Chapter 9

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Sebastian could be seen in the window upside down. "Young master,he has made his move." He said. "Good, let's follow him." Ciel said. "Take me with you!" A voice said. "You." Ciel said. You looked to see purple hair in the doorway. "I know that Agni has been sneaking out while I fall asleep. I want to know what he has been up to. That is my right."

So you all were sneaking outside of a building. "Shall we have a look?"
"Indeed." Sebastian said. You grabbed Ciel and jumped up Sebastian in tail. Next thing you knew you were in the place sneaking around. Ciel opened the door. "Our plan has been perfect so far. You've done well for me Agni. I think we've done all we need to, anyone else won't be necessary. With this blessed hand of yours,the royal warrant might as well be in my pocket." A blonde said. "A royal warrant? That's what this is?" Ciel commented. "If I carry out the plan as promised,then Mina-" With that Soma busted in. "WHERE'S MINA!?" That surprised both of them. "My prince!" Agni said seeing who if was. Ciel was about to look ahead but Sebastian covered his mouth and made him be out of their sight. "West is almost certain to recognize us my Lord. We must stay back." Soma- Wow he graduated to his actual name. Uh anyway, Soma grabbed Agni by his collar on his shirt. "What is this!? You have known where Mina was all along!?" He yelled. "I see,this young man is your master." The blonde said. "And you are the man who took Mina away! Catch him,do you hear me!?" Agni hesitated. "What are you waiting for!?"

"Let's grab that idiot prince and get our of here right now." Ciel said. "But he'll recognize you as soon as you walk in." Lau said. "I have an idea!" You said excited. "Oh God..." Sebastian said knowing it's dangerous when you have an idea.

"Well Agni,are you going to take care of this brat for me?" The blonde said. "This brat!?" Agni looked extremely conflicted. "Well?" The blonde smirked. He was then about to attack Soma but you got in the way and blocked the hit. You stood up straight with a lion head on. "Lion?" Everyone looked more confused than anything. "A lion man what going on here!?" The blonde yelled. "No shit Sherlock. By the way you know the great things about lions,they are the king. And I have come for the prince." You said. "He's a spy!"
"From the sky?"
"Get him!"
"No you see I'm a dem-"
"Kill him! Do something or our agreement is over!"
Agni fell to his knees. Droplets of... blood? Hit the floor... "Since I have been reborn,I have only had one God and one master. I vowed I never would swing my fist for anyone but him. I am guilty of betraying that vow... Please forgive me!" Agni said as you realized he was crying tears of blood. "Don't do it! Agni!" Soma said. He pulled the bandages off and his eyes turned white. A purple aroua was around him as he was about to hit Soma,you picked him up and took him out of the way. "Sounds like trouble." Lau said while Ciel and Sebastian were watching closely. "Perhaps we should leave now." Lau said picking up Ciel. "We're drawing to much attention! Grab the kid and get out of here Y/n!" Ciel yelled as Lau left with him and Sebastian. "Yes master." You said jumping and dodging Agni's attack. You jumped out the window Like a boss! (ง'̀-'́)ง

"With that kind of punch,that fellow is no ordinary human being." Lau said as now everyone was back at the manor having tea. "It is a mental technique he uses. When he gets like that,no one can touch him." Soma explained. "Never heard of it." Ciel said. "I imagine it's a type of trance. Agni has absolute faith in his master, concequently from that faith he is able to produce super human power. His skills are born of something we can never understand,a power of complete love and trust in another person." Sebastian explained. You swore you saw Ciel look at you after he said that. "But this betrayal... Why would he do it? Why do the people always close to me leave!?" Soma yelled throwing the tea on the floor. "Prince Soma!" Ciel said shocked at his actions. "All of them... But why?" He then ran off. "Just look at the tea set I ordered... So we'll suited to my master. Children,it seems that this one in particular will require some personal discipline." Sebastian said. Sebastian then went to find him. "Uh Sebastian! You aren't going to kill him... right?" Sebastian turned to you. "No. I'm just going to lecture him." You then ran ahead.

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