Chapter 3

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I want to be alone, but everywhere I go someone is already there.

Can't go to my shared room, because the kids wouldn't even open the door for me. Can't go outside since they're barbecuing and lots of other people are there. And lastly I can't go in the living room, since the non political adults are in there.

I can't even go in the bathroom, there's literally no where i...wait never mind. I can go in the garage, no one should be there except the cars.

So I made my way there, then I sat on the hood of Uncle James's new white Lamborghini. I called Monique and waited for her to pick up


"Yes?" She said in annoyance. One day she will be wanting to call me but can't reach me. "How's dad?"

"Dying" i rolled my eyes at her bluntness. "Tell him I love you for me" Monique sighed, "Ok, I will. So what's happening over there?"

I leaned back on the car, "We're starting the fight this year." Monique hummed, "Good, I want in."

I scoffed, "No, what you need to do is start a relationship with your daughter." Monique went silent, "H-how is she?" I shrugged, "She's doing good, but she needs you."

There was silence on the other side of the phone, "Then I' with her. Just not now, dad needs me." I groaned, "Pack y'all stuff, Imma fly y'all out here tomorrow."

"Ok, text me the info."

"You better not make me waste my money." I said before hanging up on her. Then immediately i went to booking her and my dad a plane ticket. Once that was done, I texted her the info with a bunch of other threats. My money is not to be played with.


I skipped breakfast and decided to go to my dad's secret storage. He kept it from everyone but when we were in Germany, he told me about it. Though he never told me what was in it. So here I am going to find out.

Just as I was about to leave the Mansions' premises Jhak pulled up in a navy blue Audi A3 in front of me. He rolled down his window and loud music poured out his car.

I quickly covered my ears from the loudness, these mufflers haven't been doing their job lately. "Turn down the music you anteater!" I yelled.

Jhak chuckled then turned it down, "Where you walking to?" Ughh nosy people. "It's not your business, drive away." I said walking around his car.

I need a car, I should have stole one of Tre's cars. Jhak turned his car around and drove it slowly next to me. "I hope you know we're in the middle of no where. It'll take like 3 hours until you see a house."

I rolled my eyes, "Jhak I know that, not let me be." Jhak huffed then rolled up his window. He drove ahead of me, leaving me in peace. But that didn't last when he suddenly made a sharp U-Turn. Then he was coming at me full speed.

I stood still and waited for him to hit me. That'll give me a perfect excuse to use my new personal Spike SR. Ouu I can't wait to use it, i wonder how big the explosion will get if I poured gasoline on his car.

Sadly he didn't hit me, he stop an inch from where I stood. Hmm maybe i should step forward and...

"I didn't hit you, so don't think about. I know whatchu thinkin'." He said as he got out the car. I groaned, "What do you want?"

"Where you goin'?" He's like an annoyingly pesky fly that don't want to go away."I have to get Monique at the airport."

Jhak eyes widen, "Really?! Lemme come with chu." I smirked and patted his chest, "Sorry but Monique doesn't want you to come, she only wants me. Since she's used to me."

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