Chapter 14

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We spent the night out deep in the woods, and I regretted it so much. Not only was my hair messed up during the crash, but sleeping on the ground made it worse. I look like Tarzan's sister.

It was now morning and we were walking towards the first road we'd see.

"Where are we going after we get on the road? Will we ask drivers for a ride?"

I chuckled, what does he take me as? A runaway teen?

"We're going to New York and I'm not like you. I don't ask, I take. So the first car that comes in view, I will take it and leave whoever that was in the car stranded."

He stopped walking, "That's not right, what if there's a baby in the car?"

I looked back at him and shrugged my shoulders, "Then the baby gets stranded too."

He frowned deeper, "What is wrong with you? It's like you have no humanity. We're in the middle of nowhere, and you'd have a baby take your place in the middle of nowhere. What if it were your child?"

I smiled, "My ex-daughter would know what to do if she'd get stranded, and I am crazy so don't tempt me to kill you."

Then i turned around and continued walking.

An hour went by before we finally came across a road. I heard Brunet huffing and puffing as he trudged behind me. These policemen need better training, if they finna act like this then this ain't it.

The road was very secluded and there was no street lights. Well obviously there wouldn't be a street light, I'm in the woods.

"I-I need a drink of water." Brunet grunted as he leaded against a tree.

I rolled my eyes, "We've been walking for like 2 minutes, you'll be fine."

He huffed, "2 minutes?! How about 12 hours!"

"Actually 13 hours, the sun is half way to it's highest point. So it's around 9."

He was con-tempted, "That just adds to my reasoning, we need to fi-"

I lift my finger up, gesturing him to shut up. He looked at my finger confused, "W-why a-are yo-"

"Shut up!" I yelled. He silenced but was mad.

I listened to the winds, trees, animals, and....a car. Perfect.

"A car is coming." I said getting excited.

Brunet smiled, "Great now we can go get water and possibly food." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the center of the road, "Only if you do this performance right."

His smile turned upside down, "What? What do you mean performance?"

"Get on the ground and act like you."

He was taken aback, "What do you mean act like me?"

Is he stupid? "You know the desperate, whinny lazy, cop that you are." He gasped, "I'm not any of that, I'm a heroic, proud, strong, FBI Agent."

I wanna laugh at his dream but this is a serious matter, so I gotta laugh later. "Just get on the ground and act like your on the brink of dying because you lack water and nutrition."

He rolled his eyes and mumbled words under his breath as he went down to lay on the ground.

I kicked his side hard and smiled down at him, "Don't disrespect me, remember the rules." He held his stomach as he groaned in pain.

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