Chapter 22

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They're dead

A total of 209 people were found dead and 76 were found injured at the Royal mansions. Royal blood was spilt yesterday, and it's all the Alphas fault.

I didn't see this first hand since I'm all the way in Massachusetts. But the News is showing and telling me everything. Bodies on top of bodies were scattered everywhere.

I know the Alphas did this and they will pay with their lives.

Jhak patted my shoulder from behind the couch. "Come on, we have to stay strong or else we fall too." He comforted lowly.

He took the T.V remote from out of my hand, and turned off the T.V. I sighed and stood to my feet.

"We should go back." I said

Jhak lips strengthened into a line, "We can't, what about our plan to go after their leader?"

"That can wait, we have family that needs our help."

He shook his head no, "Sorry, but I think that's a bad idea. We gotta finish what we started."

"Yeah at a different time."

He groaned, "Ok how about if we don't have the Alphas' s leader dead in a week, then we go back to Texas and help out?"

As much as a I want to go now, Jhak is also right. If the Alphas' s leader is alive any longer than he will continue to wipe us out. Going to help the remaining Royals in Texas will just give the Alphas more time.

We left the hotel room and got on the elevator. "Wheres Uni?" I asked.

"In the car."

And our conversation ended there, this is by far the worst year of my life.

We got to the car and sitting in the driver's seat was Unique. When she seen us she got to the back seat and slouched.

Normally she'll beg us for 15 minutes to let her drive, but today she didn't. Even she's effected by the deaths of our family.

Jhak got in the driver seat while I got in the passenger seat. "So where we headed?" Uni asked.

The documents that were in Dad's unit, came with us to Massachusetts. And from what they are telling me the Alphas also have their own secret meeting site.

"To Alpha territory."



I stood up with a low grunt and headed to my room. Brunet was busy cooking, so he won't miss me.

My wound was healing perfectly fine, it's been at least a week since my last chore, tonight I intend to finish my job.

I closed the room door once I got inside, the first thing that I saw that made me slightly happy was my swing.

Well it's not actually a swing, it's a hammock chair. Though I still call it a swing since it's basically a swing.

As much as I want to relax hanging upside down on it, I need to prepare my tools. So I took out a black duffel bag from the closet and placed it opened on my bed.

Imma need 3 gallons of acid, a pair of curved hemostatic forceps, a mini cordless chainsaw, gasoline, 2 C-4s, oh and of course my trusty tactical set of knives.

Once everything was in the bag I zipped it up and slung it on my shoulder.

Walking into the living room I saw Brunet now placing our plates down on the table. His smile dropped when he seen my duffel bag.

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