Lexa's Legacy

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Lexa was a revolutionary character. No one has ever had such an impact on so many people.

In 2015, I was a lonely girl. I didn't feel seen or understood. Then I saw my super hero. A commander with amazing fighting skills who would swallow her feelings like I used to do. A girl who felt love would make her weak.

Lexa was the first and last character I ever felt connected to.

In March 3rd 2016, my hero was killed by a stray bullet. I thought: "oh not again, another character I like died" but then something big happened.

Something that shook the whole entertainment industry. The Lexa Pledge.

The war paint became a symbol. Everything about her became a symbol. She inspired fan arts, music and last by not least, stories.

Lexa became the reason I started fighting for something bigger than myself. I was part of a community who loved and understood me. despite all the hate and the click baits, Lexa said the last line of the show she was killed off by one bullet.

She was a guest star and ended the show with "special appearance"

But our fight is far from over.

I hope you liked my small part of Lexa's legacy by reading this story.

Lexa's Legacy will forever be peace. 


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