Chapter 28

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"Um hello! People there's only 6 bathrooms and there's like 120 of y'all! Stop arguing and wait in line!"

I can't believe I agreed to this, it's like babysitting babies. Most of the people that survived from the bomb were kids.

85% are children under the age of 18 and the rest are adults. Not a single state chief survived. Right now we're staying in a homeless shelter that my grandpa owns.

It's wack but it'll do.

Last night the news was bazaar, now the world knows about Janunu and her involvement with the Alpha chief murder.

It's a blessing they let her walk, the police could have taken her as leverage to tame the Royals.

I'm waiting for the remainder of the Alphas to attack, and I'm sure there won't be a lot. The Alpha numbers went down big time and so did ours. An attack won't be a good idea.

My non-emergency phone rang, "Hello?" I said.

A couple of coughs were heard on the other side, "H-how's everything going?" Grandpa's weak voice asked.

I sighed, he's getting worst by the second. "Everything is going great, we have food, water, clothes, and medicine." I said.

He hummed, "That's good, how are you holding up?" He asked.

Looking around all I see are people at their lowest, my people. Sickness, hunger, pain, depression, and loneliness ate up my people.

We've had a major loss that'll need major repairing. Hopefully things get better in the future, I don't want to be gloomy the rest of my life.

"I'm still standing, so that's a good thing." I said.

"Don't stress yourself Uni, i know this is a big job to take on at such a young age. Call me whenever you feel or think you need a break. I don't want our family problems to be the cause of your downfall." Grandpa said.

I nodded understanding his wise words. Most of my grandpa's siblings died giving their lives to this gang, having another relative of his die would just add to the streak.

"I won't, thanks for being concerned. So how about you? How are you doing?" I asked, curious of his well-being.

With him getting injured during his sickness, it made him worst. The doctors said that since his body was so focused on healing from the wound, the cancer spread more. Which now resulted in him to live up to a month.

This time it was his turn to sigh, "I feel weak and my system is failing me. But I won't go down without a fight." He said determined

I chuckled, "That last part was corny, but it better be the truth."

He started laughing but that quickly resulted in him coughing. From what I'm hearing it sounded nasty.

"Go easy on yourself, Pops, hopefully I don't get held up over here so I can come see you." I said.

"Ok, well then be safe. I love you." He said, saddened.

Smiling softly, I said it back and ended the phone call.

As I was helping the toddlers wash up for lunch, the entryway of the shelter opened and loud voices were heard.

Quickly, I went to the front to evaluate the problem that riled everyone up.

There stood Uncle Jhak, Uncle Tyrone, my mom, and Auntie Momo.

I seen a body wrapped up in a black cloth that was laid on the table. "What's this?" I asked pointing at the body.

The Black Assassin حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن