Chapter 7: The connection

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In camp Jaha, things were not going smoothly. Kane and Octavia were trying their best to keep the peace, but grounders and sky people weren't going to get along. "I know we don't have a lot in common, but we do have a common enemy and a common goal. Trikru and skykru both joining together and sharing our knowledge together. So if you can't work here, pack your stuff and you know where the door is." He said and looked at his people. Indra stood forward "we will train from now. Get to work" she said and looked at Kane.
The grounders started training. They were beating each other like there was no tomorrow. "impressive isn't it?" Kane told Octavia. "who is next?" Indra said. Octavia walked forward "I am" she said and Kane looked at her in shock. "only warriors train here. Believe me im saving your life" Indra said and walked away. The night came, the warriors were drained. It was raining. "we should go and hunt. They have no food" Indra said and as they were leaving, Octavia stopped them. "time for one more?" Octavia said. "step aside sky girl, we are hungry" Indra said. "make me" she answered. Indra nodded to her best warrior and he stepped back to fight with Octavia. He knocked her down. She was covered in mud and blood. "give up" Indra shouted but there was no way Octavia Blake would give up so she got up over and over again. "Fio enough. Even a fool knows when to surrender" Indra said and stopped him. They went hunting and Kane pulled Octavia up and took her to Jackson who was their doctor.
Indra came back with a hunt and they all ate from it. she went to see Octavia after it. "what do you want?" Octavia said. "you fought like a child today. All aggression no thought no defense" Indra said "ok I know I got my ass kicked" she answered. "aren't you happy?" she continued. "it does" Indra said and sat down. "because you didn't give up. strength of spirit like that is rare. It must be guided." She continued. Octavia looked at her. "do you know what a warrior's second is? I can make you a great warrior Octavia of the sky people if you are willing to do what it takes to become my second" she said. "I'm in" Octavia said after moments of silence

Ton DC
Lexa and Clarke returned to Ton DC. Lexa headed to her tent. "what happened to your arm?" Anya said shocked at her sight. "pauna" Lexa said briefly and took her armor off with pain. "should I call Nyko?" Anya said and Lexa nodded. Abby came in her tent after some minutes. "Nyko was busy with some wounded so when Anya said you were hurt, he asked me to come." She said. "thank you" Lexa said politely and Abby sat in front of her. "did Clarke patch this up?" Abby said sounding proud. "yes she is pretty good I assume" Lexa said and Abby smiled. She took a look at Lexa's arm and frowned with the thought of the pain Lexa was enduring. "It's a little dislocated. Do you need anything to hold on to for the pain?" she said carefully. "just do it" Lexa said while controlling her pain. Abby looked at her worried and located her arm and Lexa closed her eyes and clenched her jaw to suppress her pain. A tear dropped from the corner of her eye from the pain. Abby looked at her like a worried mother. "thanks Abby" Lexa said and Abby nodded and went outside. Clarke got out of her tent and she saw her mom coming out of Lexa's tent. Her mother saw her and approached her. "is she okay?" Clarke asked. "she is.." Abby said looking a little lost. "mom" Clarke called her. "there is something about her. something I can't find" Abby said. "what are you talking about?" Clarke said confused and her mom just shook her head and walked away. Anya went close to Clarke. "you fought a Pauna?" Anya said confused. "we didn't fight. We ran" Clarke laughed a little. "Lexa kom trikru ran away? That's new" Anya said. "believe me she wanted to fight a huge gorilla with a sword and a dislocated shoulder." Clarke said and Anya chuckled. "she listens to you" Anya said. "Lexa is just extremely logical" Clarke said and saw her come out of her tent. "and appears she doesn't know how to rest" Clarke continued. Lexa reached them. "did you rest?" Lexa told Clarke. "how is your arm?" Clarke said. "I'm better" Lexa answered and Anya looked at them. "if you have had enough rest, I want you to go to camp Jaha. You have to contact Bellamy. But we do need someone here in your place." Lexa said. "isn't Abby staying here" Anya said. "No" they both said in union. "my mom isn't suitable for this" she said and Lexa nodded. "can you tell Kane to come?" Lexa asked her. "yes but your people are there and Kane is the only thing keeping them from killing each other" Clarke said. "I will send you with your mom. Tell Octavia and Kane to come here with Indra and our people" she said and Clarke nodded. "I will go with her" Anya said without Lexa asking and Lexa nodded. Clarke went to sleep so she could go in the morning. "keep her safe" Lexa said. "don't worry" Anya said and Lexa walked away.
The next morning, Clarke got up and packed her stuff. She went out and saw two guards waiting for her. "we will be your guards. Commander's orders" Clarke nodded. Anya brought a horse for Clarke and one for her mom. "I will be back with good news" Clarke said and Lexa nodded. Anya looked at Lexa and bowed her head and started riding her horse. They were moving to camp jaha that one of Anya's guards got shot. Anya got off her horse and ran towards Clarke. Clarke's guards stood in front of her and Anya pulled Clarke to her back. Clarke took out her gun and saw the shooter. Anya took her small dagger out and threw it to him. They ran to him and saw his Anti-radiation cloth was punctured. One of her guards took out his sword to kill the shooter. "no" Clarke said and he stopped. "look for tapes in his bag. Fast" Clarke said and they gave her the tapes. Abby put the tape on the torn place. "what are you doing?" Anya took Clarke's arm and said. "we can get information from him" Clarke said and pulled the man up. they went to their horses and Anya tied him to herself with a rope. "they listen to you" Abby said. "Lexa told them to" Clarke answered and they started moving.
They reached Camp Jaha. They opened the gates. "he is radiated. Don't let him die" Clarke told Jackson and Abby went with him. "our blood heals them." Clarke said louder. "Kane. You need to leave for Ton DC. Lexa needs you to be there" Clarke said. "glad to have you back" Kane said and went to pack his stuff. Indra came and grabbed forearms with Anya. "keep Lexa safe till I come" Anya said and Indra bowed her head. "Octavia" Clarke said happily and hugged her. "what happened" Clarke saw her scars. "got beaten up to prove a point" Octavia said and Clarke chuckled. Clarke moved and her two guards moved behind her. she went to Raven and her guards stood by the door. "you need bodyguards now?" Raven said sarcastically. "Lexa's orders" Clarke said and Raven raised her eyebrows. "I'm Kinda done with radios but still no sign of Bellamy" Raven said worried. The radio started buzzing. "raven do you copy" Bellamy said. Clarke picked it up. "Bellamy you are alive" clarke said. "yes but I have news. Bad news." Bellamy said. "harper is missing for days. The others aren't safe. A girl here is helping me she seems to be jasper's girlfriend. It has started. We need to be fast" he said. "we have an army inside. When I give you a sign, we want you to free them out of their cages. Grounder army" Clarke said. "clarke we don't have enough time. Over and out" he said and Clarke sat there. "it has started" Clarke said worried. "find a way to shut down the acid fog." Clarke said and Raven nodded. "he said we don't have enough time" Raven said. "do something Clarke" she said again when Clarke didn't respond. "what do you want me to do" Clarke said frustrated. "something. that's what you do Clarke. You make the plans and take the decisions." Raven said louder. "if you are the leader, act like one" she said and Clarke went out. Anya was waiting for her outside. She walked fast to the infirmary. "we don't have time. He needs to start talking" Clarke told her mom. "he needs to heal Clarke" she said. He was kept in air lock. She turned on the speaker. "what have you done to my friends" Clarke said angrily. "my name is Carl Emerson mount weather security Guard" he kept saying. Clarke closed her eyes to control her Anger. "Carl Emerson. You see if you don't start talking in like 10 seconds, I'm going to open this air lock and you are going to burn." Clarke said and Abby looked at her surprised. "there is nothing you can do to save them anymore" he said with a smile and Clarke was going for the lever. Abby took a step and Anya stopped Clarke's hand and stood in front of the lever. "don't do this Clarke" she said with a low tone. "my people. our people are dying" Clarke said angrily and stood closer to Anya's face. "would you stay in front of Lexa too?" Clarke said looking at her eyes. "definitely" Anya said firmly. "I won't let you lose yourself to win a war" Anya said with a low voice for only Clarke to hear her. Clarke walked out of the room and into meeting room. She threw everything off the table and started breathing heavily. "Think Clarke" Anya said from the door. "torturing and killing is not for you" Anya said. "but I killed Finn didn't I?" Clarke said. "killing Finn was a right move. A smart one. If you kill Emerson, that's not smart" Anya answered. "think" she said and closed the door. After some minutes, Clarke went to the air lock room and straight to the lever. Abby wanted to stop her but Anya stood in front of her. Clarke opened the air lock and gave Emerson an anti-radiation suit. She cuffed his hands and put his Oxygen timer on 3 hours. "it's a 6 hours walk from here to your place. You better run and tell your leader, we are coming for him and we are a lot more than he thinks we are" Clarke said and he ran. She went to Raven. "are you leaving? Clarke we need you here" Raven said. "I'm not" Clarke said.
7 days passed. They saw a horse from far and it was Octavia. "Clarke" she said worried. "on my way here, I killed a mountain man. There was 2 of them I think they were search parties. But that's not the case" she said and pulled a photo out of her armor. "they both had this in their bags" she gave Clarke the photo. It was Clarke and Lexa on the day they were attacked by the pauna. "you two are the targets. We should focus our forces" Anya said. "I agree. We can't be moving all the time" Octavia said. "Raven needs her workshop" Clarke said. "I can give you long range radio" Raven said and Clarke nodded. "we need to go fast" Anya said and Raven and Clarke ran to get the radios. The radio buzzed "Raven" Bellamy said distressed. "Bellamy" clarke grabbed it. "you and Lexa are the target. Tonight, there are snipers coming" Bellamy said fast. "is Octavia safe?" Bellamy continued. Raven looked at Clarke. "yes she will stay in camp jaha. Focus" Clarke said and Raven looked at her with disbelief. "okay over and out" he said. "I can't believe you lied to him" Raven said. "raven. Bellamy needs to be focused. He can't be worried about Octavia in the middle of a mission. We will reconcile later" Clarke said. "I hope you can" Raven said and Clarke pulled her in a hug. "its not easy for me either" she whispered and went.
They reached Ton DC before the sky was dark. She got off her horse and reached Lexa and Kane beside her. "Clarke of the sky people have honored us with her presence" Lexa said. "I'm sorry I'm late" Clarke said. Anya and Octavia bowed their head. "can we talk in private?" Clarke said with a low ton and Lexa nodded. They went into the meeting room. "snipers are coming. We should warn people and clan leaders" Clarke said and Lexa shook her head. "we can't it's too risky we need to leave" Lexa said. "if we are the target and we tell others about the snipers, they will know we have an inside man it's a big risk for bellamy" she continued. "so what we let our people die??" Clarke said. "victory stands on the back of sacrifice Clarke. We are leaving now" she gave Clarke something to cover up and walked. Clarke took her arm and turned her to herself. "NO this is wrong" she said with a firm voice. Lexa stepped forward and Clarke looked at her with fear. "you could have warned everyone before coming to me. but you didn't. you know we have no other choice. Don't let emotions stop you now" she said softly and Clarke closed her eyes and she opened them after some moments and nodded. They took off from the back door. Suddenly gunshots were heard. Clarke stopped walking. They weren't far enough and there could be more snipers inside the woods that they didn't know about. Lexa heard the sound of wood cracking and dragged Clarke behind a tree and put her hand on Clarke's mouth. The sniper stopped a few steps from the tree and looked around with his gun. Lexa pulled her hand away from Clarke's mouth and put her finger in front of her nose motioning Clarke to stay quiet. She looked down at a stone and Clarke nodded and grabbed it slowly. As Lexa was moving, Clarke threw the stone at the opposite direction to distract the shooter. He looked at the way the sound came from and started moving and Lexa stabbed her knife in his neck. He dropped on the ground and Lexa stepped on his hand for him to drop the gun. She gave the gun to Clarke. Clarke took a look at the village and saw her mom was back. "what the hell is she doing here?" She said and heard a grenade being blown inside the village. "Clarke" Lexa pulled her arm. "my mom is here Lexa" Clarke looked at Lexa with disbelief. "I know Clarke but we should go so we can help them." she said and another grenade blew. Clarke nodded. They went and knocked down some other snipers. "commander?" a guy said and they turned. "Lincoln" Lexa said relieved. "watch out" Lexa said and Lincoln bent and Lexa threw her dagger. They ran and hid behind a big stone. Lincoln went forward to capture the last sniper. He killed him but was grabbed by another one. "Lincoln" Lexa said. "ai gonplei ste udon (my fight is over)" he said. "hell no" Clarke said and shot him in the shoulder which killed the sniper. "nice shot" Lincoln said with a wince. "did that make you feel better?" Lexa said. "no" Clarke said with tear in her eye. "Lincoln" Lexa said. "don't worry. I know why you did it. your secret is safe with me" Lincoln said and Lexa nodded.
Octavia and the others were taking care of the wounded. She saw Lincoln and ran to him and hugged him. Lexa and Clarke went to the people. Anya saw Lexa and stood behind her. Indra was Injured and was saved by Octavia.
"this will not stay unanswered. The dead will be avenged" Lexa shouted. "take care of the wounded" she said and came down. "you and Clarke were the targets" Anya said. "I know" Lexa said and Anya looked at her. "I know why you did this. but if the clan leaders find out, the coalition will fall" Anya said and Lexa nodded at her and patted her back. She went in her tent and Clarke helped Kane with his injury. Her mom came and took it from her. "didn't see you around" she said and Clarke got up and left. "she has done what a true leader would do. What we would have done on the Ark" Kane said knowing Lexa and Clarke moved out. "she is not a leader she is a child" Abby said and Kane took her hand. "she stopped being a child the second we sent her down with 99 rebels who she single-handedly had to control. She is born for this Abby. Whether you accept it or not, we are led by your 18 year old child" he said. Clarke walked towards Anya and Lexa and Octavia stopped her. "not even a scratch. Interesting" she said sarcastically. "I don't know what you are talking about Octavia" Clarke said and Octavia stopped her. "don't worry. I won't tell anyone" she said and walked away hitting her shoulder to Clarke's. "commander" she said and bowed her head. "Octavia" Lexa said and nodded her head to her as she walked away. "she won't tell anyone" Clarke said. "you can't be sure of that" Lexa said. "you worry about your people. I worry about mine" Clarke said and walked passed Lexa. "Anya. Take care of it" Lexa said and walked passed Anya before she could say a word. She sighed and went after Octavia and nodded to one of her people to keep an eye on Octavia. Clarke saw this and went after him. He was looking at Octavia from a tree and Clarke put her gun on his head. "move" she said angrily. She grabbed him and threw him inside Lexa's tent. "what is wrong with you?" she yelled at Lexa. "leave us. Stand down" she said and he went out. "you can't just do this Lexa. You can't kill everyone you don't trust" she said. "yes I can. Octavia was a threat to my eyes and I just told them to keep an eye on her in case she told someone and kill them both" Lexa said. "I know and trust Octavia. She won't say anything" Clarke said. "and you are willing to risk everything on that? On your feelings?" Lexa said looking at Clarke. "yes. I may be a hypocrite Lexa but you are a liar" she said and walked to Lexa and she walked back. "you felt something for Gustus, you are still hunted by Costia, you want everyone to think you are above it all. But I see right through you" Clarke said and Lexa's back hit her throne. "get out" Lexa said with tear in her eye and angry stern voice. "120 people died tonight, I know you care for them. but you let them die." Clarke said and Lexa looked so vulnerable. "not everyone. Not you" Lexa said and Clarke looked at her. "well if you care about me, then trust me" she said softly. "I can't do that" Lexa said swallowing her emotions. "well I can't do this anymore. If you hurt Octavia, I will tell everyone we knew about the attack" she said and walked out. Lexa closed her eyes and a tear dropped. She ate the lump in her throat and bit her lip. Anya came inside and she wiped her tear. "what's wrong?" Anya said worried and Lexa shook her head. "what is up?" Lexa said and locked her hands behind her and stood firm. "the wounded are taken care of. The camp is well protected. Clarke's mom and Kane went back to camp jaha too" she said and Lexa nodded. Anya was going outside. "need anything?" Anya said. "can you call Clarke to come here?" she said and Anya nodded with a small smile.
Clarke went inside Lexa's tent. "you called for me?" Clarke said strictly. "Octavia has nothing to fear from me" Lexa said and turned to her. "I do trust you, Clarke" Lexa said avoiding her eyes. "I know how hard that is for you" Clarke said softly. "there are some things I have to do. It doesn't mean I don't care. I do. But I have learned to make decisions based on my mind and not my heart." She said. "I know" Clarke said with a low tone. "you think our ways are harsh, but that's how we survive" Lexa said and looked at her. "maybe life should be about more than just surviving. Don't we deserve better than that?" she said looking down and Lexa stared at her. "maybe we do" she said and grabbed Clarke's neck softly and kissed her slowly. She was patient. Wanted to make sure Clarke was okay with it. Clarke kissed her back and put her hand on her waist. They kissed each other softly. Nothing else mattered at that second. Lexa tilted her head and Clarke pulled back a little. Lexa looked at her, thinking she did something wrong.
"I'm sorry" Clarke said and Lexa shook her head. "I feel the same Lexa. But now it isn't the time. We are in the middle of a war. I am not ready to think about anything else, not yet" Clarke said softly and Lexa smiled a little and nodded to assure Clarke that she was okay with her decision.

Lexa and Clarke's amazing love story has began
They feel eachother on a different level

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