Chapter 1

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I'm 22 and today is the day I go back to America. Monique decided to stay in Germany, with dad.

During my 9 hour flight I had a kid repeatedly kick my seat, So I just threatened him that I would dislocate every bone in his body and turn him into a human marionette. Then I would sell his organs on the black market, and lastly I'll eat his brain. Sitting in my cab, I smiled reminiscing the face he made.

Today is also the day of the gang's annual meeting. Every Royal is going to secretly meet up in Houston Texas. We are to spend the first 3 days discussing and evaluating problems, and then for the next 3 days we just enjoy each other's company.

It's 5:43P.M. So everyone should already be at the main mansion. There are 3 mansions, two have 15 bedrooms, while the main have 20. It's not enough for everyone to have their own bedrooms, but I know they'll just do the traditional way of every black house hold. Stuff all the kids in a bedroom, some will even sleep on the dressers. Haha I'm just kidding....or not

This year I know that their main discussion will be about the annual physical street battle with the Alphas. Last year we lost, and the year before that, and the year before that. We started our streak of losing when Uncle Craig died.

The cab dropped me off at the mansion and now I stand at the gates. I rung the bell and waited for someone to answer the little microphone thingy.

"NuNu? Is that chu?" The voice of my cousin Gigi said

"Open the gates Gigi" I sighed annoyed

"The disrespect I get, you can stand there. Imma go make me some ramen noodles."

I groaned, "If you don't open the gates I will break them."

"Hmm you could try, or you can just be polite and greet me. Then ask nicely to open the gates."

I'm getting irritated, "Hello Gianni, open the gates."

The gates opened, "You need some people's therapy, your wording is terrible"

I began walking in, but not before telling her something, "Shut up, those teeth of yours better be fixed too. I don't want to spend my time here looking at the child of a donkey and a horse."

"Bitch!" She yelled as I was walking away

My journey down the exceedingly long driveway all the way to the front door, was unnecessary. I could have used that time to exercise. I knocked on it and waited again.

The door opened and I'm faced with a chest, I look up and see Tyrone. He smiled and hugged me, I hate physical contact and that's why I didn't hug him back.

He let go and rubbed my head, messing up my freshly flat ironed bob. I swatted his hand away, "I just got it done!" I yelled in anger

"Oops didn't notice sis, nice to have you back though. Oh and your sleeping with the teens." He said and walked back inside.


I walked inside and dropped my bags by the door, the maid should be coming to pick those up. I went to the living room where chatting was heard, lots of loud chatting. If I didn't have my mufflers in I would be yelling in pain.

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