Chapter 8

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We arrived to Alphonso's underground repair shop. Yup this repair shop is illegal too. I got out the car along with my Dad and brother.

One of Alphonso's workers dropped what they were doing and walked over to us. "How-", I ignored him and walked away, going towards Alphonso's office.

My dad and Jhak kept him company so he good. I barged in the Alphonso's office and caught him watching porn, he jumped and slammed his laptop closed.

"Have you ever heard of knocking!" He exclaimed. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the seat in front of his desk, "I don't wait."

He buckled up and fixed his clothes, "W-what can I do for you today?" He asked nervously. His cheeks were red and he kept bouncing his leg.

"Why are you nervous?"

I stammered, "I-I'm not nervous...just embarrassed."

That's a lie.

I moved quick and slammed his head on top of his laptop, he yelled and groaned. "Don't lie to me." I gritted.

"I'm always nervous, please let me go!!" He yelled.

Another lie.

I put pressure on his head, then my eye caught a pen. Smirking I took it and stabbed his hand that was flat on the desk.

"Ahhhhhhh!" He yelled

"Last chance, why are you nervous? Nervous people means suspicious people."

He began to cry, I groaned. He really wants the worst for him, "If another lie leaves your mouth so will your tongue."

"Okay! Okay!"

Sadly he couldn't say anything else because the door opened. Jhak eyes widen as he gasped, "Nunu what are you doing?!!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "He's hiding something"

Jhak went back outside and called for dad. Dad came running in and froze upon seeing what I'm doing. "Nunu let him go." He slowly and cautiously said.

"No" I said, then faced Alphonso, "Now back to what you were saying..."

"Enzo! Enzo sent some men yesterday!"

This man expects me to know Enzo, I've never heard of that name in my entire life. "Whose Enzo? And why are we supposed to care about him?" Dad asked.

Dad walked over to me and grabbed my wrist, a gesture for me to let the Italian man go. I growled as I reluctantly let Alphonso go. Then I plopped down on the chair and watched my dad pull out the pen from his hand.

Blood covered a fourth of his desk, "Ahhhhhh!" Alphonso yelled. I chuckled, admiring the pain I've caused him.

Dad helped wrap his hand up with bandages.

Jhak hit my head as he stood behind me, "Stop laughing, that's mean."

I took the same pen that I stabbed Alphonso with and quickly pointed it under Jhak's chin.

"Don't tell me what to do and certainly don't lay your filthy hands on me. Understood?"

Jhak's adams apple moved, meaning he gulped. "I understand"

I lingered my eyes deeper into his before slowly retreating back to my seat.

"Sorry for the mess my daughter did, she gets very aggressive when she feels uncomfortable." Alphonso softly smiled at my dad, then looked at me.

I sent him my signature death glare and he quickly turned away from me. "You didn't answer my dad's questions?" Jhak said.

"Enzo's identity is a mystery, no one knows him."

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