Chapter 23: Osleya

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Lexa was standing nervously in her room hesitating to go outside and face the conclave.
Octavia was sitting and sharpening her sword silently with Bellamy, Lincoln and Indra in the room.
Clarke was walking nervously in the hall ways. Anya was waiting for Lexa outside her doors.
Lexa breathed out and opened the door and saw Anya. “ready?” Anya said nervously and Lexa nodded. “we need to see Oten” Lexa said and Anya nodded and walked behind her.
they reached Clarke in the hall ways and Clarke looked at Lexa desperately. “I will meet you later Clarke. is Octavia ready?” Lexa said and Clarke nodded.
Lexa walked in Oten’s room and Aden was sitting there next to him. “Aden can you leave us for a moment?” Lexa said. “of course” Aden said and went out. Oten was looking outside the window and Lexa sat down and saw the bow he was using and picked it up. “are you okay?” Lexa said. “I live and die for my commander.” Oten said. “Oten I” Lexa said and Oten stopped her from talking.
“I have lived for years to die for you. From the moment you forgave me for stealing till now, I wished every day that I could be a warrior to fight for you.” Oten said and Lexa looked at him for a few seconds, gave him the bow hesitantly and patted his back and went out.
Aden looked at her and started walking beside her. “I want you to be in the bunker. During the fight and after it until I tell you otherwise. Gaia will be there” Lexa said and Aden looked at her confused. “there should always be a commander in the community. If things don’t work out and Octavia doesn’t win the conclave, close the doors. Don’t let anybody in. the people who are currently working on the bunker, will be the future of human race” Lexa said and Aden stopped walking. “I became a commander when I was about your age. You are a strong person. Don’t let emotions stop you when you need to be ruthless. What are the 3 pillars of being a commander?” Lexa said. “wisdom, compassion and strength” Aden said and Lexa nodded to him.

A horn was blown and Octavia opened her eyes and stood up. “may we meet again brother” Octavia said looking at Bellamy. Bellamy hugged her and kissed her forehead. Lincoln gave her the sword. “I taught you well. Go kill them all. Don’t die. Don’t get hurt.” Lincoln said and Octavia kissed him. “I love you” Octavia said.
She walked out of the room and saw Clarke. “go save us all” Clarke said. “that’s normally your job” Octavia said. “now it’s yours” Clarke said and hugged her tight and patted her back. "You are the girl under the floor” Clarke whispered in her. Octavia nodded and walked forward and Indra walked beside her with Lincoln. “if you die I will kill you myself” Indra said and Octavia smirked. “I won’t die. I’m your student” Octavia said.
Clarke and Bellamy were walking behind her. “found the spy?” Bellamy said. “of course” Clarke said.
Lexa was going towards the seats and saw Clarke. she walked behind her and grabbed her arm. “keep walking we need to talk” Lexa said and dragged Clarke into an ally. “what is it?” Clarke said confused. “I sent your mother in the bunker to prepare the infirmary” Lexa said. “and?” Clarke said. “I want you to go to the bunker with Anya in the middle of the fight” Lexa said. “I will send Anya” Clarke said. “Clarke” Lexa said. “you can’t make me do that” Clarke said. “technically I can” Lexa said. “Lexa” Clarke said. “It’s just a rebound plan. If things don’t go as planned, I need you to be in that bunker” Lexa said. “didn’t you say you believe in Octavia?” Clarke said. “I do” Lexa said. “then why??” Clarke said. “because I don’t trust anyone with your life.” Lexa said frustrated. Clarke sighed. “do you still believe that Octavia can win?” Clarke said softly and Lexa nodded. “i will only do it if i doubt that octavia can win” Clarke said. “okay” Lexa said and Clarke hugged her softly and kissed her cheek. “it’s going to work out” Clarke said and Lexa kissed her deeply. “I love you” Clarke said. “I love you” Lexa said.

Lexa went and sat down on her chair and the other ambassadors sat down too. Fighters were standing behind the gates. Anya and Indra were standing on each sides of Lexa’s seat. Clarke sighed and walked up the stairs and sat down while looking at Lexa. Lexa nodded to a guard and he blew the horn and the gates opened.
13 fighters from 13 clans. They all took their weapons and the battle started with another horn sound.
Octavia stood for a while when others were attacking each other. Octavia closed her eyes for some moments and breathed out then bent down and started walking while others couldn’t see her.
Clarke was so nervous. “I can’t see her” Clarke said to Bellamy. “that’s the plan” Bellamy said.
Octavia hid under and saw while Roan and Trishanakru warrior were fighting. She started walking behind the walls but one of the warriors saw her. “time to see how much you have learned Skairipa” he said. Octavia walked back and started running towards a wet place. He ran after her but at the last moment, she ran to the other side and slid under a narrow space but he fell because of the wet ground. A dagger landed on his head when he was getting up. Octavia was getting out of the other side and she saw Roan so she got back and got out from the same space she got in from.
she saw the dagger and the arm on it. it was the Floukru warrior who Luna promised to Lexa.
“5 of the Clans are down” the guard said to Lexa. “Yujledakru” he said and blew the candle. “Boudalankru” he said and blew the candle. “delfikru” he said and blew the candle. “Ingranronakru” he said and blew the candle. “lastly, Floukru” he said and Lexa closed her eyes. He blew the candle. “yu gonplei ste udon (your fight is over)” Lexa said sadly.
Octavia was walking that Trishanakru warrior saw her. “we have skairipa” he said to Ouskejonkru warrior and they surrounded Octavia. Octavia was about to fight them that Sankru (desert clan) warrior who promised his loyalty to Lexa, jumped in and fought them with her. Ouskejonkru warrior stabbed sankru warrior with his sword and Octavia stabbed him from behind. Trishanakru warrior was about to stab Octavia that Oten shot him with an arrow in the leg and Octavia killed him with her dagger.
A guard came. “we have 3 more down” he said and Lexa looked at him. “ouskejonkru, Trishanakru and Sangeda kru” he said and blew their candles and looked at Lexa sadly. She sighed. “yu gonplei ste udon” Clarke said. “Louwodakliron kru, Azgeda kru, Trikru, skaikru , Podakru are left” he said.
Louwoda kliron kru warrior was looking around but an arrow shot him. Bellamy saw that looking from above and walked down the stairs. “what is it?” Clarke said. “I found the Spy” he said and went.
Oten had Roan on spot and he aimed 2 arrows at him with his bow. He was about to shot the arrows that he was stabbed from behind by the Podakru warrior. He shot them and one hit Roan on his shoulder and one on his knee. He fell down and Podakru warrior stabbed him again. Oten smiled while bleeding "ai gonplei ste udon Heda" he said sheding a tear with a smile on his face and stopped breathing. Octavia saw that and shed tears. “yu gonplei ste udon” she said sadly and went to find Podakru warrior angrily.
Lexa was so nervous. “I feel so bad” she said and Anya looked at Clarke. “we have lost 2 more warriors” the guard said. “Louwoda kliron kru” he said and blew the candle. “and?” Clarke said. “Trikru” he said looking down and Lexa closed her eyes. “yu Gonplei ste udon” Anya said quietly. Clarke looked at Lexa and Lexa nodded to her. Clarke got up and Lexa nodded to Anya to follow her

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