Chapter 9

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Uncle James hesitated but turned around, he gestured for his people to put their guns down. They took glances from one another before reluctantly putting their weapons down.

Then Uncle James faced my car, "Your turn, step out of the car with your hands raised." I scoffed, "I'll do the first but not the second."

Dad rolled his eyes and got out the car, shock was written on everyone's faces. "King, w-when did you get here?"

Dad ignored that question, "Get out of the driveway so Nunu can park her car. We'll talk about this inside." Uncle James nodded.

Next, Jhak, Monique, and Unique got out my car. And like before, shock was rewritten on everyone's faces upon seeing Monique.

Mom began to tear up as she stood still, I rolled my eyes and honked my car's horn. If these idiots don't get out of my way, I will run them over.

Slowly they moved out of my way, but too slow for me. So I pressed on the gas and zoomed pass them, making them jump out of the way...Morons.

I parked my car and got out, heading inside the house. Since my dad wanted to talk about the situation, they're most likely going to be in the conference room.

But then i gotta go through the living room in order to get to the conference room. Ughhh

From the arrival of two people they haven't seen in years, everyone else that's not in the conference room will be hurdled in the living room.

When they see me, they aren't going to let me pass by easily. Ehh I don't care.

So I walked into the living room, and like I said earlier. Everyone will be here, from old people to babies. The living room was packed.

Josh seen me first, "Janunu, the troublemaker. Do you have any idea what damage you've done?"

I thought as I hummed, "Hmm, No i have no idea what I've done. And I don't care how it effects you...or you....or you....or all of you." I said pointing at different people.

Hayley stood up from being seated on the couch, "You need to be locked up, we can't be having a loose cannon running around."

I smirked, "I was locked up, but that didn't hold me. I got out in less than 30 minutes from my awake time."

Auntie Carol scoffed, "Gigi is still in the medical wing because of you."

What? But how? She was fine when I left her. No what have I done.

I frowned, "N-no...I-I didn't mean to hurt her like that. I was just trying-"

"No, you were thinking about yourself. And when you do that others get hurt." Aunt Carol cut me off.

My mood sadden and my eyes watered, "I'm sorry, I thought she could handle it since we were always aggressive to each other growing up."

Auntie Carol shook her head as she too began to cry, "No! She stopped fighting after she decided she wanted to deal with the technology department!!"

I dropped to my knees as tears ran down my face, how could I do this? "Tell me what to do so I can fix this." I pleaded.

Jeana came forward and kneeled next to me, comforting me, "It's ok Nunu, Gigi will be fine."

Acting time is over, these clueless monks think I actually cared if I hurt Gigi! At least she still alive, she lucky I didn't kill her because i always kill my victims.

I started off with soft snickers, then to chuckling, and soon i was laughing. Everyone  froze in curiosity, they didn't know why i was laughing or in fact I'm laughing at all.

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