Chapter 20

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"Ok everyone it's time to make our move, we've been planning this since yesterday. At 6 tonight we leave Texas and head to the Alpha's capital. So prepare now!" Auntie Nikki yelled from front and center of the conference room.

We have a clear shot at taking the Alpha's down since they're dying suddenly. So what better than using their time of chaos as our advantage.

To keep things in check we decided to divide the group. The plan is similar to Nunu's plan, but we just have different tasks.

2 state chiefs and their people will focus on the search for my mom. 3 state chiefs and their people will escort every vulnerable being in the entire gang to safety. While the last 11 state chiefs take the battle to the Alphas.

"It's sad that this gang is so cold hearted all of a sudden." Tyrone whispered from being seated next to me.

He and I are representing our part of the gang together. Since mom is gone and Tre is equipping his cars for the trip tonight.

I faced my brother, "It's not's inhuman."

Besides the little children that found entertainment in annoying Nunu, no one mourned her death. It's like she never existed, how can people of her own kin be so dismissive about her?

I understand Nunu can be hard at times but still, it's not her fault her mindset is set on violence. These people that are supposedly her family formed her to think the way she thinks now.

"Momo!" I heard Auntie Nikki yell.

I looked at her, "Yes?"

She shook her head, "Stay focused." I nodded and kept my eyes on her.

She took her attention off of me and gave it to everyone else. "Ok, so I want the search for Kindra to last a month. If there is still no sign of her, then we draw back. There is no point in believing in no evidence."

See what I mean, this family is toxically fake. They haven't even brought up a plan for Janunu's funeral, its been 3 weeks!

I can't do this anymore.

I stood up abruptly causing everyone to give me their attention. "Is there a reason why your standing Mo?" Auntie Nikki asked.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled, "Yeah, this family is stinking real bad. I need fresh air." Then I left, not wanting to hear what these people gotta say.

I past by the kids playroom and walked in the room two doors down from it. This room was my room, well it's mines and my mom's. We shared it up until she went missing.

I began packing my things, there's no need for me to stay when all these people will do is care for themselves.

Throughout all of my 28 years in this gang, I've seen little glimpses of the Royal's true faces. But now I see all of their faces clearly and it scares me.

If they don't actually care for one another, when it comes down to a really life or death moment. People will choose to save themselves rather than help others.

This all starts with the leader. What the leader does or says impact his/her people. People seen that Uncle James only cared for what benefits him, so they did the same.

I heard the door to my room open but I didn't look at who entered my room. "I wanna come with chu." I heard Tyrone say from behind me.

I stopped loading my bag and turned around to face him. "Why? Don't you got something to do over here?" I asked.

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