Chapter 11: Demons

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Clarke and Lexa were riding their horses next to each other slowly. Clarke was so silent and Lexa looked at her. "thinking about home?" Lexa said. "thinking about if Arkaidia is home. I left it at a different name" Clarke said. "you left a hero to your people and now you return one. You bring them justice" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "YOU bring them justice" she raised her eyebrows. "we bring them peace" Lexa said and smiled at her and Clarke smiled back. "you did all you could for them Clarke. Even if they can't see that" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her and nodded slightly.
they saw someone approaching them. "it's Octavia" Clarke said and Lexa stopped. "welcome home" Octavia said. "commander, there is one slight problem" Octavia said. "there are some internal problems in Arkaidia. So many still blame you for leaving us at mount weather. So" she said and Lexa stopped her from talking. "you mean It's not safe for her to be there?" Clarke said defensively. "I mean. You need guards but weapons aren't allowed for others inside" Octavia said. "so what do you suggest?" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her calm face in surprise. "Lincoln" Octavia said. "it's not safe for him to protect me in the middle of your people." Lexa said disagreeing. "you do it" Clarke told Octavia. "no one can say anything to you Bellamy won't let them" she continued. "No" Lexa said. "Lincoln can be by my side. Plus, my mom is there" Clarke said and Octavia looked at them. "okay?" Clarke said looking at Lexa and Lexa nodded.
They reached the gates and the doors opened. Kane and Abby were waiting and everyone just stopped what they were doing. Bellamy, Raven, Jasper and Monty were sitting around a table when the doors opened. Lincoln was a guard at Arkaidia and helped Lexa get off her horse. "Heda" he said smiling and Lexa grabbed forearms with him. "it's so good to see you again" she said and Clarke got off her horse. Jasper rolled his eyes when he saw Clarke. "Mom" Clarke said and hugged her mom. "commander" Kane said and Lexa nodded her head to him. Octavia walked close to Lexa and Lexa nodded to her warriors to bring the dead body. They brought the body of the ice nation queen. A survivor from the ones who died the day of the ice nation's attack, called Pike came forward. "what are we supposed to say now? Thank you?" he said and Lexa looked at him. Clarke turned when she heard the voice and went and stood next to Lexa. "Pike stand down" Kane said and Bellamy came forward. "why? They have killed so many people and now she thinks by killing their queen, we will forget that?" Bellamy said. Clarke wanted to say something that Lexa stopped her. "no I don't" Lexa said and Bellamy looked at her. "I know why you demand vengeance. Anyone would want that. But this is not vengeance. Its Justice. the ice nation queen paid for her crimes with her life. I promised you Justice" she said looking at Bellamy and Pike. "you don't even care about the lives that we have lost." Bellamy said. "enough" Kane said looking at him and he stood down. Clarke looked at Lexa and Lexa blinked her eyes reassuringly.
Lexa went into the meeting room with Kane and Abby and Octavia stood there as her guard to discuss some stuff. Clarke saw Raven and Raven hugged her. "it's so good to see you again" she said and Monty hugged Clarke too. "yeah must feel amazing to run away from who you are" Jasper said sarcastically and walked past her. "what was that all about?" Clarke told Bellamy as he sat down. "you are not in charge here Clarke and you know, that's a good thing because people die when you are in charge." Bellamy shouted and Clarke couldn't say anything. She saw Jasper looking at them. "I did everything I could. I am doing everything I can." Clarke said loudly with tears in her eyes. "you left Clarke." He said loudly. "I left because I trusted you" Clarke shouted and Lexa came out with Kane and Octavia and heard their voices. "she left us to die. She will always choose her people first" Bellamy shouted. "don't ruin things Bellamy. We have done our part" Clarke said. "we?" he said surprised rising his eyebrows. "Lexa and I" Clarke said and Bellamy walked away. Clarke sat there with her head in her hands. "you are like a magnet Clarke. Wherever you go, death just follows" Jasper said loudly while Clarke was walking away.
She walked to Lexa and stopped next to her. "are you done?" Clarke said and Lexa nodded looking at her worried. "mom, I don't think I can stay here any longer" Clarke said and her mom hugged her. "I know, try to understand them" Abby said and Clarke looked at her. "I understand everything and everyone" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "we did our part. It's now our people's job to keep things this way" Clarke said. "it would be nice to have you here" Abby said. "It's better if I'm not here" Clarke said and Looked at Lexa.
Lexa and Clarke moved back towards Polis. It became dark so Lexa told them to wait and rest. They made a fire and Clarke was so silent during the whole ride. Lexa sat down next to Clarke in silence and Clarke stared at the fire. "you have been silent" Lexa said and Clarke looked away and shed a tear. "Clarke are you okay?" Lexa said carefully. "I do all of this. they think I don't get hurt" Clarke said. "one day, they will thank you" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "I mean it. you fix everything for everyone. You make the decisions, because they don't have the ability to do that" Lexa said and Clarke chuckled painfully. "if only they thought like you" Clarke said and threw a piece of leaf into the fire. "let me show you something" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her confused. Lexa got up and cut off a piece like moss and sat down. "watch" she said and threw it in the fire. The fire turned yellow and Clarke looked at her amazed and smiled widely. Lexa gave her a piece and Clarke threw it in and smiled at the fire changing color. "we learnt about the plants that were poisonous or eatable on the Ark but we never learnt about these kinds" Clarke said. "normal people don't know these plants exist" Lexa said and chuckled. Clarke smiled and looked at her. "thank you" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "we have a lot of demons Clarke. but we are not the bad guys nor the good guys" Lexa said. "who are the good guys?" Clarke said looking at the sky. "maybe there are no good guys" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "do you really believe that?" Clarke said. "I have to. Some try to be good. Some are just pure evil. But in this world, no one is good" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. "you say you bear it so they don't have to. That's why they think you are the bad guy. Because you do things and bear the burden for them" Lexa said. "what do you think?" Clarke said. "I think those who are in the leading role, do things that people don't get from outside. That's why only you understood my decisions." Lexa said and Clarke nodded agreeing. "that's why I hated my mom for not stopping my dad's execution" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "your mom definitely couldn't live with herself. Just as I couldn't live with myself when I accepted their offer. Just as you can't live with yourself for becoming Wanheda" Lexa said and Clarke nodded sadly. "life has a way of showing things to you" Clarke said smiling sadly and Lexa nodded.
The sky was becoming bright and they started moving towards Polis. They reached Polis and Anya greeted them. Clarke wasn't feeling well so she went straight to her room. "did something bad happen?" Anya said and Lexa just shook her head for Anya to drop it. "Heda, did you talk to Chancellor Kane about Trikru borders?" Titus said and Lexa nodded. "they need some lands to grow food on. But our villages are in the fertile lands and it's Trikru territory" Lexa said and Anya thought. "what if we move the villages and change the borders a little?" Anya said. "I have to think about it. we can't risk a war between Trikru and Skykru" Lexa said and Anya nodded to her. "there is some things that bother me" Lexa said. "there is dissention in skykru." She said and Titus frowned. "won't that become a problem?" he said. "as long as Kane is the chancellor, no" Lexa said. "but I'm worried about a coup inside Arkaidia. They have lost a lot" she continued. "we can't worry about that now. We are sending groups to find out if any clan has hidden night blood children" Anya said. "don't drag them here. No force is allowed. They are just children." Lexa said and Titus wanted to say something. "I will bring them here. The law should be enforced completely. But not how the past commanders did it. I know what I am doing" Lexa said and he nodded.
Lexa was walking towards her room that Clarke walked out of her own room. "do you need anything?" Lexa said and Clarke shook her head. "I was coming to you" Clarke said. "are you okay?" Lexa said. "yeah I just, I didn't want to be alone" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. they went into Lexa's room. Clarke sat on one couch and Lexa on another. Clarke saw coal on Lexa's table. "you need that?" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "there is paper on the table too" Lexa said and Clarke took some straw papers from the table and looked at Lexa. "I draw maps" Lexa said and Clarke raised her eyebrows and sat on the couch. Lexa laid down and grabbed a book to read. She was so tired so she fell asleep so soon. Clarke looked at her and started drawing her. Lexa moved a little. Clarke looked at her worried. She seemed like she was having a night mare. "No" Lexa said and woke up breathing hard. "hey" Clarke got up fast and sat beside her and caressed her knee. "it's okay. You're okay" she said and put her hand on Lexa's back. Lexa took her head in her hands and nodded. "Lexa" Clarke said worried and Lexa stood silent. "every time I close my eyes, I see every commander before me, holding the dead body of one they care about. Then" she said and closed her eyes in pain. "then I see myself. Beside the fire that was burning Costia to ashes" she said and Clarke looked at her softly with sadness. "it's just a nightmare" Clarke said rubbing Lexa's knee. "no, it's a warning" Lexa said. "warning about what?" Clarke said. "your life is in danger. I don't know how I know. But the commanders are never wrong" Lexa said. "so what? My life has been in danger since I set foot on the ground" Clarke said. "Clarke you don't understand" Lexa said and looked at her in pain. "Listen to me. people, don't just die when you get close to them." Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "guess we are both fighting with our demons" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. Lexa got up and closed her book and put it on the table. She walked passed Clarke and saw Clarke's drawing of her and Clarke got up embarrassed. "it's not finished yet" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her surprised. The door was knocked and Lexa put the paining on the couch and looked at the door. Titus and Anya came and Clarke gathered her papers. Titus looked at them and Lexa locked her hands behind her back. "what is it?" Lexa said. "I'm sorry Heda. Azgeda ambassador has something to show you." He said and Lexa nodded. The ice nation ambassador came in with Ontari and another person who was chained and had a cloth covering their head. "the king has sent the night blood to Polis." The man said. "Ontari should be trained individually for the time being." Lexa said and Titus bowed his head. Clarke turned to the guy and frowned. "who is that?" she said. "king Roan thought maybe the commander would want to see this" he said and nodded to his guard and they uncovered the girl. Titus looked shocked at Lexa as she seemed like she had stopped breathing for a second. "you" Anya said angrily. "who is that?" Clarke said. Lexa walked towards the girl in chains. "get her out of my room" she said with tears and blood in her eyes from anger. Titus looked at the guards and they took her out. Lexa turned her back on all 3 of them and stood there. "Lexa" Titus said and Lexa raised her hand. Clarke walked towards her slowly. "that's the spy that captured Costia, lied to us about her whereabouts, cut" Lexa said and she couldn't continue because of the lump and anger in her throat. "cut off her head" she said after some moments and a tear dropped. "Anya" Lexa said and Anya looked at her. "send her to king Roan. Tell him to take her to the place we were supposed to find Costia." Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "you don't want to kill her?" Anya said and Lexa shook her head looking emotionless. "that would be too merciful" Lexa said. "are you sure about this?" Anya said and Lexa nodded. "the queen got out of what she did too easily. This one, won't" Lexa said.
Lexa was on her balcony and Clarke saw her. she went behind her and put her chin on Lexa's shoulder. Lexa stood quiet. "are you okay?" Clarke said. "I am" Lexa said. "what are you thinking about?" Clarke said. "about the reason the commanders showed me those memories" Lexa said. "when things happen, we fix them" Clarke said and Lexa looked at her. "how are you feeling? You're better?" Lexa said and Clarke nodded. "Polis has so much peace in it" Lexa said. "yeah don't jinx it" Clarke said and Lexa chuckled. "when there is no problem, there is a problem" Lexa said and Clarke nodded painfully. "the winter is here soon. We should think about something for the clans. Especially your people" Lexa said. "we have given them some of our lands. We moved the border villages more inside the woods for skykru to have some rich lands to grow things. I don't know what else I can do without creating a war" Lexa said. "my people have survived in space I'm sure Kane will find a way for them" Clarke said. Indra came in and Lexa turned around. "we have 4 new night bloods. But 2 families didn't want to send their children. You said no force so we didn't do anything" she said and Lexa nodded to her. "do they have to kill each other in the conclave after your death?" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. "if night bloods are this important, why do they have to kill each other?" Clarke asked. "because if they don't, they all will think they have a right to be the commander." Lexa said. "why don't you change this tradition?" Clarke said. "some traditions go so deep Clarke. I don't like this either but that's the only way. at least for now. I will try not to die soon" Lexa said and Clarke glared at her. "you better" Clarke said. "I have to talk to Roan" Lexa said. "about ontari?" Clarke said and Lexa nodded smiling. "what?" Clarke asked confused. "we think the same way" Lexa said and Clarke smiled looking down.
Kane went to Polis with Raven and Abby to talk about food and supplies with Lexa. Clarke was sleeping in her room and Lexa sent Raven to Clarke while talking to Kane and Abby in the throne room alone. Raven knocked on the door but there was no response. She opened the door and saw Clarke sleeping. She went closer and saw that she was hardly breathing and had cold sweat on her forehead. "Clarke" Raven shook her but she didn't wake up. "I have to do this Bellamy" Clarke said in her sleep crying. "Clarke wake up" Raven said worried and shook her more. Clarke suddenly woke up and breathed hardly. "Clarke" Raven said worried and Clarke was in a daze and suddenly passed out. Raven ran to the throne room. "Clarke has passed out" she said and Lexa stood up and walked to Clarke's room fast. Abby took Clarke's pulse and it was slow. Clarke was burning in fever. Lexa looked at her worried and Anya brought water to bring down Clarke's body temperature. "what happened?" Lexa asked Raven. "she was having a nightmare. I shook her and she woke up but passed out seconds later" Raven said. "she is tired" Abby said. They all sat in Clarke's room till she woke up. her mom sat on her bed next to her and Raven and Kane on the couches. Lexa stood next to the bed staring at Clarke worried. "did she have any problems today?" Abby asked. "she has been in a lot of pressure. She was a little dizzy today that's why I asked her to sleep. She can't sleep" Lexa said and Raven looked at her. "I think she sees nightmares about what happened in mount weather" Raven said and Lexa looked at Clarke. she closed her eyes. She blamed herself for this. Clarke woke up slowly and opened her eyes. "Clarke" Abby said happily and kissed her head. Raven sat on her bed and hugged her. "you made me so worried" Raven said. Clarke looked around and saw Anya but Lexa wasn't there. She nodded to Anya and Anya went to Lexa.
Lexa was in the throne room distracting her mind with notes. "why did you leave?" Anya said. "I'm the reason she isn't okay" Lexa said and Anya sighed. "don't do that" Anya said. "do what?" Lexa looked at the notes and Anya looked at her. Lexa looked up and saw Kane. "we need to discuss things" Lexa said and Kane nodded. "you had different stations on the Ark right?" Lexa said. "yes. We had 12 stations who did different things" Kane said. "so is your farm station working on the lands now?" Lexa said. "most of the farm station were murdered by the ice nation" Kane said and Lexa nodded. "we could send volunteers to teach your people and work till you have more people" Lexa said. "yes that is possible. Our people won't say no to Heda's request" Anya said and Kane thought a little before nodding. "is there anything you want to say?" Lexa said. "what if we trade?" Kane said. "we will give and teach our technology and learn hunting from yours" Kane said and Lexa thought. "will your people be okay with that? They don't seem to agree with you" Lexa said and Kane looked at her. "I have faith in my people" Kane said and Lexa nodded.
Lexa went inside Clarke's room and saw Raven there. "where is Abby?" Lexa said. "she went with Anya to get Clarke something to eat" Raven said and Lexa nodded. "how is she?" Lexa said worried trying to hide her emotions. "better. She keeps having nightmares but she seems to be okay now" Raven said. "Raven" Clarke said coughing. "yes?" Raven took her hand. "can you go and get me some water?" she said and Raven went out.
Clarke looked at Lexa and Lexa sat next to her on the bed and wiped her forehead with a wet cloth. "don't do that" Clarke said. "do what?" Lexa said. "that. Don't blame yourself" Clarke said and Lexa put her hand on Clarke's forehead. "it's not your fault. I was drained I'm better now" Clarke said again. "rest, okay?" Lexa said looking at her worried. "can you do something for me?" Clarke said and Lexa nodded getting up and Clarke took her hand and Lexa sat again. "what do you need?" Lexa said and Clarke got up a little and Lexa helped her sit. "can you hold me for some minutes?" Clarke said and Lexa hugged her softly. Clarke rested her head on Lexa's shoulder and Lexa closed her eyes. "thank you" Clarke said still in Lexa's arms. "for what?" Lexa said confused. "for letting me let my pain out. no one has ever listened to them" Clarke said and Lexa hugged her tighter. "me too" Lexa said and Clarke smiled and closed her eyes. "will you sleep?" Lexa said and caressed Clarke's cheek. Clarke nodded and laid down and grabbed Lexa's hand and slept.

When i was watching the show, what really caught my eyes was the understanding between Clarke and Lexa. Unfortunately we didnt get to see it better so i put it in here for all of us 😅

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