Chapter 24: Praimfaya

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54 hours till praimfaya

The throne room was chaotic. Every person in the room was talking. Gaia was standing next to the throne waiting for Lexa to come inside. Octavia opened the door and walked inside. "where is the commander?" a man said. Octavia stood firm beside the throne. "she will be here in some moments" Octavia said and Lexa walked in. everybody became silent and Lexa took a deep breath.

"150 beds for each clan" Lexa said and everyone stared at her for some minutes. "I need you to choose 150 from your clans and send them to the bunker immediately. Children and specialists are the priority" Lexa said. "400 guards will be enough. 40 from 10 clans who have the best fighters. Floukru and Louwodakliron kru and Boudalankru are excluded" Lexa said and every one of them left the room one by one. Lexa sat down and sighed. "I need you to be in that bunker" Lexa said looking at Anya. "Indra, Gaia, Lincoln. All 4 of you. The night bloods are the last ones." Lexa said and Anya nodded at her. "it's your last duty as the Trikru leader" Lexa told Indra and she nodded.

Clarke walked in Lexa's room and touched her bed sheet and smiled. Lexa walked inside and saw Clarke sitting on the bed. Lexa closed the door and sat next to Clarke and put her forehead on Clarke's shoulder. "I know" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "we spent all this time doing things for our people to survive. Now we have to leave most of them to die" Clarke said. "all 13 clans in one place. I don't think the coalition is strong enough for that" Lexa said and sighed. Clarke put her head on Lexa's shoulder. "do you know what I will miss the most?" Clarke said. "my room?" Lexa said and Clarke chuckled. "yes but Polis overall" Clarke said smiling. "told you Polis would change the way you think of us" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "you did all of this." Clarke said and kissed her cheek. "I love you Clarke" Lexa said after moments of silence but Clarke was sleeping on her shoulder. She smiled and slowly put Clarke's head on the pillow. She kissed her head and got out of the room.

36 hours till Praimfaya:

People from every clan were reaching Polis. Monty and the remainder of sky people were already in the bunker but they were more than 150. Clarke went in the bunker and saw all those familiar faces. Waiting for her to save them from what was out there. Something inside Clarke was telling her to save her people. but she was so tired of being the commander of death. "Clarke" Bellamy snapped her out of her thoughts and nodded to her.

She walked towards the stairs and sighed going up to where her mother and Kane were standing. She was looking down to the people and took a deep breath. "all our lives we had lessons on survival. We have made sacrifices and made decisions that reflected on our humanity. We have done all we could to be here on this day. All of us have lost someone. Grounders died for Octavia to win the conclave. She did it for all of us and not just our people. a decision has been made. Every clan gets the same amount of beds. 150. 40 guards. Engineers, doctors, guards have their own spot. Which leaves us with 100 spots. Chancellor Kane and I, have decided to perform a fair lottery. Same chance for everyone." Clarke said and everyone started shouting.

"we know how to operate oxygen filters and hydro farms. They can't survive without us. We deserve more spot" a man said. "I am not happy about this either. But as we did one the Ark, some of us must die for our people to survive" Kane said. "you are just saying that because you know you are safe. Plus, why is a grounder in here?" he said showing Niylah. A man grabbed Niylah by her neck and pulled her out. Clarke was running down the stairs but they stopped her. at the same time Octavia showed up with her guards who were set by Lexa and put her sword on his neck. "Niylah you're with me" Octavia said and Niylah stood next to her. "she is safe. Now you have one less spot to fill" Octavia said. She walked over and everyone looked at her. "every other clan has chosen the survivors. EVERY other clan. Skaikru is no different. You have until midnight. Choose or you all die" Octavia said and walked away. She walked out and sighed and closed her eyes. Lexa saw her and looked at her before walking away.

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