Chapter 19: the truth

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“what? What do you mean praimfaya?” Clarke said. “Anya tell the guards to clear the Roads as soon as possible” Lexa said. “Clarke. I am not sure okay? But Becca, Becca showed me something. a possibility that she had foreseen before. It’s hard to explain” Lexa said. “there is a possibility you mean?” Clarke said and Lexa nodded. “But we survived that before” Anya said. “it must be different that the flame is hurting me to show me. this has never happened before” Lexa said. “what has the flame actually shown you?” Clarke said. “Becca made something. she was talking about over population and a way to solve it but suddenly that memory was cut. Another memory came on but she wasn’t in space anymore. She was in chains and she was telling a girl something.” Lexa said. “something?” Clarke said. “the nuclear bombing would make the nuclear power plants melt.” Lexa said. “you never saw this memory before?” Clarke said. “no Clarke It foresees things before they happen” Lexa said. “like you dying or someone trying to murder me?” Clarke said. “yes. I did get shot and if I hadn’t seen that or told you that, you wouldn’t have a medical kit prepared just in case” Lexa said. “65 days in peace and now we have a nuclear war and no plan. Great” Clarke said. Gaia looked at Lexa. “how are we going to tell the 13 clans?” Gaia said. “don’t ask me anything Gaia you will just become more confused” Lexa said and laid down on her bed. “you must be tired” Gaia said. “I wish the flame lets me sleep for at least some hours before I have to find a way to save the human race” Lexa said and closed her eyes.
Clarke went out and radioed Raven. “anywhere with the code?” Clarke said. “it has like 6 firewalls” Raven said. “Raven the only person who can help Lexa at the moment, is you” Clarke said. “speaking of Lexa, how does she know about control center and computer systems?” Raven said. “there is something inside her called the flame. I don’t know how to explain it but it foresees things and shows memories of the past people who had it in them?” Clarke said confused. “foresee you mean like an A.I?” Raven said. “I don’t know.” Clarke said. “this folder is named Becca. Who is Becca?” Raven said. “the first commander” Clarke said. “what? How?” Raven said. “um long story short, the first commander actually came from space in the 13th station” Clarke said. “what? You mean Polaris went to the ground? Didn’t ark blow it?” Raven said. “one drop ship came on the ground. That’s why Polis is called Polis. No one knows but me, Anya, Lexa and Octavia so don’t say anything” Clarke said. “so basically all of us are sky people” Raven said. “never say that in front of them if you like your life” Clarke said. “I will try to get the code. I will send Bellamy to come get you and Lexa with the rover.” Raven said. “I can’t imagine Lexa on the rover but maybe I can convince her that it’s better than her horse” Clarke said. “good luck with that. Over and out” Raven said and Clarke turned the radio off.
Clarke went in her room and Anya was there. “hey” Clarke said and Anya looked at her. “did you know I was against sending Lexa to Polis when she was young?” Anya said. Clarke sat down. “she was an amazing warrior even when she was just 4. She became my second when she was 14. On her ascension day, when Luna took off, she went into the room and cried. She came out some minutes after that. I looked at her and I knew she was crying. When she got the flame, the Lexa that I knew became wiser, stronger. But it had consequences. She used to have fevers at nights. She used to wake up screaming for the pains that were not hers.” Anya said shedding a tear. “then Costia died. On that day, I really thought she would kill the queen. Her eyes were red. She was emotionless. I did her war paint but she got up and walked towards the room with her head held up and looked straight into the eyes of the ice queen while she was getting the brand of Lexa’s coalition. On that day, I was no longer Lexa’s mentor. Lexa was my commander.” Anya said and looked at Clarke. “but something never changed. Lexa is still the child I raised. The child her mother gave birth to and gave the 12 year-old me to hold. The child I gave my first hand made dagger to. The child that I used to braid her hair. The child we would spend hours and hours walking in the woods to find different kinds of plants with.” Anya said and Clarke smiled. “when I see her in pain, I feel like I can’t breathe. Sometimes I wish I could get” Anya said “get the flame out of her?” Clarke finished her sentence and Anya nodded. “when I saw Ontari being so eager about becoming the commander, I thought, maybe the reason Lexa is a good commander is that she never wanted it so bad” Anya said. “she was born for this” Clarke said. “Lexa didn’t need the flame to be a good commander. She needed the flame for this kind of situations” Anya said and Clarke nodded. “want a drink?” Anya offered her bottle and Clarke shook her head. Anya fell sleep on her couch and Clarke put a blanket on her and went to Lexa’s room.
She saw Lexa sleeping there and Clarke smiled. She went on the bed and laid next to Lexa and turned to look at her. “you look so beautiful when you are sleeping” Clarke whispered. “that’s why I have so many drawings of you sleeping. So peaceful” Clarke whispered and looked at Lexa. “we will go through this together. We always find a way.” Clarke said softly and Lexa moved. “Clarke” Lexa mumbled and Clarke smiled. “go back to sleep I’m here” Clarke said softly and Lexa cuddled to her. Clarke hugged her and slept.
Bellamy was there with the Rover and Anya saw him. “how was the road?” Anya said. “you can’t go by horses” Bellamy said and Octavia saw him. “hello brother” she said and hugged him. Lincoln was inside the tower with Lexa. Lincoln helped Lexa with her armor and she went out and saw Clarke. “Bellamy is here with the rover” Clarke said. “good. Go I will catch up” Lexa said and Lincoln went away. “Lexa. He is here to take you and me to Arkadia” Clarke said. “I will come with my horse” Lexa said. “the roads are slippery. Plus, we don’t have time” Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. “okay” she said and Clarke smiled. “wow I didn’t expect you to cave in like that” Clarke said. “don’t temp me” Lexa said and Clarke chuckled. “I don’t have energy for a battle I will lose at the end” Lexa said. “what battle?” Clarke said. “arguing with you” Lexa said rolling her eyes at Clarke.
Bellamy saw Lexa and Clarke and hugged Clarke. “Bellamy” Lexa nodded her head. “commander” he said having a small smile. “let’s go. Anya, can you write a letter to Roan?” Lexa said. “I will don’t think about that right now” Anya said and hugged her. “stay safe Lexa” she said worried. “Abby is there don’t worry” Lexa said and sat in the rover next to Octavia. “my horse would have been better” Octavia said. “tell me about it” Lexa said frustrated and Clarke smiled looking down to control her laughter. “so what’s up princess?” Bellamy said. “nothing new our lives are threatened again” Clarke said and Bellamy chuckled. “another day on the ground” Bellamy said. “at least it’s not dull” Octavia said sarcastically. “I was feeling so bad about being at peace for so long” Bellamy said and Octavia laughed. Lexa was looking at Clarke and Clarke looked at her and smiled. “you are quiet” Octavia said to Clarke. “I’m thinking” Clarke said. “did you guys come to a conclusion?” Octavia said. “no I just become more confused every second. We need Raven” Lexa said. “is your head okay?” Octavia said and Lexa nodded. Bellamy took another route and Lexa noticed. “why did you take this route?” Lexa said. “that road is blocked. Nice observing” Bellamy said. “Bellamy can you wait next to Niylah’s cabin?” Lexa said and Bellamy nodded. “why?” Clarke said. “Niylah is so smart and she is so open minded. I need her for something” Lexa said and Clarke nodded.
They waited next to Niylah’s cabin and Bellamy stayed in the rover. “won’t you come?” Clarke said. “no” Bellamy said and Lexa looked at him. “I killed her father I can’t come in there” Bellamy said and Lexa nodded. “Clarke stay here we will come back soon” Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. “it’s not up for discussion” Lexa said and went with Octavia. Niylah opened the door and saw Lexa and Octavia. “Heda” she said surprised and they went in. “what has brought you here?” Niylah said. “I need you to stay in Arkadia. They will need extra help and you, as I have heard, learn soon.” Lexa said. “but Heda” Niylah said. “I know. They have killed your father. I understand. But believe me, things are much bigger than you or me. you have time to decide. I trust you Niylah.” Lexa said. “what is it that is bigger than all of us?” Niylah said. “something is coming. I’m not sure yet but if you believe in what I am saying, come to Arkadia. I will be there for 3 days” Lexa said. “is Clarke there? I don’t trust sky people I just trust Clarke” Niylah said. “she will be there but you have to learn to trust them. we need their help” Lexa said and went out with Octavia.
They reached Arkadia and were greeted by Kane. “where is Raven?” Lexa said. “in her work shop” Kane said and Lexa went with Clarke.
“I cracked the code 5 minutes ago” Raven said and Lexa’s eyes widened. “it’s all on this drive” Raven said and connected it to her computer. “Becca Franko” Lexa said and sat down. “so apparently, Becca made an artificial intelligence called A.L.I.E but it was malfunctioning. They caged it but it cracked the codes and got out which ended up with what you call, Praimfaya” Raven said. “so Becca is the reason of Praimfaya” Lexa said. “but she fixed it” Raven said and Lexa looked at her confused. “explain” Lexa said. “we have another Artificial intelligence. ALIE 2.0. which is designed to interface with humanity on a biological level as it says in this file which is the last we know” Raven said. “it may not be” Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. “in my memories, I saw Becca saying the same exact words written.” Lexa said. “But why did you want me to crack this exact folder?” Raven said. “I don’t know” Lexa said. “Lexa do you have Becca’s notebook?” Clarke said after moments of silence. “I do” Lexa gave it to Raven. “it’s written in Latin. Who knew Latin?” Clarke said. “we can’t risk someone else knowing these” Lexa said. “Lexa maybe you can” Clarke said. “what?” Raven said. “if what I’m thinking is right Lexa should be able to translate this” Clarke said.
“what are you thinking Clarke?” Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. “trust me” Clarke said and Lexa closed her eyes and nodded and grabbed the notebook. “her calculations, predicted that the ark can’t survive for 2 centuries” Lexa said and Raven looked at Clarke surprised. “it’s talking about ALIE 2 now and it’s saying that it will know about our mistakes before we even make them” Lexa said and closed the notebook and stood up. “what?” Raven said. “ALIE 2 is the flame” Lexa said looking at Clarke. “it will know mistakes before we make them. it will know our wants and needs and will warn us about the future. It will contain memories of the people using them” Lexa said reading from the notebook and a tear dropped on her cheek and sat down. “all this time I thought I was making the right decisions listening to the sound of the last commanders” Lexa said looking down. “you were” Raven said and Lexa looked at her. “it’s enhancing your abilities. That’s why people before you couldn’t do what you have done” Raven said. “Titus said that you were all these things before ascension. The flame just heightens what’s already in there” Clarke said softly. “maybe Becca showed me all of this because she wants me to truly use the flame” Lexa said looking at Clarke. “Raven can you see if there is any information about nuclear power plants?” Lexa said and Raven nodded.
Lexa and Clarke went out and Lexa had a headache. “do you want me to call my mom?” Clarke said. “no Clarke” Lexa said sitting down on Clarke’s bed. “the flame fries the brain without a black blood circulation. Now I can complete joining the dots in my head. Becca made night blood. She came down to the ground and somehow the flame got into the hands of the first flame keeper. We, the grounders, lived on earth with radiation and night blood became hereditary somehow” Lexa said sounding frustrated and grabbed her head. “Lexa” Clarke said. “how am I going to live with this Clarke? I have information in my head that I have no idea about their meaning.” Lexa said and a tear dropped. “we can make sense out of them together. Our technology and science knowledge and your leadership and experience with the flame. We can do it together. Maybe we can even prevent another praimfaya” Clarke said and kissed Lexa’s cheeks. “you are sure it will happen” Lexa said. “yes. Everything you have seen till now, has happened.” Clarke said and Lexa nodded. “Lexa, it is your mind. the decisions you make, are yours. Don’t let this make you doubt yourself” Clarke said. “what am I going to tell Gaia now? What am I going to tell Anya? How are we going to prevent the death of the human race?” Lexa said and Clarke kissed her softly. “we can do it. you and me” Clarke said and Lexa kissed Clarke with tears in her eyes.
The next morning Raven knocked the door of Clarke’s room and Lexa opened it. “I found something” Raven said and Lexa went after her closing the door as Clarke was sleeping. “I used the Ark’s sensors and records” Raven was saying. “Raven jump to the point” Lexa said. “oh okay. So the thing is, you were right. The nuclear power plants were only designed to last one hundred years with maintenance.” Raven said. “so I fixed our radiation sensors and the radiation level is a bit higher than it should be” Raven said and Lexa sighed. “how much time do we have?” Lexa said. “I need to calculate that but based on the past records on the Ark’s database, we have at most, 6 months” Raven said. “six?” Lexa said. “yeah” Raven said and Lexa sat down. “we need to consult with people who can help” Raven said and Lexa nodded. “I need to go to Polis. Gaia might know some things. I have asked Niylah to come here. Tell Clarke whatever you have told me. choose a small circle of people who can keep things to themselves and inform them. see If they can think of anything” Lexa said. “okay, will you be okay? Are you going to tell anyone?” Raven said. “I will tell Anya and Gaia but the clans are not ready yet. I need to be careful for now till we have something to move with” Lexa said and Raven nodded. Lexa went to the room and grabbed her sword. Clarke woke up. “where are you going?” Clarke said. “to Polis. I will be back soon. You should stay here. Raven will tell you the rest of the details.” Lexa said and kissed Clarke. “what was that for?” Clarke said. “I will miss you” Lexa said and closed the door.
Bellamy was waiting for her next to the Rover. “Miller will take you to Polis” Bellamy said and Lexa nodded. “stay with Clarke. she will need you.” Lexa said and tapped his back and sat down in the Rover.
She reached Polis and went inside the tower. “what happened?” Anya said. “call Gaia we need to talk” Lexa said. Gaia and Anya were in throne room and Lexa nodded to the guards to leave them. “what happened?” Anya said. “we are going to have a praimfaya in 6 months” Lexa said. “how do we know that?” Gaia said. “the flame, Becca’s notebook, Ark’s database, they are all connected and what I saw in my dream was true.” Lexa said and Gaia looked at her confused. “I know it’s a lot to take in Gaia but I need you to believe in the flame and in the commanders, more than ever” Lexa said and Gaia nodded. “so what do we do? Who else knows about this?” Anya said. “skaikru” Lexa said. “Heda” Gaia said. “they know things our people don’t. we need them so much. Clarke stayed there to prevent anything bad from happening. But our people can’t know now. We need to find a way, soon” Lexa said. “we need to think about what happened in the last praimfaya” Anya said and Lexa nodded. “some people went in mountain which made the mountain men. Some went to the sky, which is skaikru, some stayed on the ground, that’s us.” Lexa said. “no there is another group too” Gaia said. “you have seen it before” Gaia said looking at Lexa. “what?” Lexa said. “you saw Becca burning. The mountain men were already in mount weather. The sky people were in space when praimfaya was happening as Clarke said. Our people didn’t have any reason to kill Becca. So there is another thing. Another group that burnt Becca” Gaia said and Lexa started walking around the room. “you need to find that memory” Gaia said. “I am aware Gaia” Lexa said and Anya looked at her. “Cadogan” Anya said and Lexa looked at her. “the first night you had the flame, you had a bad nightmare. I still remember it because Titus told me not to wake you up and it was painful to watch you. You shouted” Anya said. “what did I say?” Lexa said. “Cadogan, you are making a mistake” Anya said. “you screamed after it. you were afraid of fire for 2 weeks after that” Anya said and a tear dropped off her eye. Lexa looked at her softly. “I didn’t know you didn’t sleep that night” Lexa said. “who is Cadogan?” Gaia said with a low tone. “I will Raven to check it” Lexa said. “exactly what the hell is Ark’s database?” Anya said and Lexa chuckled. “don’t ask me I don’t understand a thing Raven says” Lexa said and tapped the button of the radio. “Lexa?” Clarke said happily and Lexa smiled. “Clarke can you tell Raven to see if she can find anything about the name, Cadogan?” Lexa said. “of course. Are you okay?” Clarke said softly and Lexa looked down smiling. “I am okay now” Lexa said and Anya and Gaia chuckled. Lexa glared at them and they started laughing. “I miss you” Clarke said. “I miss you too Clarke. I will be there soon with Anya” Lexa said. “we will think till you come” Clarke said. “Clarke be careful” Lexa said.
After a few days, Lexa and Anya went to Arkadia. Clarke, Raven, Octavia, Monty, Bellamy were in Raven’s work shop. Murphy saw Lexa and Anya and went close. “commander” Murphy said. “where is Clarke?” Lexa said and Murphy took her to Raven’s work shop with Anya. She opened the door and they all became silent and looked at the door for a second. “Lexa” Clarke said happily and Lexa smiled at her. “so what’s the plan?” Lexa said.
“Bill Cadogan” Raven said and Lexa looked at her. “she is good” Anya said looking at Lexa surprised by Raven’s speed of finding things. “you were saying” Lexa said. “I won’t say anything just watch this” Raven said and played a video. “the end is coming. Hear me as I say it this time. The end is coming and it’s coming soon. The world is dark and getting darker all the time. Everything we once trusted has turned on us. Government, religion, even technology has become a weapon in their hands to poison our minds. I know you’re in pain. I know you are afraid but it doesn’t have to be like this. there is a way out of the darkness. I can show it to you. You can be saved. Join us and together, from the ashes we will rise” Cadogan said in the video. “Raven play the last part again” Lexa said. “from the ashes we will rise” he said and Lexa looked at Clarke. “what?” Raven said. “we say that in trikru” Lexa said. “that’s all you have on him?” Anya said. “he was the leader of the second dawn doomsday cult which made a bunker” Raven said. “a bunker?” Bellamy said. “can you find it?” Clarke said. “yes, yes. Don’t be shy” Raven joked and Lexa chuckled.
Raven found where the bunker is and Bellamy, Octavia, Monty and Murphy went to see it.
Clarke and Lexa were waiting for them in the council room with Kane and Abby and Clarke was pacing around the room. “Clarke walking around doesn’t make them radio faster” Lexa said. “Bellamy” Clarke said in the radio. “we are trying to open the doors Clarke” Murphy said frustrated. Lexa looked at Abby and sighed. She went to Clarke and took the radio from her. “calm down” Lexa said softly and Clarke looked at her. “how are you calm?” Clarke said. “I am not” Lexa said and Clarke smiled chuckling. Lexa smiled at her and looked at her eyes and nodded.
The radio started buzzing and the 4 of them looked at the radio. “everyone is dead here” Bellamy said. “they could die of hunger right?” Clarke said and Lexa sighed. “it’s radiation” Monty said. “it killed everyone in the bunker. It didn’t work” Octavia said.

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