Chapter 4

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*So there will be a lemon however I will warn you in case you don't want to read it*

Ciel covered Madame Red's body with Sebastian's coat. Meanwhile you and Sebastian were fighting Grell. "Here we are a reaper in love with two demons. I suppose we'll never resolve this. These feelings are forbidden, it's just like Romeo and Juliet. Oh my sweet loves,where art thou my sweet loves?" Sebastian then kicked Grell and he and Grell were on the roof. "If you both would refuse thy master and thy names,I know that we could be happy together." Grell said. "The moment my master uttered my new name,I was re baptized as his. From that day I have been Sebastian." You rolled your eyes as Grell kept fangrelling. "OhOhoHoHohOh!! It's to much boys! I would bare both of your children if only you'd let me!" And with that your face,met your palm. "You treat me so coldly. Beautiful tyrant!" Soon the fight escalated to you pinning Grell to the roof. "Oh daddy...If only cruel morning would never come. Then our love might forever stay,lit by the moons seductive glow. But I'm afraid our adventure end here. Should we part with a kiss? No? Then goodnight my love!" Grell was about to saw you again when Sebastian took it instead. You gasped as the records came out if his torso.

"No! Nonononono! Who are these people?? What the hell is this??" He exclaimed. "That is what my life has been the past two years." Sebastian said. "I'm not interested in watching daily chores I know all that!! Come on show me the good stuff!!" Sebastian went behind Grell. "So sorry. I'm afraid I charge for the juicy bits." He said. "Hah! Sorry Grell!" You said at this point just enjoying the show. "Look at that my clothes are ruined again. This is past mending." He said taking it off. "There was one technique I did not want to use... But I have no other choice." Grell smirked. "So at least you going to fight me seriously! Shall we send the curtain down with the next blow? I'll miss you terribly, but perhaps we'll meet again. Farewell!" Soon they both flew in the air. Sebastian used his clothing piece to jam the chainsaw. "What the hell!?" "That was my finest tailcoat,it was made of the finest Yorkshire wool. Once it gets caught in something,it's very difficult to remove." You clapped. "Way to go, Sebastian!" You said just loving this. For once a genuine smile went on his face along with a blush. "I have the approval of him I shall make him more proud." Sebastian said popping his knuckles. "Not my face!" Yeah Sebastian aimed for the face. "I said no face!!" Grell yelled. Sebastian did one final punch before Grell went flying to the ground. You noticed he was about to hit Ciel and you kicked Grell out away from him. "I am sorry, I've seen to have misjudged the distance my Lord." He said. "You look pretty awful." "He caused me a bit of trouble actually. I suppose one can't kill a reaper with bare first alone. I'll just try this. Now a death sythe should cut right through you." Sebastian said with his signature I'm gonna kill u bitch smile. "Master,he's revolting but still a Devine being. Are you prepared to accept whatever concequences come with killing him?" Sebastian asked. "Do I need to repeat my order?"
"No sir. We finally found something your good at, screaming." Just before it would hit grell he shouted he could say who killed Ciel's parents. Soon something blocked Sebastian from killing Grell.

"I apologise for interrupting. Let me introduce myself,I am William T spears administrator of the Grimm reaper staffing association. I've some to retrieve that...thing there." Will hopped his way down to land on Grell's face. He began to lecture Grell on all the things he did wrong. "I apologise for all the trouble this wretch has caused. Honestly,I thought I'd never see the day when I had to bow my head to demon skum like you." You sighed. "I'll try not to get offended." He looked at you and stared for about three seconds before turning back to Sebastian. "Then perhaps you should keep a better eye on your minions. Humans are so easily tempted. They will grasp at any thread that will save them from unhappiness, no matter the concequences. You should know that." He stood up straight. "That's a charming bit if hypocrisy,you demons capitalize on that more than we do. Right now,you seem to be a taimed dog,that makes you far less dangerous than the rabid mongrels running free. Now come with me grell, we're leaving. Before Will grabbed his hair he yelled at you. "See you soon daddy!" You raised a brow. What did he mean by that? Sebastian threw the sythe and Will caught it. "I assume you'll want that,yes?" He said with a fake smile. "Yes thank you. Now if you'll please excuse us." They fadded off into the distance.

"We're sorry my Lord. We allowed half of Jack the Ripper to escape." You said. "It's alright. It's...done..." Sebastian put a hand on Ciel's cheek. "Your chill to the bone master. Let's hurry back to the house now." Ciel kinda stood up before falling into Sebastian. "Sir!" He said and Ciel kina slapped him off. "No stay back. I can stand on my own. I'm fine,just a little tired. That's all." So the whole funeral happened and Ciel brought a red dress that he made YOU pick out. You thought back to what Grell said so while Ciel was telling Madame Red something you got next to Sebastian. "I'll be back." He raised a brow. "And where are you going?" But you were already gone. He sighed. You used your demon senses to try to find Grell. "Found him." You muttered to yourself. You used demonic speed to find Grell's apartment dorm thing. You knocked once. "Okay Grell you wanted me,now why?" He opened the door and surprising was completely healed. "Hello Daddy. I knew you'd come for me. Your the most lovestruck out if the two men in in love with.♥️" You rolled your eyes. Grell suddenly grabbed your shirt collar making you go inside.

*18+ ahead.... Okay why do I have a feeling 75% if you is probably underage but oh well...*

He shut the door and you looked around. "That's a lot" He smiled. "But it f course. Now come here daddy." You smirked darkly. You were a man hore and you knew it. You had no shame either,after all your a demon. You grabbed both his wrists and pinned them to the door. "Don't tell me what to do." You threw your lips on his making your tongue in his mouth. He let out a slight moan from the sudden impact. You traced your tongue around all his teeth. You pulled away,he looked up at you panting and blushing. "How cute~" You cooed. You picked him up bridal style and put him on the couch. You went for his neck going all over till you found a spot that made him moan. You smirked and left a bright bruise. "Daddy... please don't tease me..." He began to squirm. "Excited?" You asked. "Yes now come on!" He tore your shirt off. "Didn't you remember what I told you?" You tore all his clothes off in two swipes. "Don't tell me what to do." He shivers and to looked at all the flesh in front of you. You used a finger to trace the length of his member. "Daddy please..." You seductively rubbed his inner thighs. "What...?"
"Please take me!" You chuckled. "Since you asked so nicely."

You stuck a finger in him making him gasp. "More... please..." You began to add two fingers and scissored him. "Ah! Daddy! Ahh~" You laughed. "Sebastian was right," You then got close to his ear. "You are really good at screaming." His body began to shake. "I can't take much more..." Just when he was about to hit his peak you pulled your fingers out. You pulled the rest of your clothes off and spread his legs apart. "Because your more human than a demon I'll give you a warning. 1...2...3." Once you said three you put it in. Grell let out a extremely loud moan as his back arched. "It's better because it hurts a bit!" You began to move knowing he wouldn't want time to adjust. "Daddy please go fast, please." That kink is really showing. He moans somehow kept getting louder every trust. His long red hair stuck to his body as sweat got all over him. His nails met your back and he scratched. You groaned from the pain and looking down at him. "Should've expected you to like blood play." A single drop of blood went down your back. You pulled out and made Grell get on his hands and knees. You went at a non human human speed. "Oh daddy! I..I'm about to reach my limit.." "Don't come without my saying so." Grell's face went against the arm rest. "I'll try but...Ahh~" You pulled him against you making you go even deeper. You did this until Grell made a loud moan. "Ha... found it." You decided to abuse the spot and hit it at a demonic pace. "Please daddy...I need to..." You were groaning now as your limit was close too. "Only with me..." You said. "We'll count down."
"Ten..." Grell's arms gave out.
"Nine..." Your legs began to shake as well.
"Five..." You skipped but neither of you cared.
"One!" Both your moans filled the room as he came all over the couch and you inside of him. The smell of sweat was almost suffocating. Grell's moans could probably be heard outside the building. Once you both came down from your highs you picked him up. "We're not done yet."

You carried him into his bedroom which surprise surprise was red. You then layed on the bed. "Here, now." He gulped and did as he was told. You put him again on his hands and knees. You stuck your fingers in him and began to rub his member with the other hand. "Oh I can't last! Hah..." Sure there was still left over some but you didn't care. It mostly fell out on the floor on the way in here. Sure enough he came not even a minute in. You kept rubbing him through his orgasm to prolong it. "Daddy..." You smiled. "Now we're done." You fell back and held Grell. "So this is why you wanted me to find you." He giggled. "Yes, darling." You ran a hand through his long red hair. "If Sebastian finds out he is going to kill me." Grell have a toothy smile. "Best make sure he doesn't then."

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