Chapter 26: Complications

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Maddie was driving towards the village. "I have to clean your wound." Maddie said stressed. The army was right behind them. Clarke was in a lot of pain. "we need to go in the woods" Clarke said wincing. "you are injured Clarke" Maddie said. "turn left stop the rover" Clarke said and Maddie did it. Clarke got out and got a net full of leaves out of the trunk. She put it on the rover so it would stay hidden. She took Maddie's hand and ran in the woods. She stopped beside a tree that Lexa had marked. "get in" Clarke said opening a door on the ground. "not without you" Maddie said. "there is no time to argue about this Maddie" Clarke said and Maddie went in. "when things get clear, find Lexa. I need you to stay out of sight. No matter what. You hear me? I love you Maddie" Clarke said and closed the door and started running.

"she is there" a man from the army said. They ran towards her. they shot guns and one hit Clarke in the leg. "we got her" a man said in the radio. "good bring her to me" a woman said from the other side of the line.

"Raven" Lexa said and saw blood everywhere. She saw Raven's wrist bleeding and it was locked. "Aden" Lexa said and Aden brought a thin knife out and opened the cuffs on Raven's hand. Lexa tore a part of her clothes and bandaged her wrist. "where is the others?" Lexa said. "I need to hack into the system to open the other gate" Raven said.

They took Clarke to the village. "how many others are in the woods?" the woman said. "just me" Clarke said. "I doubt that she was alone" a man said. They tied Clarke to a chair and the woman sat in front of her. Clarke stared into her eyes. She was bleeding. "bring me a med kit. Over" the woman said. "we were just trying to get back home. Surprisingly there was no home to get back to. Then you went on and killed 4 of ours." She said. 

"there is movement in the woods. We are following" a man said in the radio. "shoot on sight" the woman said. "no, she is just a child" Clarke said trying to open herself. "we are heading north" the man said. "she is luring them in the traps" Clarke said desperately. "keep moving" the woman said. "LISTEN to me. if they follow her, they will die" Clarke said. "if you let her go, I will tell you everything" Clarke said. "let her go" the woman said and sat down. "let's begin. Start with how the world ended" the woman said. "which time?" Clarke said.

"Raven faster we don't know when they will come" Lexa said. "I have to contact the others too" Raven said. "others?" Lexa said. "Luna, Emori and Monty are still up there" Raven said and pressed the button. The gate opened and Lexa waited for it. Lexa went in and Bellamy looked at her. "come on let's get you out of here" Lexa said and unchained Bellamy, Murphy and Harper.

Bellamy grabbed her arm and she grabbed his. "I'm glad you're alive" Lexa said and helped him get out. it was dark and suddenly a gun click sound came from behind Lexa. "stand down" a man said. Lexa was going for her gun. "drop your weapon" the other man said. Lexa looked at Bellamy and suddenly 2 shots were fired and the men fell down. "Maddie" Lexa saw Maddie running to her. she hugged her. "Bellamy?" Maddie said and Bellamy looked at her confused. "Clarke knew you would come" Maddie said. "Clarke is alive?" Bellamy said looking at Lexa. "Clarke is in trouble" Maddie said and Lexa looked at her. "we were shot with a big charging gun. It had a pulse like a bomb. She hid me and I think they got her" Maddie said and Lexa grabbed her guns. "Aden get Maddie out of sight." Lexa said. Raven got out. "what is it?" Raven said. "Clarke is in trouble" Lexa said and turned to Maddie. "where did you hide the rover?" Lexa said. "close to the road and the bear traps" Maddie said and Lexa nodded. "go" Lexa said and Aden ran with Maddie. "Clarke is alive?" Raven told Lexa. "yes the night blood worked" Lexa said. "what about others in the bunker?" Bellamy said. "still there" Lexa said. "how can that be?" Bellamy said. "I will explain" Lexa said handed a map to Raven and ran in the woods with Bellamy and Murphy. Harper and Raven took off to the place Lexa had marked on the new map.

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