Chapter 13

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James gave me a pleading look, "King, put it down."

Monique then pulled her gun out and pointed it to the Agent in charge. "I'm with my dad on this."

"Monique!" Kindra yelled. I don't understand her, she loves all her children but Nunu.

"Sir, we understand that your trying to protect your daughter but she's caused lots of unfixable damage." A male cop calmly said.



My stomach felt numb and wet, i looked down and saw that I was bleeding. Someone shot me, "I'm sorry, but your getting in the way." My brother said with a gun pointed at me.

"Nooooooo!" Monique yelled as I dropped to the floor. She ran to my side with tears, she sobbed as she put pressure on my wound.

"P-please don't leave me...please."

"We need a medic!!" I heard the agent in charge yell.

The feds took Monique off of me as she struggled to get back to me. "Ma'am please the medics need to work."

The familiar pain erupted in my stomach, this wasn't my first bullet wound, I've had many over the years.

Medics rushed in and began working on me, "We need to take him to a hospital, he's loosing too much blood." One of them said.

"Ok take him, we'll follow soon. As of right now cuff everyone, and take Janunu Williams!" The Chief agent yelled to his people and they got to work.


Stupid darts!

I fluttered my eyes open and came face with the back of a car seat.Where am I? Lifting my head, i heard two men talking about freaking animals.

My hands were bounded together by cuffs, and a gate separated the backseat from the front seats. I'm in a police car,why?

"Why am I here?" My husky voice said.

A brunet tanned man with grey eyes turned around with a smile on his face. "You don't remember what happened just a few hours ago, before you got home."

Is he talking about the car chase? Yeah he's talking about that, I sighed and sat back. "Your arresting me because of that? I've been arrested for worse."

He frowned, "If you've been arrested for worse then why are you free?"

The cuffs on my wrists are tight, too tight. "How long have we been on the road?"

The driver shook his head, "You don't answer his question with a question. How are you free?"

I looked in the rearview mirror with a smirk, "I burnt the prison down."

The brunet man laughed, "Sure you did, well the prison your going to is going to be on an island. Far away from civilization."

Then he turned around and look at the road.

I dislocated my thumb and painfully pulled one of my hands out of the cuff. Then I did the same with the other.

I groaned, "You should use better chains" I smirked.

The brunet turned around and looked at my hands, "Your people told us about you, that's why we put something else on you." He smirked back.

I frowned what did these idiots use?!

"Take a look at your left upper arm." The driver said

I turned my head to left and lifted my sleeve up, i gasped. There was a big metal thingy on my bicep, then I laughed.

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