Chapter 30

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"I'm afraid that our master is indisposed for the moment and it falls to us to run his errands. Surely even you can understand that." Sebastian said. "You both must return to the tent immediately. I cannot allow you to move independent of your master." He then tried to hit Sebastian with his sythe but he decided to show how gravity works and did a push up with no hands to dodge. He then used his strong toes to leap in the air. You just followed the death sythe. "The smallest of mistakes could lead to overtime." This kept going on for a bit and you got bored. So to make this stop your grabbed the end of his sythe. This took Will by surprise. "If you guys are done fighting we can get back to work. I will not let you disturb our master's sleep, we've already had our fair share of scolding over that. And I'm sure you both don't want to make a scene. So how about another deal. You allow us one hour free, and I will make sure no demon eats a soul in your territory again." You said. "No that won't do. Demons seduce their prey into darkness with sweet words, the oldest cliche of your kind." But you know you like my sweet words. "I was afraid that would be your decision, oh well." Sebastian then took the hand you used to grab the blade and took your shredded glove off. "We shall simply explore other means of getting what we need." He then licked the blood of your hand. You gave Will the is this happening? You see this too right?? Look.


So Beast was in a vulnerable state. You nudged Sebastian. "Go on then, get the information." He sighed. "This is not what I had in mind. I refuse."
"Because it goes against my principles."
"Would you rather I do it?"
"Then go on then." He then pulled some tricks to convince her to sleep with him. You went back to Ciel since you didn't exactly want to just stand around. You kinda just stood next to his bed when you realized he was having another nightmare. You cupped his face. "Wake up master." He then opened his eyes. "Y/n..." You smiled. "I thought you were going to identify the man with the ring." He said. "Our strategy requires one of us alone. You alright?" "Yes it was just a dream. Y/n I have a question." Ciel said. "Yes?"
"At the end of the contract Sebastian will take my soul, but you won't. Why did you even agree to make a contract with me?" He said. "Because... Nobody deserved what happened to you, that's why I chose you out of all the humans there. I agreed to serve you even though I won't get your soul because, I wanted to help you. I have sympathy unlike most demons so that's why I stayed, I care about you." A blush was all over his face to his ears. "Aw your so cute sometimes." "Shut it." He then turned away from you. You chuckled before starting to leave. "Stay."
"As you wish, master."


Ciel woke up to a hand on his forehead. "You." He said. "And a good morning to you my Lord." Sebastian said. Ciel the looked to the side noticing Freckles was gone. "Your fever seems to have gone down. How are you feeling?" "Not well yet but- *cough* I am better than yesterday. *Cough* *hack* *cough* *wheeze*"
"Here drink some water." "You both appear to be missing your gloves, your nails and our contract seal is showing." He said. "Oh yes, I'm afraid we may have soiled them just a touch." You chocked on air. "What did you do? Nevermind I don't wanna know!!"
"The errand I have you, I assume you've been able to complete it by this point." Ciel said. "Yes, or course. There is no need to remain here any longer. We can leave while everyone is breaking their fast." Sebastian removed the covers and you picked Ciel up bridal style. "Did you sleep well? Not to worry my Lord, we shalln't inform lady Elizabeth that you shared you bed with another young lady last night." Sebastian teased. "WHA-" He then started coughing. "Have a care my Lord. We can speak more once we're gone."

On your way out you came across Will. "We've finished our business here so we'll be taking our leave. I trust that's not a problem." Sebastian said. "Not at all, so long as your master is with you where you go is of no concern to me. By all means be on your way." You could feel him watch you leave. You looked back and smirked making him tense up. He's so entertaining


"Ciel! Where have you been!?!? You left for two hole days without even bothering to tell anybody!!" Were we really at the circus that little? It felt a whole lot longer... "Where I've been is none of your affair." He then began coughing again. "What is wrong? You look as pale as a ghost?"
"It's nothing I'm fine. Leave me be."
"It sounds serious I think your lying! Do you have a fever too!?"
"No. No fever."
"Your lying again!"
"No I'm not."

Sebastian then shut the door. You laid Ciel down om his bed. "I am surprised my Lord. Your even fonder of secrets and lies then I thought." Ciel groaned. "To think, you've been chronically ill since infancy and we had no idea. I'm curious as to why you didn't tell us." "You didn't ask, so I didn't tell. It's as simple as that. And I've grown out of it anyhow." He replied. "A childhood affliction then? Perhaps, still there's no harm in being cautious is there. I'll acquaint myself with the latest medical books on asthma just in case." "Is that part of your aesthetic?" "A proper Butler is prepared for any situation." After that Sebastian said the man was someone called the Baron Kelvin. Ciel tried to leave but he was blocked by a Agni.


"Ohoho! Not so fast Ciel! This townhouses under my supervision, do not think you will escape it so easily!" Soma said. "Whatever you say I know you caught a nasty cold. As first royal of this estate and your dear friend I cannot allow you to venture out in your current state." He said. "Don't be daft. Since when are we dear friends?" "Agni! Do not let Ciel past you!" So this went on for a while. You didn't really pay attention till Ciel started shouting orders. "Y/n, Sebastian get these two out of my way!"
"Very good my young Lord." So you both went to do your order when Agni spoke up. "Sebastian, Y/n. You both should hang your heads in shame! You call yourselves Lord Phantomhive's consama!? I speak as a fellow consama, and more as your friend and one who respects you both. The health of out masters is our first concern. Don't you think you are bound by duty to stop Lord Phantomhive for the sake of his health. Even if doing so goes against his orders! We ensure our master's remain in good spirits and good health, no matter what we have to do! That is the butler aesthetic!"
You both were shocked. What made it more shocking, is that he was right and you both were wrong. "I've long considered our role to be of our young Lord's wishes but you make an excellent point. Perhaps there is some way to your thinking after all." Sebastian said. "He does have a point."
"Wait! Don't let him turn you! My orders are-" Ciel said. "Now that that's sorted let's get you to bed! Nursed by a crowned prince, you should be flattered Ciel!" So with a lot of struggling on Ciel's part the four of you managed to get him in bed and make him stay. Afterwards you and Sebastian did your chores. You were dusting and Sebastian was dusting Ciel's clothes. He found a funtom thing in a pocket. You scoffed knowing that would never be there normally. Sebastian threw it in the fire.

"We shall end this tomorrow."

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