Chapter 13

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"Master?" The three of you looked around. "This is the Grimm reaper library! I don't know if your aware but this is where the cinematic records are kept." Grell said. You all decided to go in. Sebastian opened the door and you extra extra hightned senses could tell what was coming. You pulled Sebastian away letting the sythe almost hit Grell but she dodged it. "Ugh,as I suspected it is you. I thought I smelled a rat and a mouse." The person you know as Will. "Who is who...?" You muttered. "Will!" Grell yelled running in. "To think two demons would have the nerve to set foot in here." You crossed your arms and scoffed. "Hold on Will, I'm looking for the doomsday books like you ordered!" "What a shame. A Grimm reaper and you invited this filth into our territory. Your a disgrace, are you actually trying to be demoted even further?" You were actually impressed. Almost every creature finds you attractive so, he's a first. However the smirk found its way to your face. That will just make the accomplishment more satisfying. "What will you do to me now?" Grell asked. "You call us an invating rats. But I do believe you have another investation to be worrying about." Sebastian said. Will looked surprised for a second. "The angel..." "That's right." "Excellent,looks like I'll have more overtime tonight."


"Son of a bitch..." You both said as Ciel's cinematic records could be seen. He looked asleep and Angela had him close to her. "His past is being rewritten, being cleansed. Soon he'll be pure as snow." Your eye twitched from the sudden anger you felt. "Hatred is painful, no one wants to habor it in their hearts. Ciel is no different." You started to move forward. "OKAY YOU PIG ASS MOTHER FUCKING NO GOOD PIECE OF SHI-" "Don't be hasty." Will's voice said causing you to stop. "You can't stop her right now, if you do the child's last will be horribly changed. And as a result he'll become something less than a human." He explained. You and Sebastian both glared at her. "Yes, pure as the driven snow." Angela said. "My young master... being pureified..." Sebastian said.

Yeah so some things happened and he ended up in the air. "What? He's rewinding the record on his own!?" Grell said shocked. The records soon went back in him and he was no longer floating. "Catch him!" You yelled at Sebastian. So he did that. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"Sebastian...good catch."
"Always surprising. You are always exceeding my expectations. You have a worthy soul, indeed truly worthy." You smiled. Fanservice. You thought in your head. "Grr! Such a horribly unclean heart. I should never have shown you pity. So here and now, I shall pureify you." A smirk was on your and Sebastian's face. "Good luck lady." You said cracking your knuckles. "We'll see about that." He said pulling out four knives. "A crime in the library is our jurestriction. Let us join the fight." Will said. So all fours of you stood up ready for battle. "We will March into battle together then!" But right in front of you undertaker was walking past. "Undertaker!?"

You raised a brow. "Hey you! What are you doing here- Ow!" Will smacked her with his sythe. "Mind your Manors idiot, he's a legend. He's the Grimm reaper who makes even crying children give up their souls." "No not fair! How could this creepy old man be a legendary Grimm rea-" Grell pulled back his bangs and froze. "Take me..." She said clinging to him. "Wait I wanna see!" You said like a child before pulling his bangs back yourself. "Okay,he went from adorable to drop dead sexy. This boy has looks that can kill!" A light could be seen taking you out of your trance. "You seem busy, I suppose I'll have to start my business at the Abby." "Running away? Coward." "You shall see. I'll show you all what happens to a world full of inpureity. I doubt you'll like it." Sebastian threw up his knives but she was already gone. "What was that?"
"An angelic seal."

"It won't open!!" Grell said pulling on the door handle. "Oh dear, unfortunately it looks like we've been locked in." A book then somehow took life and flea off the shelf. It opened and turned to a page. "It looks like the cinematic record of someone in the Abby. An angel of massacre is decendig. In a Abby near Preston." Undertaker took the book. "Ah,I see if now." Ciel grabbed his cloak thing. "Stop it now." "Ah master, how charitable. I thought you'd intent was to put an end to this cult." Sebastian said. "I don't want to help them, but I don't want her to have her way." Ciel explained. "But what are we supposed to do? We can't even find a way out of here." "Not true. There is a way. As have a tool. The ultimate reaper tool which as managers have access to. The death bookmark." Undertaker laughed. "And it's pink, isn't that lovely." You rolled your eyes. He'll always be adorable. "If we use this to hold the story, we can make some editorial changes. Sebastian appears suddenly." With that Sebastian literally vanished. "Bassy!" Grell squealed. "But suddenly there's a dramatic turn of events. Grimm reapers William T Spears and Grell Sutcliffe apear."
"That's a useful tool."
"Indeed but even it has some limits." "Can you say we appeared outside the Abby?" You ask. He smiled and wrote that down. "Whoah..." You chuckled.

Suddenly the Abby began to shake. "Okay back it up." You grabbed him and jumped away from the now falling building. Soon the place was in rubbles. You made your way to the now fallen building next to Sebastian. "Is it over?" He then turned to both of you. "A promise is a promise." You both had a confused look on your face. However you both got it and Sebastian walked forward. All Sebastian did was fix the tie on the outfit he was wearing. "Why Sebastian? Why are you not taking my soul!? She has to be dead, doesn't she?" Sebastian just smirked down at him. You see when he summoned you both you both made a deal. But you weren't to have his soul. Demons don't share food. You just went to see what the human world was like. You made a contract to stay with him until Sebastian takes his life at the end. "Someone else... Is there..." Sebastian got on his knee and put a hand over his heart. "I'm sorry, we'll be serving you a while longer, master."

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