Chapter 27

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A/n: So sorry I didn't update for a while! I was buried in school work and had no time, but I found some free time!! So bon appetit.

Sebastian gave the man a side glare. "You'll find the exit that way, yes that is correct kereta." Sebastian then faked a smile. "Your to kind, we both lost our way." You both bowed and left. You could feel their stares. You both then made it to the carriage. Ciel did the thing with his cane and the driver made the horses go. "What's your report?" He asked. "I'm afraid we were interupted before we could make a full circuit of the camp. Ideally I would like to penetrate a bit deeper into their organization." You held back a snort. Now wasn't the time to be in the gutter. "We actually have a request for you." You said with a slightly sadistic smile. "Do you?" At this point you both had sadistic smirks and it was obvious.


"I would like to know when precisely this became part of the plan!" You shut the door retracting you neck back like a turtle. "I don't recall giving either of you any orders to that affect!" He took his hat off and Sebastian got it. "Does it inconvenience you my Lord?" He asked. "Grrr... Enough for now, we'll argue about it later. At the moment I find I'm exhausted, I shall go to bed straight away." He said heading towards the stairs. "Oh there's something you need to know! Remember that-" You got cut off by a hyper prince. "Ciel! Your finally here!! I've been waiting for so long!!" Soma said. "Greetings Lord Phantomhive, Sebastian and Y/n. Welcome home." Agni said. "Oh that's right, how could I have possibly forgotten that your here?" You smirked. This was gonna be good. "I have truly missed you my friend!!" Soma said tackling Ciel in a hug. "I didn't expect to see you at the townhouse so soon! You must have missed me very badly huh? Poor Ciel always lonely." You looked at the people around you then Ciel. Could he look any shorter right now? "Sorry but I'm very tired. I'm not at all in the mood to deal with you right now."
"Your dissing me! You can't be going to bed already! I've been waiting and waiting to play that chess game you told me about!"
"Get off me!"
"What's the matter with you Ciel!? Your being such a grump! We're reunited at last, can't you summon a small smile?" Now you've done it
"I'M BLOODY TIRED GET IT!??!? JUST LEAVE ME BE!!" He then stomped upstairs.


That went well."


It was now time for Ciel's audition. "Look at this fellow, what an adorable little sprong you brought us. You are a boy aren't ye?" Joker said. "Yes, I've been on service as a page boy for some time now. My name Finnian it's a pleasure to meet you all." Joker walked up to him. "That's quite an imposing name for a sprat like you. No worries, we'll give you a proper stage name. Are you really sure that your a boy though?"
"Quite sure." You only just started to pay attention to your surroundings and saw a bunch of women around you. You decided to do something. You began to kiss their hands and give them flirty introductions to each other. You could feel Sebastian hating this and Ciel hardly able to pay attention to Joker since he was to busy being jealous. So next thing you know Dagger have Ciel a bunch of knives. So Ciel threw one at the Target and Sebastian threw small stones to make them hit. "Shall I throw another set?" "Well, that was impressive. Your more talented then I reckoned sprat. But that was only the first part of our audition. Next we'd like to see....

your tightrope walking skills."

You looked up at your master. He's gonna die He tried to weasel put of it but in the end he went. He made it a few steps before stumbling. You then threw a stone to hit his back and Sebastian threw one to hit his stomach. He then stood up straight. Ciel glared down at the two of you. You have the wasn't me look. You both have him some "inspiration" to keep going. After a bunch of stones he made it to the end.

While Joker was clapped Sebastian was holding back laughter and you were cackling. "Looks like he passes all the tests huh?" Dagger said. "Not yet. There's something of the upmost importance. Yes I'm talking about...

A big smile!"

Sebastian was still holding back laughter and....kinda failing. "This is the easy part!" You snuck your way to Ciel. "Go on! Big smile! It can't be that hard!" You made your hands bend in a way that made him know what was coming. He nodded his head no but you didn't listen. "Just give us on smile that's all. Smile! Smillleee!" You then tickled him. Two seconds of straining he smiled and even laughed. It was honestly adorable.


"Everybody! We have some talented new mates joining our crew! Allow me to introduce Black!"
"Hello I'm Black, it's a pleasure to meet you all."
"Then there's the other two. Say hi to Smile and Ice cream!"
"Wait WHAT!"
Sebastian was again trying not to laugh. "Let's give them a warm welcome!"
"Come now guys, wouldn't you like to say a few words to everyone?" Sebastian asked laughter In his voice.
"Uh...yes...we both are so happy to be here..."
"Come on Smile, smile!"

So you all had a tour. You all eventually made it to this training tent. "To move up you have to master the basics. Just work on building a solid foundation and-" "Joker. You got a moment?" You say Beast. She looked at Sebastian and looked away. "Right then I have to go. Best get to work lads." So Sebastian was helping Ciel stretch in a... unique way. "I guess some people have guard dogs and some guard vipers..."
"Yes my- Oh I must learn to call you Smile. If had done more activities your muscles wouldn't be so tight."
"I don't believe I asked you. We coul try to gain first teir status, that would give us the access we need. A few poisonus snakes should be no problem to you both. We need to find those children."
"We won't find them here." You said.
"We explored as much as we could before having to leave last night. And then there was the tour today, both times I didn't sense the children. And if I can't sense then, they aren't here."
"The fact they aren't on the premises hardly proves the circus isn't involved in their disappearance. We must conduct a investigation. We stay until that is done."
"What are you lads doing? That's enough stretching it's time to practice."
"Its your first day so I'll be helping you along. We'll need to decide what your acts will be. Any preferences?"
"If we're allowed to make requests I would prefer something other than the tightrope." "Good idea you are pretty frail. Ice cream, Black you guys have any preferences?"
"Anything will do for us." You said. "Oh yeah that's right you both are naturals. Try what you can manage and I'll observe."
"Very well." Ciel groaned already knowing what you both were gonna do.

"First up, the flying trapeze!" You and Sebastian did pretty much the same act that Peter and Wendy did except after you both swamped beams you both stood on it. Then started hanging upside-down. "Careful!" You both jumped and flipped off. Sebastian began juggling bottles while you went pole climbing. You all then jumped through the rings of fire. Then airial acrobatics.
The trampoline
Skipping rope
"And now we will both swallow a-"
"Alright enough!"

So a crowd of people surrounded you both. Ciel then came up behind you both. "You both got carried away. You need to act more like a newcomer."
"I did not expect that. Another talented preformers."
"That's right, they aren't the only new stars. Up there." Dagger pointed up. "He's a former civil servant or something, and he's very serious. Hey come on down here! Oi Suit!"
"That looks like..."
"My boy Will!"
"That explains it then. I thought I sensed something foul." He then landed his sythe next to the three of you.

"I didn't expect us to meet today but I guess I'm destined to be disappointed. What prey are you in persuit of? Well answer me vile demon!" He yelled at you and Sebastian pointing his sythe at you both. "I say,what is this madness!?" Ciel says. "It's bad enough that we reapers are in such short supply without demons popping up all over the place! At this rate I'll be stuck working another late night." "Did he say reapers?" Dagger said. "Wait Dagger!" Ciel said. "What have I told you ya blonker! Say that with such a straight face and no one can tell your joking!" You chuckled at how all Will did was brush his hair. What a mood. "I'm not actually joking I'm entirely serious." "Very funny,now let's move on. Introducing you to out newest newcomers. The little one is Smile,the and the big ones are Ice cream and Black! Your our rising Stars so play nice!" He said patting Sebastian's and Will's shoulders. Will then walked off.
"I don't see how I can possibly play nice with Vernon like that." Hah! What a god! "Circuses run on teamwork you know!!" "I would like to know what a Grimm reaper is doing here." Ciel said. "And undercover no less. It's most unusual for reapers to do that." Sebastian said. "However,that means one thing. Something is going on at this circus. Something deadly..."

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