nodded.
A few days later, the votes were collected and Kane won the election by 90%. They took Pike and some others that stood by him, out. Octavia looked at Pike madly. "Charles Pike, you won't be sentenced inside Arkadia but you will be sent to Polis" Clarke said. Kane nodded to her and Clarke looked at their people. "we made this decision for everyone's safety inside this camp. Just as the ice queen's fate was decided by the commander, as the 13th clan, we must give Pike to the commander for her to decide his fate as well" Clarke said. "the ice queen was killed for the death of our people. he has to be sent for the death of our neighbor clan." Kane said and people nodded sadly.
Lexa came to the place the army was. A week had passed since the blockade and Clarke's time was up. Clarke took her gun and went towards the place the army was with Kane, Octavia and Lincoln.  They took Pike tied up. "Anya is going to be there" Clarke said and they walked over to the tents. Clarke nodded for Kane to stop and went inside the tent as the ambassador. She went in and looked up and saw Lexa with Anya. Lexa turned around and Clarke dropped a tear. "Lexa" she said smiling and ran to her and hugged her. "ow Clarke" Lexa said in pain and Clarke looked at her worried. "are you okay?" Clarke said and looked at Lexa's stomach worried. Lexa hugged her softly and Clarke hugged her back carefully. "Kane is here" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. Clarke helped her sit on the throne. She wiped her tears and went outside and nodded to Kane. Kane came in the tent with Octavia holding Pike. "I'm so glad your people finally saw you were the best for them Kane" Lexa said and Kane smiled at him. "so what did you decide for him?" Lexa asked looking at Pike. "nothing. You have to decide" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "it's the only way Trikru will be okay" Anya said. "he will be sentenced to 190 cuts" Lexa said and Kane looked down and nodded to her after some moments. The armies of the other clans went back to their clan as Lexa had planned. "you should come to arkadia commander." Kane said. "another time" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her worried. "can't you at least come to get yourself checked up?" Clarke said and Anya nodded to Lexa.
Clarke, Kane, Anya and Lexa went back to Arkadia and people stopped what they were doing. Lexa went in the council room with Kane. "I don't think we can trade anymore Kane" Lexa said. "I understand. We can handle winter on our own" Kane said. Abby came inside and Lexa nodded to her. she took Lexa in the infirmary and Clarke went to help her. after checking on her Abby looked at Lexa. "you escaped death" Abby said. "you have no idea" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "what do you mean?" Abby said. "nothing I barely saved her life" Clarke said and Abby smiled and went out. Lexa looked at her. "what am I supposed to do about Titus?" Lexa said. "I don't know" Clarke said and took her hand. "you will come to Polis?" Lexa said getting up. "yes but I have to come back every once in a while" Clarke said and Lexa smiled. "what?" Clarke said walking towards the door. "you have stopped running away from being a leader" Lexa said. "don't worry you and I can't run away even if we want to" Clarke said and Lexa smiled. Lexa and Clarke went to Polis and Octavia and Lincoln went back with them.

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