Chapter 7

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A/n: So I'm just now realizing Grell uses female pronouns. I'm an idiot...
So even though Grell is biologically male I'll use female pronouns since that's what she identifies as. God I feel dumb.

"Impressive, frost fair is certainly a apt title." Sebastian said. "A large gathering held at the foot of London bridge when the temps freezes over. From what I'm told it hasn't been held for serveral decades now. Not since 1814 apparently."

The three of you were walking around when you heard a man talking. "Step right up! Ladies and gents,I've got bargains that would blow Jack froast away!" Ciel smirked. "Is there something amusing?" Sebastian asked. "Those goods are all of dubious quality. Funtom should set up a store, I mean out products would be better than what that man is selling. Like that,there." Ciel said pointing his cane at a ship. "Ah! Hello there noble lad! You have a good eye! That piece is one of a kind,it was manufactured by the Funtom you company years ago! Back when it was still just a craft studio." "No, that blatant fake. The Funtom arks are rare,only three were ever made. My artist was incredibly skilled. Since our estate burned down,even we no longer possess one. One most certainly wouldn't turn up here." Ciel stated. "Noah's ark. Y'know,it reminds me of this country." Sebastian said. "How so?" You asked. "Think about it,a boat ruled by a single person. One with only the select few to be saved. Arrogant don't you think?" You nodded your head kinda agreeing. "A Scotland yard inspector has time to attend the fair. London must be very peaceful, today anyway." Ciel said noticing the man next to him. "When did he get here?" You wisperd to Sebastian. "It's not,I'm on duty right now." He said. "Oh,well then I'll leave you to earn your wagers and service to queen and country. Good day inspector." Ciel said starting to walk off. "Wait come back! I have some questions I want to ask you! Ciel!" He was about to reach for him but you slapped his hand away. "Nobody touches my emo blueberry." You said. "Your...your what!?" Ciel said. "Pardon him." Sebastian started. "Our master is a touch fragile at the moment. Erm,I mean sensitive." You covered your mouth to stiffle your laughter as your mind went to a dirty place. "Perhaps you could try to be more gentle when approaching him."

So Ciel and inspector dude we're in some restaurant thing now. "Now, what is an inspector from the yard doing here?" He asked. He then went to explain everything. And they Lau got involved as well. Eventually Ciel decided to join the case. You were hanging outside with Sebastian. "So, are you still angry?" You asked rocking on your heels from boredom. He sighed. "I'm still debating it." You smirked as an idea popped into your head. You looked around. Since you saw no one put your hands on his shoulders. He looked down/up at you. You pushed him against a wall that was connected to the building that was next to you. "You think this will make me forgive you?" Sebastian said. "It is just part one of my plan~" You sexily said. You kissed him forcing your tongue in his mouth. The action seemed to take him by surprise. You pulled away to see him blushing and shocked. "What? Did you think I was all talk?" You didn't sense anybody that could see you so you went for his neck. Sebastian looked conflicted by what you were doing. "I got it...I know what breed you are." You muttered smirking. Sebastian looked away only to bite his lip when you bit his collar bone. "So that's your sweet spot. (Is that what they're called?) You chuckled watching this Mr Dom on domersome lane being tanmed by a (animal) demon. Sebastian's arms unconsciously went around your body. You stopped and he looked at you face finally showing he wanted more. "Sorry Ciel is going to leave soon. We'll continue later kitten~" Sebastian shivered from the nickname. You smirked.

"Your sure this is the right place?" Ciel asked. "Yes it is. He's set up shop here because so many people have been freezing to death." Inspector dude said. (Because in your mind his name could matter less) "You can't be serious,not him." Lau said. You looked up and saw the sign undertaker. You smiled. "I get to see the adorable laughing Jack in the box." You said making Ciel and Sebastian glare at you. "Okay you did this last time. WHAT!?"
"Yes him and you lot can wait right here outside,you are lucky I let you accompany me at all." He then literally fell in. "What a hopeless fool." Ciel said. "One of the privileges of youth. So,what is this place?" Lau said. "It's the undertaker's parlor!!! You met him during the Jack the ripper case remember." You looked at the door skeptical. "The inspector is fucked isn't he?" You said. "Abberine won't last one minute in there. Y/n prepare to-" Ciel got cut off by laughter so hard it knocked the sign down. "I assure you man you are professional,that was hysterical. You could be a world renoun comedian. Hehehe..." Ciel walked up. "What did you say to him?" "I have no idea. I was just talking to him normally. He began laughing like a madman." Aberline said. "You aren't without talent. How unexpected." Ciel said. You glared at the inspector. "What is it Y/n?" Sebastian asked. You huffed. "Nothing." "You wanted to tell the joke didn't you." Ciel then joined the conversation. "You can tell it to me once we get back if you need to tell someone someone." He said. "But it won't be the same! It's not like you'd even get it..." You then crossed your arms pouting. They began to talk about things but you were to busy pouting. You only paid attention when you suddenly got in front of a sculpture looking at a ring. "OOOOOOO!!!" Inspector squealed. "It appears a sculptor must have stumbled upon the ring and decided to add it to this beautiful ice sculpture. Mystery solved." Lau said. "Get the ring right now!" Your rival inspector yelled. "What do you think your doing theves!?" A man yelled. "That dear lady will be awarded to the contest Victor. You wouldn't want to defy her now." The viscount Druitt said. Ciel and you had the exact same expression. "What the actual shit!?" You yelled. "Viscount Lord Druitt!"

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