Chapter 6

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You Sebastian and Ciel made your way to the cell. "Where is Lord Barrymore?" Angela asked as she came up. A knock could be heard from the door. You all went to answer it and it was a man. "The demon hound... The great hound is here." You all went to where the people were. "What's happening?" Sebastian asked. They were all chanting something. "Snap out of it. What are you all doing?" Bard asked. Finny and Mey screamed as they saw Barrymore's body. You went to have a closer look. His hand was actually bit off,that had to hurt. Angela soon after fainted.

You all went back. "Well this is unfortunate master. To think,all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure your a bit... annoyed?" Sebastian said with a smirk. "Are you finished?" The three servants went in. "Where is Angela?" Sebastian asked. "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired yes she does."
"Ye was covered in bite wounds. Maybe it really was the demon hound." "For now there is only one thing we know... It wasn't human." You said

At this point you were buttoning up Ciel's night shirt. "Is something the matter?" You asked. "It's about what you said earlier. You said this wasn't human. What if...that bloody reaper has gotten himself involved in this."
"Your a quick learner. I'm proud." A blush went on his face as you straightened up since you were done. "But you don't have to worry. Mey-Rin's thought wasn't completely incorrect. It was after Lord Henry,I doubt it'll be after anyone else." You said putting Ciel's clothes up. "That's not enough information for me to close the case. Your usually so fearless and steady, but this case has you rattled. Is it because since we left you and Sebastian haven't been getting along?" You shut the closest door. "As I said you are a quick learner." Sebastian then came in. A glare bow later you left to have Sebastian do the rest.

You heard screaming and went to investigate to see Mey-Rin and Finny. "What's going on?" You asked. "Did you hear that spooky noise?" She asked. "Maybe it's Lord Barrymore. Maybe he's back for revenge." You said. Then Mey-Rin screamed happily and finny in fear. "Why are you happy?" He asked. "I simply adore a good scary story yes i do! I'm so excited! Let's go investigate!" She said grabbing both your arms. So you all left to see what's going on but she kept a hold on your arm. "It's so scary I love it!" She said unconsciously putting her head on your shoulder. "That's not a good thing..." Finny said. You soon found out that a door was cracked and light was coming from it. You all looked in. "Hehe...that tickles. So rough, careful. Good boy..." Mey flew back nose bleeding. "This is scandalous yes it is." You gave her a tissue to stop the blood. She blushed even harder and took it. "There she is only hours after her master died a horrible death. Maybe that's what made her so passionate." You both turned to see Finny looking away. He then ran off. "Finny!" You both went after him. He made it outside Knocking over trees as he ran. "Now he's lost it..." She muttered. "I'm on it." You ran after him waiting until Mey-Rin was out of sight and used demon speed. You found him still running and you caught him. "Let me go!" He said sobbing. "Finny..." He finally stopped struggling. He cried onto your tailcoat. You rubbed his back. "We need to go back..." You said. "No! I don't want to!" You sighed. You picked him up bridal style taking him back. By the time you got back he was asleep. You out him in his bed. "Sorry Finny."

While you and Sebastian were seving Ciel Mey busted through the door. "Y/n!! Sebastian!!" "Do calm down please." Sebastian said. "we looked all over but we can't find Angela!" Finny said. "Oh is that all? Don't worry about it. She said there were some additional herbs growing down by the fen. She went there to pick some up that's all." Bard said. "She went all alone when there might be a demon hound out there!?" Mey-Rin exclaimed. "Oh hell..." Bard said. "What was she thinking?" "She said she was worried. Y'know about you being sick and all." Bard said. "For me? She went for me?" He then ran off. "Come on Y/n, Sebastian let's go help him." Said Bard as he went after Finny. You looked at Ciel and he nodded. You bowed and went with him after Bard yelled at Sebastian.

"Angela!" You all repeatedly yelled. Mey-Rin suddenly screamed. "What's wrong!?" You asked going up to her. She pointed and you all looked ahead to see limbs. "What are those?" "I don't think I can take much more if this." You soon found Barrymore's hand. A howl could be heard. The five of you hid behind a rock. A person could be seen. "Who is he?" Mey asked. "A trophy. So it wasn't the demon hound that killed Lord Henry." Bard said as the figure moves the hand around. "But why." You rolled your eyes and gave Mey-Rin another tissue since her nose was bleeding. "Would Angela ask him to do it?" She said. "Angela has nothing to do with this! Don't just go around accusing people!" Finny almost yelled. You all shushed him and the figure noticed. A group of people could be seen running. "What are you doing?" Bard asked. "We're all going to bathe to ease the wrath if the demon hound." Finny then ran off. "Finny!" You yelled you all went after him again. A howl again could be heard. "What is that sound?" Finny asked. Soon a large demon hound was in front of you. "It's the demon hound!!!" They said in unison. It suddenly ran towards you all. "The fabric on its paws... It's Angela's!" Finny suddenly ran to it and grabbed on to it's leg. Bard tried to shoot it with Tanaka'a gun but only string came out. "Why would you bring a toy gun with you!?"
Finny then fell off. You then ran towards it. "Y/n wait!!!" Mey-Rin yelled.

"Aw what a good puppy~" You cooed petting him. The servants blinked in surprise. "Your just misunderstood aren't you boy~" You said petting him. "What are you doing Y/n!?!?!" Bard yelled. You stopped and looked at him. "What?" Then Sebastian came up. "I see you handled this real well." Sebastian said sarcastically. "Hes so we'll trained though!" You said. "But in afraid, well trained or not... He'll have to go." Sebastian said literally throwing the dog away. "Come,this is no time to be playing with a puppy." Ciel said. "Certainly,I shall finish it off at once." Sebastian said. While Sebastian was temping Pluto with dog treats then giving him rewards and punishments you were cringing. "Poor puppy..." You muttered. "Well I suppose I did ask him to put in a good show..." Sebastian then hugged Pluto sending him in the air and the two made a crash landing. "Sebastian!" The servants yelled as they ran to the whole Pluto caused. "Hello?" Ciel got close. "Quit dodiling down in that hole. Get back here right now!" Ciel ordered. "Yes sir." You felt the ground shake so you grabbed Ciel and went back. You smirked as you noticed his blush. "Master,what's wrong~" You teased. "Shut it."  Sebastian could be seen at the top of the hot spring holding Pluto. Sebastian jumped off. "If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my master,well then what kind of Butler would I be? The idea is simply unthinkable." He then had Pluto lick his cheek. "I don't know how much more of this I can take!!" Mey-Rin exclaimed blood gushing. You sighed at this. "Pluto!" Angela said as he jumped out of Sebastian's arms and to Angela.

Angela talked explained how she found Pluto and stuff. "I beg you sir. Please take him with you." Sebastian's poker face broke as a look of shock and disqust could be seen. "You want us to keep that monster!?" Bard said. "He needs a from hand. Sebastian would be perfect."
"No thank you-"
"We'll take him!" You yelled. Sebastian glared. "Come on you could be one hell of a dog trainer." You said. "Absolutely not!" He replied. "Why not?" Ciel said. "Master..." Sebastian said glaring even more. "Please say this is an order!" You said practically jumping up and down. "It is. I think I'll find it amusing. In serval ways." He said. In his mind one if those ways was to cause fights between Sebastian and you so your relationship would be less strong. Then the people came around and Angela explained another legend. "Don't they realize the hot spring has been here this whole time?" You said. "Likely not. At any rate our work here is done." Sebastian smirked. "I do recall you being forced to eat your words earlier. Would you like to say it again now that it's true?" You rolled your eyes at Sebastian's teasing but a smile was plastered onto your face. "Why don't you do it?" Ciel said. "This case is now-"
"OFFICIALLY CLOSED!" You interupted striking a pose. Sebastian looked at you. "Really?"

Ciel was now in a hot spring thingy. "This is just perfect." He said. Sebastian gave Ciel tea and *something*. "It is a nice addition. That gloomy village has gone through a huge transformation. I imagine it will be enough to spare the Queen's worry's." Sebastian looked away. "Something tells me my worry's are just beginning..." As we could see Pluto splashing around in the water.

"Nice and snug. Don't ever forget me Pluto." Angela said. "And put some bloody clothes on alright!!! Don't just let it all hang out there come on!!" Bard yelled. " was fun Angela." Finny said. "I'm sure we'll meet again. My sweet boy." She said as she kissed Finny's cheek. "If your finished,shall we go?" Sebastian said. "Certainly. Maybe someday I'll visit Pluto." She said. "I'm not so sure about that..." You said. "What?" She said. "You were able to take a demon hound. That's a task bit many people can do." You said. Sebastian then spoke up. "You seen to have a talent to have lesser beings wrapped around your finger." A stare down happened between the two. You had your suspicious but he made it painfully obvious. "Let's go you two." And with that you all left.

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