Chapter 17: Winter is coming

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Winter was just some days away. The clan leaders were gathering in polis for the last time in 70 days. The cold breeze was already there and the only clan that didn't seem to care was the ice nation. Lexa had prepared a feast.
Lexa was sleeping in her room and Clarke was sleeping behind her and hugging her from behind. Clarke kissed the side of Lexa's neck and Lexa woke up. "it's time" Clarke said with a low tone and Lexa turned around and laid on her back and opened her eyes. Clarke smiled at her and Lexa looked at her. "you look beautiful" Lexa said. "good morning to you too" Clarke said and smiled at her and Lexa smiled and kissed Clarke's shoulder before getting up. "we should get up before someone walks in on us" Lexa said. "well if it is our life Gaia should be here in like 3.. 2.." Clarke said and a knock was heard. "1" Clarke said and got up frustrated. Lexa caressed her messy hair and her cheek and smiled. "enter" she said and Gaia came in. "Heda, the clan leaders are all gathered in the hall" Gaia said. "okay Gaia I will be right there" Lexa said and Gaia nodded and left. "at least she goes out soon" Clarke said and Lexa chuckled and went behind Clarke who was looking in the mirror and put her chin on her shoulder. "Gaia is one of my best choices" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her in the mirror and turned her head and kissed Lexa's temple. "what is your best decision?" Clarke said. "not dying with a bullet in front of your eyes" Lexa said and Clarke raised her eyebrows. "oh you mean you decided that?" Clarke said and Lexa pecked her neck and nodded. "well thank you Heda for letting me save you" Clarke said sarcastically. "you are welcome" Lexa said and kissed her cheek.
The doors opened and Lexa went in and Clarke went after her and stood next to Kane and her mom. "we have gathered here in the spirit of friendship and harmony. A feast has been prepared as the tradition goes for before winter in every clan. But this time, we are here as a whole nation. As parts of a coalition based on trust." She said and raised her cup. "hail leaders of the 13 clans" Lexa said. "hail commander of the blood" they said and drank.
Gaia was talking to Anya that Lexa came. "has Floukru sent another leader again?" Lexa said. "yes" Gaia said and Lexa nodded. Lincoln came and bowed his head to Lexa and lowered himself. "Azgeda king wants to talk to Ontari" Lincoln said in Lexa's ear and she nodded. "Gaia come with me" Lexa said and they went. Lexa saw Roan and he bowed his head to her. "king Roan demands to talk to the natblida." Lexa said and Gaia looked at her. "take him to her. stay present" Lexa said and Roan looked at her. "is this because you don't trust me?" he said to Lexa in a low tone. "no. the night bloods are in training. If anyone demands talking to them, it has to be in the presence of their Seda (teacher). Who is now, Gaia" Lexa said. "how are things going inside ice nation?" Lexa said. "nothing I can't control. I just have to take care of one small problem." Roan said. "my mother had a way. I try to do things differently" Roan said and Lexa nodded.
Clarke walked to Lexa when he saw Roan. "is anything wrong?" Clarke said. "Roan wants to meet Ontari" Lexa said. "you allowed that?" Clarke said. "yes in the presence of Gaia" Lexa said. "I can't imagine what he is going to tell her before winter." Clarke said. "that is why Gaia is there. She is smart" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. "Heda it has started" Lincoln said excited and Lexa smiled. "you are about to see something really interesting" Lexa said and Clarke walked after her outside the tower. People were gathered and made a path for Lexa to go through. Abby and Kane and Clarke went after her confused and saw Indra and Anya taking off their armors. Octavia was sitting and Lexa sat down. "what are they doing?" Clarke said. "watch" Lexa said and Anya and Indra bowed their heads to her. they started the match and Clarke looked surprised. It was a pure man to man match. "oh my god Anya goes easy on me" Clarke said when she saw how Anya was attacking Indra. "she even goes easy on me Clarke" Lexa said. "you are lucky. Indra doesn't" Octavia said and Lexa laughed. "who usually wins?" Clarke said. "no one they both usually pass out" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "I'm kidding. The first person who falls to the ground" Lexa said and at that second Anya fell down. Octavia shouted and ran to Indra and pulled her up. Anya walked towards Lexa and Lexa gave her armor to her. "we have skills they have power" Lexa said and Clarke laughed. "I have none of them" Clarke said. "well we can't use a gun" Lexa said and Clarke smiled. Abby and Kane looked at Lexa and Abby turned to Kane. "sometimes I forget she is a child too" she said and Kane looked at her. "I guess this is what keeps Clarke in Polis. Not the commander we all know about" Kane said. "it's both" Abby said and Kane smiled and kissed her head.
They cooked the hunts in the middle of Polis and Lexa saw Aden and went to him. She gave him the food and sat next to him. "I know" Lexa said and Aden turned to her. "to be commander is to be alone." Lexa said. "but that isn't true." Lexa said. "how am I supposed to kill my friends?" Aden said. "we are taught to be isolated so that we don't get hurt one day. But the pain is there and without it, you are incomplete" Lexa said. "you gave me your blood. Would you do the same for them?" Lexa said and Aden nodded. "they would do the same for you. The conclave is inevitable. But the process is more than just death at the end. You could die. They could die. But someday you are going to make friends. People that would kill and die for you. Are you going to avoid that too because you are afraid of getting them killed?" Lexa said. "the reason we train night bloods from childhood has changed. It's more than just training them to fight and die and kill to become the commander. It's about becoming a person people can look up to. They keep saying feelings make you weak. But if you just decide with your head, no one is going to be happy in the end." Lexa said. "don't you always decide with your head?" Aden said. "no. I made the coalition with my heart if I am honest. My head would want power for trikru" Lexa said and Aden smiled. "I am lucky I am trained by you. Thank you" Aden said. "go be with others" Lexa said and Aden stood up and left.
Lexa was in her room that Clarke went in. "Mom and Kane are staying in my room" she said and Lexa smiled. Clarke sat next to Lexa and Lexa sighed. "what?" Clarke said. "it's too calm." Lexa said. "did Gaia say what Roan and Ontari talked about?" Clarke said. "they still haven't, they will tomorrow" Lexa said. "it's the second time I won't be around for more than 15 days and the last time I wasn't, it ended with 190 of your people and 100 of my people dead" Clarke said. "this time is different" Lexa said. "yes at least Bellamy is in his right mind" Clarke said and put her head on Lexa's shoulder. "can we have peace for 70 days?" Lexa said softly and rested her head on Clarke's. "I hope so" Clarke said and Lexa kissed her head.
The next day, Gaia went with Roan to see Ontari. He went into the room and saw her looking at him. He sat in front of her and Gaia stood where she could hear them. "here comes the fake king" Ontari said looking at Roan. "shut your mouth little girl" he said. "you are a disgrace to the ice nation." Ontari said. "I am the king of the ice nation" Roan said. "you lost the battle to Lexa. She killed your mother and you still bow to her" she said. "I don't care what you think about me. you are ice nation's treasure. So we wanted to give you this" he said and brought a box out. Gaia looked at the box and he opened it. "these are herbs. You are in training so we wanted to give you this for your power" Roan said. Gaia frowned and took Ontari's hand before she could take the herbs. "Heda needs to approve this" Gaia said and took it from her. Roan looked at her confused and she went to Lexa. She knocked on the door and Lexa who was awake opened it. Clarke woke up and saw Gaia at the door. "I'm sorry I'm here so early Heda. King Roan wanted to give Ontari, this" Gaia said and Lexa took the box. Clarke got off the bed and went to her. "what is that?" Clarke said. "herbs" Gaia said. "the question is, why?" Lexa said. "he said he wanted it to give Ontari power as she is ice nation treasure" Gaia said. "ice nation treasure" Lexa said and started walking. Gaia looked at her. "ice nation treasure. What are you planning Roan?" Lexa said with a low tone and Clarke went to her. "what if we are overthinking about this? isn't ontari the only night blood in ice nation?" Clarke said. "he knows Ontari is not a normal person. She won't use that. She will give it to the others" Lexa said. "you mean maybe he is trying to weaken the rest of the night bloods?" Clarke said. "this isn't Roan's plan" Lexa said. "how do you know that?" Clarke said. "because I know Roan. He is smart but he can't think like that. He has a warrior's mind. that's the reason I killed his mother and not him" Lexa said and Gaia looked at Clarke. "could you be wrong about him?" Clarke said. "I need to talk to Roan" Clarke said. "no Clarke if he has something planned, he will know" Lexa said. "then what do we do?" Gaia said. "Roan is a smart man. He wouldn't try to fool me and risk a war with Azgeda. Does azgeda have any other night blood?" Lexa said. "not that I know of. Why?" Gaia said. "because Ontari doesn't recognize Roan as the king of Azgeda. Maybe Roan isn't trying to kill the other night bloods but Ontari herself?" Lexa said. "doesn't that risk a war?" Clarke said. "it does" Gaia said. "Roan told me something yesterday" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "he said he tries to do things differently. What if" Lexa said. "what if he meant he tries but has to do things the way his mother used to do to gain respect" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "let's think Roan wants to kill Ontari. Why would he do that. She is the only promising night blood Azgeda has had in years." Gaia said. "he must have something. Roan is not reckless" Lexa said. "give Ontari the herbs but control her actions and don't let her share them. Gaia you have to be careful especially with Aden" Lexa said and Gaia nodded.
Anya came inside the room and looked at Lexa. "what has happened?" Lexa said. "Ontari" Anya said and Lexa went towards Ontari's room. She saw her on the ground and she was stabbed in the stomach. The knife was away from her body. Roan came in and looked at Lexa. "what is this?" he said. Clarke went close to Ontari and looked at her wound. "Clarke" Lexa said. "I think she did it herself" Clarke said and Roan looked at them. "he needs to stay alive" Roan said. "you are a healer. Keep her alive Clarke" Roan said and Clarke sighed. "she is dead." Clarke said. "she knew where to stab" Lexa said and Roan looked at her. "how?" he said. "because we taught that 3 days ago." Gaia said. "if ice nation war chiefs find out about this, they will think that you have done it. there will be a war. Even if they don't think that you have done that, they will think I have and I will be a dead man." Roan said. "it was her plan. She found out that you wanted to weaken her slowly and make it seem like an illness" Lexa said and Roan looked at her in surprise. "it wasn't so hard to figure that out Roan" Lexa said. "she did this on purpose" Lexa said with a low tone. "what should we do?" Clarke said. "first of all, you should get out of this room as soon as possible" Lexa said. "why?" Clarke said. "because you are skaikru Clarke everything can suddenly become your fault" Lexa said and nodded to Anya and Anya took Clarke out. "did you have a plan?" Lexa said to Roan. "a night blood child has been born. A girl." Roan said. "send the child to Polis after she is four. That's the new rule. But tell your people about it." Lexa said. "they wanted Ontari because my mother taught her everything" Roan said. "tell them. recognize those who defy you" Lexa said. "then?" Roan said. "be like your mother. Sometimes you have to seem like the bad guy. You lost the combat to me Roan. Your people doubt your power. Especially those who are loyal to their queen. Find your trusting men" Lexa said. "so I tell them I killed Ontari?" Roan said. "no. you just say we didn't" Lexa said.
Lexa went to her room and Clarke was there with Anya. She sighed and closed the door. "what happened?" Clarke said. "Roan is taking the responsibility. I saw it coming from the time that I killed the queen. It's about time that Roan clears the mess his mother has made" Lexa said. "you told him to kill those who don't follow him?" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "yes" Lexa said. "will he? Kill his own people?" Clarke said. "Roan is a king. If he wants to stay alive and avoid war with the other 12 clans, he will do what is necessary" Lexa said. "he hates his mother's way" Clarke said. "Clarke I hate almost everything we have to do but some things are necessary. Aden doesn't eat with his friends because someday he has to kill them. I hate that but there is nothing I can do about it at the moment. Roan wants to approach things differently and I get that, you know I do. But having people with so much power that can over power you, is dangerous. Not only for Roan. But for you, for me, for the Coalition" Lexa said. "I hope he doesn't enjoy his mother's way" Clarke said. "I hope so too." Lexa said. "I have to my mother before she goes" Clarke said and went out. Anya looked at Lexa. "she just doesn't like the fact that you talk about it like it's not a big thing" Anya said. "I know that" Lexa said and sat down on the ground beside her bed. Anya sat next to her. "want a drink?" Anya said and Lexa shook her head.
Everyone from the clans were gone and Clarke was in her room. She was laying on the bed and Lexa opened the door and went inside. Clarke closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Lexa sat on her bed and caressed her hair. "it's not as easy as you think it is" Lexa said with a low tone. "I put on a strong face and talk like it doesn't scar my soul but it does." Lexa said and looked at Clarke. "we were taught to be alone. To be strong and fearless. They were right sometimes but they never thought about what they were doing to some of us." Lexa said. "Luna is afraid of killing. I am afraid of feeling. I don't know what the rest of us would fear now because they are just circles tattooed on my back. I am trying to change things. But sometimes, being the commander isn't exactly the same as being myself. But I have to do it" Lexa said and wiped a single tear. She laid down and hugged Clarke from behind and kissed her shoulder. Clarke turned around and looked at her. "Clarke" Lexa said and Clarke kissed her lips softly. Lexa turned around and Clarke hugged her and kissed her neck. "I get you" Clarke said and kissed her neck. "I know you" she said and kissed her shoulder softly. "you are intimidating. But not to me" Clarke said and Lexa smiled softly and turned to her. she put her forehead on Clarke's and closed her eyes. "will you teach me how to throw daggers?" Clarke said. "will you teach me how to shoot with guns?" Lexa said and Clarke smiled. "I can't imagine you holding a gun" Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. "well technically I united the clans with 2 swords so" Lexa said. "you wanted to fight a pauna with 2 swords" Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. "I admit that was the first time I ran away like that" Lexa said and Clarke laughed. "I still can't believe you used my sword as a lock" Lexa said. "you're welcome" Clarke said and Lexa laid on her back and opened her arm. Clarke put her head on Lexa's chest and hugged her. Lexa kissed her head and Clarke looked up and they kissed each other's lips. "you were right Clarke. life is about more than just surviving" Lexa said

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