Chapter 35

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A/n: Had to do the first episode in sub so sry if they say things a bit different.

So somebody invaded the Manor... y'know.... again. Mey and Bard were currently fighting one if the guys in the kitchen. You and Sebastian interfered. You grabbed a multi tiered server thing. The man in white stabbed a cream puff. "Excuse you I identify as a depressed dying cow!" Sebastian very quickly rolled his eyes. "These custard cream puffs were made with fresh eggs from our household chickens. Enjoy." He took a bite of it. "They're alright, I guess."

"Y/n, Sebastian, who the hell are these guys?" Bard asked.
"My name's Charles Grey."
"And I'm Charles Phillips."
"Together we go by "Double Charles." we're her Majesty's private secretarial officers and butlers. Nice to meet you."

So the queen basically devised a test for Ciel. A banquet was to be held and end in MURDER MUAHAHAHAHA!! Soon the Charles's left. "Alright. You two, find out everything you can about Siemens, no matter what." Ciel said. "Certainly."

Time had passed now. The sky turned pink as the sun set. Ciel was looking over a letter. "This is quite the puzzle. It looks like her majesty intend to test me again... She questions my loyalty, and my competence as the Queen's guarddog. If I can't predict the hidden meaning in this letter... It will ruin me." You both bowed silently knowing your new orders. The invitations were soon sent to all the people who were invited.


The guests soon arrived. Lau was making Arthor think Ciel was a old cruel guy with an eye patch who shows no mercy to anyone, and- Yeah that all went down the drain the second he saw the tiny boy Lord. "A child?" He muttered. "That little child is Earl Phantomhive." Lau said. "Don't say little!" Ciel pouted. He then cleared his throat. "Thank you all for accepting my invitation. I am the master if the house, Ciel Phantomhive. For those who favor me with their patronage, and those in meeting for the first time, I promise to offer my personal greetings once the banquet begins." While he said all that he made his way downstairs.

Then two more guest's arrived. "Pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm Georg Siemens. I appreciate your invitation." The man said. And that dude in white from earlier was right behind him. "You've come so far, I'm delighted to meet you. I'm Ciel Phantomhive. I took the liberty of arranging a buffet style meal tonight. So you'll be free to enjoy the conversation. Please, follow me." He then led them into another room. You and Sebastian then said the other guests names one by one. Once their name was said they were to go into the room.

And so it started. Sebastian gave the writer a glass since that was his job. He thought that Sebastian would be a character in Ocar Wilde's books. For some reason him and a story rang a bell but you just couldn't remember. You shook it off and continued working. (I feel bad for the fourth wall) So Ciel was talking to him and everything seemed to be well. That is until a drunk guy came into the picture. "I said stop! Touching me with those indecent hands, I can't stand it anymore!" The guys face was red from how much he drank. "Oh... I'm sorry. When your dressed like that, I just..." He then tried again but she slapped him away. "Incolent lecher!! You should be ashamed!" She said. "That's the last straw!" He then grabbed a wine glass and planned to hit her but Ciel got in the way and took it himself. "This is a banquet. If ask you both to leave your argument here and-" He got cut off by someone else. "You conniving old man! How dare you touch my woman!!!" He yelled before grabbed a champagne bottle and throwing it at him. You looked at Sebastian. "I'm not getting involved in this, you do it!" He then grabbed the bottle before it got the drunk. He then what he did last time and made a champagne tower. "This is a fantastic wine from the village of Bvlgari in Southeastern Moldavia. I do hope you all enjoy it." They all soon got distracted by it and forgot about the argument. "But does that one guy really need more alcohol?"

While you didn't do that you weren't completely slacking. You got a towel so Ciel could dry off. "Another champagne tower?" Ciel said. "Everyone seems to like it so..." Sebastian replied. "Well I must say...
(I apologise for this)

"Cet homme semble so austère, mais ça! C'est comme ça qu'il se comporte après quelques verres? Á première vue, he dirais qu'il est tout à fait let déilnquant." Ciel said. "Cela peut être le case, mais en jugeant son manque total de discipline personnelle, il est soit in imbécile soit parfaitement impudique." You replied. "Je dirais qu'il souffre d'une maladie qu'aucun médecin ne pourrait espérer guérir." (Why another language😭)

Eventually the drunk dude fell asleep. "One of you, escort the Lord to his room. I'll be taking my leave as well." You both looked at each other. "I ain't touching that thing!" You quickly said. "Your going to bed already?" Lau asked. "It's passed bedtime for a child like me." The three of you then left. Sebastian was carrying the Lord while you just followed. "Your only a child when it's convenient." Sebastian remarked. "Shut up."

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