Chapter 42

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She was heading over to the three of you but some other people shot her and so she killed them. Stoker then ran out. "Stoker!" Ciel yelled. "Let him go." Sebastian said. "How are we supposed to kill that bloody thing?" Ciel asked. "Dismemberment???" You said with uncertainty. "She won't stop until you destroy her head. Here, let me show you." Then someone with a lawnmower came in and killed her by aiming the thing at her head.
"Don't tell me.."
"I knew it was a Grimm reaper! didn't sense a Grimm reaper was here?"

"A butler uniform. You aren't the infamous Bassy are you?" Sebastian nodded confirming. He's probably heard of you too from Grell but...that nickname...
"A pleasure, I'm with the Grimm reaper collections department. The name is Donald Knox. I think your acquainted with one of my fellow reapers." He said. "Yeah...Do you guys know what's going on with this cult?" You asked. "Nothing really, we don't know any of the details just the bare bones of it. I'm here because we got reports of bodies walking around after we already collected their souls and Simone needed to investigate. What do you know a genuine corpse. Which I can vouch for because I took her soul two weeks ago."
"We'll have to extract more information out of Stoker himself. Let's go." Ciel said. Next thing you knew a lawnmower was going for your head.

You held it away with your arms. "Are you serious right now?" "If the administrative department finds out there's a demon involved, especially you things will get much to complicated. And I'm really not interested in working overtime. So could you do me a favor and die?" He asked. "I mean I tried. You should see how I survive the guillotine! Now that was-
"I'm going to go on ahead. You two give him a little exercise and then follow."
"Very good."
"I can handle myself yknow."
"No respect at all, honestly kids these days are a disgrace."
"I wouldn't split my focus if I were you." Sebastian said. He tried to kick his face but unlike Grells who seems to be a magnet to his foot, he dodged it.

Sebastian used his knives and Ronald used his death lawnmower to slice them up. "If there's one thing I know about reapers, is that you always keep your Death scythes sharp."


"So we just gonna have a stare down or..."

That didn't last long as next thing you knew the two were fighting.


"I'm gonna go... We all know Ciel can't do anything by himself he can't even dress so you boys have fun!"


So you went to find tiny boy lord and he was in a room filled with zombies. He was on a crate with Snake and Lizzy. They started to tear it down. Lizzy then huddled close to Ciel. "I'm going to die." "It will be alright. I swear Lizzy I will protect you, no matter what the cost."

You then threw some zombies into a wall. "You've actually stayed alive, I'm so proud." You said faking a tear. "Quiet you, quit lottering around and get rid of these things!" "As you wish." So you ran towards the herd. You need to destroy their heads. Ciel better cover Lizzy's eyes for this one. So you started to crush the skills or decapitated them. Of course since you were having fun destroying things like the psychopath that you are and your eyes turned red you probably had a Prue black outline but you don't know. Ciel got reminded of his past because ✨Trauma✨

Sebastian ended up catching up just after you finished up. "Hey." You both walked over to them. Sebastian helped get them all down as you changed your gloves because they were covered in blood. "You couldn't have done that with a touch more elegance? Like watching a beast." Ciel said. "Well I didn't really have time to do anything else, sorry. But you see the odd thing is they seem unstoppable but they were so much easier to decapitate then humans, I know from experience." You said. "Why would anyone bring such a large number of corpses aboard a ship?" Ciel asked. "As to that...."
Sebastian then threw knives all around Stoker stopping him in place. "I believe it would be best to ask the good doctor." Sebastian said. "Yes, I agree."

"It's all wrong! This wasn't meant to happen! I wouldn't intentionally ring anyone back in that state!" He said getting more panicked as Sebastian got closer. "How could I know the bodies in the hold would wake upaaaa."
Sebastian then twisted his arm. Not to where it would break, but bend it anymore and it will. So he basically explained there are a lot more on board. And Ciel suggested the best thing you can do in movies like these....split up.
You and Sebastian then started to leave.
"That bitch is dead! That bitch is head he's gone to heaven haha."

Sebastian went to help the marchioness and their family while you went looking for something else. You walked out on deck in time for them to run into an ice berg. You then heard Grell making a speech with a lot of innuendos. Alright. So if just sneak away quickly I- "Oh Daddy!" Damnit

Grell then grabbed onto your arm and led you to the edge. She stood on top and made your arms go around her hips. "Tf are we doing?"
"Now, let the sea breeze caress you! Feel it running all over your body and dancing through your hair!" "Is this some form of hazing I'm not familiar of?" Ronald asked in the background. "Yes, that's why I got Daddy, I imagined this moment with someone cute!"
" done yet?"
"Your giving me nothing to work with. Let's just forget it." You decided to be kind and you let her down to fulfill the simping needs. "Whatever that game of yours was we don't have time for it. Look at the collection list, we still have another 1,034 souls left to go." Ronald said flipping through the list. "Let's get this over with shall we?"

"Alright so now that...whatever that was is over with I can..." You stopped as you saw Sebastian coming up from the sea soaking wet.

" You stopped as you saw Sebastian coming up from the sea soaking wet

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"....I mean...." Dirty thoughts aside you had a job to do. You all then went to the place where the captain and some other people died.
"So it's pretty obvious that the damage to the ship is highly extensive." Sebastian then laid out a blueprint of the ship.
"There are likely three..."
"No four compartments that are filled with water."
"Which means before long...oh fuck off!" You yelled as you saw the zombie. You slammed it head against the wall crushing it.
"The ship is going to sink."

"Alright so he should be around here.." And next thing you knew Ciel was in Sebastian's arms. "Where have you two been!?!" While Ciel was complaining you helped Lizzy down. She thanked the two of you. "Now, the crew is readying the lifeboats as we speak. Let us hurry to the deck." Just then Grell and Ronald literally came crashing through the roof. You and Sebastian backed Lizzy and Ciel up. "I hoped to see you here, darling"
"Not you again..."
"Blast, we don't have time for this."
"First me and then him, damn double homicide"

So Grell started to fangirl over Sebastian again. Ciel looked at you. "Any idea on how to stop this?" You looked him in the eye. The singular eye since he has an eyepatch. "Only one thing can stop Grell from fangirling. Only avatar, master of all four elements could stop her. But when the world needed him most he vanished-OW!" Ciel elbowed you not wanting to deal with idiots. Apparently Ronald said something because that got Grells attention. "go..." You said quietly as you and Sebastian started to lead the two away. "AH! And just where do you think your going!?" Grell said using her chainsaw to block the way. Making you grab the two to get them away. You felt a little bad, their being dragged around like rag dolls.

"Grell, I'm afraid we're in a hurry, I shall have to ask you to move." Sebastian said. "Oh? And if I say no?" She replied. "I'll force the issue." You said eyes red ready to fight. "Yes please! I've never been one to mind a little force~ Now come! Let's have a death match like the world has never seen!"

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