Chaptrr 40

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A/n: Uh this just got 22k reads where did you all come from!? But thank you so much I'm shocked! Anyway on with the book.

"No its incredible unreal! No one could pull off a deception so flawlessly!" He said. "Still unsure? You came back here because you wanted answers did you not? If only you kept going, you could've resumed your humdrum life. Why return, if the truth makes you tremble so?" Sebastian asked. So he came back for answers. So you all went to the greenhouse. (?)
"Now, what made you suspect Sebastian was alive to begin with?" Ciel asked. "Well to be honest, I wasn't actually sure about that. I just had a vague sense something was off. He do I explain this... Simply to perfect. Sebastian the butler and Jeremy the Vicar were both such unbelievable characters, yet they left no room for doubt. It was to perfect!" He said. "Oh? Please explain further." Sebastian commented. "Well for example, it was impossible to prepare everything so perfectly for your own murder. Then there was Jeremy's timely arrival. It was spectacularly suspicious, but he had a water tight alibi. And of course his parting words to me. That was what did it, what convinced me my unease was justified. It was also when I realized if it were true one improbable possibility could over turn all of our careful deductions. And that possibility was that Sebastian was not dead at all. Once I realized that I couldn't do nothing." He explained. "Damn he's good!" "Just a handful of words was enough to tell you everything you needed to know? I can see now what our young master sees in you." They kept talking and it didn't involve you so you only paid half attention. At least until you had to explain how the two of you did it.

So the scream could be heard from the room. "Are you alright in there sir we heard a crash!?" Mey-Rin exclaimed. You then bodied the door for everyone to see his body.
"Sebastian and I both knew we heard something break. But we didn't see anything broken and it didn't smell of blood. So poison bottle in the fire was the best explanation."

"So you knew it was a trick! But then why didn't either of you explain this from the beginning????" Arthur asked. "It seemed as if our young lord to take a wait and see approach, and it is for us to follow his lead." Sebastian said.

You both looked at Ciel and had a silent understanding. He knew it was fake too.

Ciel explained he just wanted to wait for the enemy to give himself away. So then it was time for how Sebastian had to examine the fire.

So the queens butler killed him. Well "killed" him. By bonking him to hard on the head and stabbing him in the back. "Well this is unfortunate. I so wanted to take my time tormenting that little brat. I can't believe I've been found out so soon." He then took the glass shards and threw them out the window. "What a bloody waste this was! And now he's in the cellar and I have to go there on my own!" He then left. So Sebastian then went to the cellar to see him asleep on the floor holding a wine bottle fake blood on his shirt. When Earl Grey came in he killed him.

"Your lying! You expect me to believe you knew the whole time who the culprit was, and you were perfectly happy to give your own life!?! Simply because your master ordered you to do so?" Arthur said. "But of course. I never lie doctor Arthur, my lord is the holder of a royal warrant. It sanctions his exploitation over people, of butlers in particular."

So Sebastian did a lot of shit. What else is new? So you waited a bit and at least they both fell asleep pretty quickly. You snuck out because you are not gonna just be there doing nothing for seven more hours! You left but were careful you may be dumbass but your smart. (Did that make any sense??😂)
Sebastian had to put the fire poker back in his torso. You picked it up. Even for demons, this hurts. "Well at least your pain tolerance is really high." As you moved the poker in a stabbing stance Sebastian grinned. "Is now really the time to be a masochist? Wait so we already know the servants aren't gonna clean up the blood so who is?" You both kinda stared at each other for a minute. "Hahaha-No." You then stabbed him. Great. You did as much as you could to make the scene more realistic. You then went back to where you were supposed to be since you didn't want to get caught.

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