Chapter 22

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"My fellows of the deep beloved darkness, look here." Claude opened a tea container to reveal Alois's soul. The four servants sat at the table while you were handing upside down from the chandelier because why not. "So, now that I have obtained this, what shall I do with it?" One of them suggested him eating it. Another wearing the ring. However Hannah said that the color scheme has changed. "Correct!" Claude then got on top of the table and did a lot and I mean a lot of 360's. "Once navy, it is now midnight blue." He then lifted his leg us still spinning. "Oh what a handsome ballerina." You said. "The alteration itself is a subtle one. Only a select few will notice. Their souls may be different, but look closely and you'll find a commonality. The pasts that colors them, that is most useful." You raised a brow. Is he probably not. Hardly anyone knows about that. You thought.


So Claude went to do something and actually told you not to follow which gave you freedom to leave and go places without him. So you ran to Japan then Africa then America and went back to England. However on your way you saw somebody dodging a series of bullets. You went to take a closer look and saw Hannah trying to shoot Sebastian. So you kicked the machine gun away from her. You then took away the guns she had hidden. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Sebastian asked. "I got a taste of freedom." You said. "What I don't understand is why a being so powerful will be obeying someone like Claude." Sebastian said. "Claude is..." Sebastian then grabbed her by the throat lifting her off the ground. "We have a contract. It doesn't matter one wit if he's taken from me, he's still my young master." Sebastian said. "None of you can ever hope to so much as a taste of his soul." Your eyes went big realizing what you thought Claude wouldn't do, he was doing it. "Sebastian that's true. They can't if he's still entirely yours. That's why Claude wanted me to go off on my own!" Sebastian then got it. You both quickly went to find him. You both heard a familiar scream and went in after him. You both saw him on the ground completely soaked. "Master..." Sebastian got close but he crawled away shaking. "Don't touch me! It was you all along wasn't it. You killed my parents, it was you just admit it!" You and Sebastian turned to see Claude. "I didn't predict you mixing their memories, your intentions of course we're to merge the souls as one. That's brilliant, never occurred to me. He's soaked to the bone. Did you dip him in some medicine to confuse my master?"
"He's asked a question master, shall I answer?" At this point your anger was now rising. "No there's no need for that." Claude walked towards him and whispered something in his ear. "Yes I know." Ciel then moved his bangs to show Sebastian the symbol, the only way to make him powerless. "This is an order, leave now and stay out of my sight!" Sebastian shocked backed away only a few steps. "Didn't you hear him? A master's orders are absolute." Claude said. Sebastian then bowed before leaving.

"Sebastian wait!" You said. "You can't leave Y/n, your bound to me." You glared at him. "Like hell, I'm bound to nobody!" You let your true teeth show and you bit the mark off your wrist. Claude clearly didn't expect this. You walked out and went after Sebastian.

--------Facts about Y/n and the book-------

This chapter was to short so I'm adding in extras.

I put in my notes to make Claude the love interest and not Alois because in books like this reader always hates Claude. For good reason but y'know.

Feelings meter:

Sebastian: 35%

Ciel: 25%

Grell: 15%

Undertaker: 20%

Claude: 2%

This is how much Y/n likes them but only if they get to 100% will Y/n actually be like "I love this guy."

I'm honestly not sure about writing smut with Ciel because uh....

I wanted to make Alois have a route but....didn't know how.

(The feelings meter isn't cannon since season two isn't cannon, did not know people would take that seriously...)

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