Chapter 16

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Finally! We made it to the Bronx. That whole 3 day trip was terrible. And it was only supposed to be 1 day!

When we stopped at a Motel and got a room. I was expecting him to finally stop complaining and whining about things, but he just did it more.

For example, he complained about how the bed sheets were rough and that the room was too small for the price tag.

I had to make him sleep in the bathroom, where I thought he won't bother me. But I thought wrong.

His big oompa loompa self kept turning on the shower, because he saw a damn spider. How is he a freaking cop...oops my bad i meant FBI Agent.

After that stop, we never stopped again, only for gas and food.

We gave the car to a bunch of kids in Longwood and walked the rest of our journey to Wakefield.

So here we are standing on top of my secret underground storage unit....well actually it's an abandoned illegal fight club warehouse.

"I thought you said we were going to some type of storage unit...where is it?" Brunet asked as he looked confused out in the open space of field.

I dug my hands in my black trench coat and smirked, "We're standing on it."

He slowly moved his head do to his feet, then his eyes widen as his mouth formed an 'O'. "It's underground." He said surprised.

I shook my head confirming his statement. "How do we get in?" He asked.

I took one hand out of my trench coat pocket and gestured for him to follow me. I walked to a sewage drain door hidden in the tall grass. Then I pointed down at, "Open that."

He was disgusted, "Eww, are we going to go in it?" I sighed and softly touched his shoulder, "Brunet, if you don't do what I say you will loose the ability to do anything in general. Would you rather be paralyzed because you didn't do one simple thing, or be healthy with working limps because you did one simple thing?"

He released a shaky breathe, "I-I'll take the second option." I smiled and patted his bicep before putting my hand back in my pocket. "Great open it." I said.

He popped the sewage drain door open with ease, then a gust of it's breath flew in our faces. "Gosh!" Brunet gagged at the horrific smell.

I took a deep breath and smile, "This is what home..ish smells like." He turned his head at me, looking even more disgusted than before. "I hate you"

"Hm I don't care, now come on my prizes are waiting for me." I said before climbing down the sewage.

"Oh and don't forget to close the door when you get down!" I yelled up.

I know your like why would you go down first? Well the answer to that question is that one there's an alligator down here, and two he knows if he runs i will kill him.

I killed a police officer in front of him when we were on the road.


"You are so ignorant, we're in Virginia! We can go to the Quantico and get back up for this job." Brunet exclaimed.

This guy has been trying to convince me for the last hour to take him to the stupid FBI meet up house, or whatever he calls it.

With my eyes focused on the road I shook my head no, "This is a one man job, one noob being on this job is enough to tick me. Having a whole squad of them will make this job a waste of time."

He was offended, "I'm top of my class, very skilled in weaponry and a bunch of other stuff. I am not a noob at this."

I chuckled, "The only way I'll change my opinion is when you start acting like a damn professional, not a 6 year old girl. Even my ex-daughter is much more professional than you."

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