Chapter 38

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So Arthur was reviewing everything that happened. "The only person who could have semons was lord Phantomhive. Since Sebastian was the one person with the keys to the earls chamber, only he could me Phelps. And as for Sebastian, other than the earl, Y/n and myself, basically anybody could have killed him. Another words...this proves it was impossible for one perpetrator to have committed all of the murders!" He stated.

Then an seemingly elderly man walked in tied up. The three servants behind him making sure he don't break free. "You mean there really is a 13th man!!?! Where has he been hiding?!" Dude in white exclaimed. When was this part of the plan?!?! "Been a while Jeremy , how are you?" Ciel said. "Another surprise, you know this old fellow my lord?" Lau asked. "Old is it?"
"Yes he does." You said trying not to sound surprised. "Do call me Jeremy, no need to stand on ceremony with me." He said with a smile.


"A vicar eh? How nice."
"We can't trust him just because he's a vicar! Only a 13th man could have committed the murders and he has no alibi, he's our culprit!" "Unfortunately that is utter nonsense mr Woodley, I'm terribly sorry." He replied. "How do you know my name, who are you?!?" He chuckled slightly. "That ring you're wearing gives the game up I'm afraid. From it I did used your identity. A Diamond so large in such a distinctive cut, there is only one conclusion, you see the round brilliant cut can only be achieved with equipment recently developed by Woodley company. It's been described as a rarity not yet on the market. Among the guests lord Phantomhive has invited, who would have the means to possess such a singular ring. The answer is one man, Carl Woodley. Thus such must be your identity. I'm not mistaken am I?"

"Anyway, how did you come here? For that matter why did you come here?" Arthur asked.
"You there sir, yes you the cigarette and goggles, set my bag down and open it." Bard did as he was told and inside the bag was an owl. A live owl that somehow didn't suffocate. "That's the owl Sebastian sent out!" Mey-Rin said. "I drugged him to keep him asleep but yes. If you would kindly take a look at that letter my lord." Ciel went and got it letting you see it as well. You rolled your eyes and he slightly crumpled it up. "Of course..." You mutterd. " Evidently he arranged the owl to carry this note to Jeremy because he somehow predicted his own death." Ciel said. "As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter what's on that bit of paper, it isn't enough to prove he isn't our killer!" "Perhaps if you would inspect my coat pocket." You reached in and pulled out a ticket for a play. "It's a for a play." You said. "What's the date?" Ciel asked. "The evening of 12 March. The liceum theater and the play was a performance of the lady of the lake." You stated. "That seems correct. At the very least I can confirm that the liceum is running the lady now." The blonde girl confirmed. "It was past the ten o clock hour when..." He basically proved his innocence. Honestly there was only talking and you just don't know how to listen.

Arthur decided to catch him up on all that happened. "I was correct then, it is most intriguing indeed. If I may inspect the bodies now? The dead will be quite helpful, they are both eloquent and honest." Jeremy suggested. "That shouldn't be a problem. I'll take you to the cellar and-"
"Carry each body to a separate room before I conduct my investigation. Smells are frequently of the upmost importance in solving a case. If bodies are kept together their sense will intermingle, the wine cellar smells strongly of wine. We only want the scent to be that of the mystery must solve." He said. "Very well then, we'll proceed as you advise. Well you heard him, carry the corpses to three separate rooms." Ciel ordered. "It would be a relief to change out of this wet clothing." He said. "You-" You slightly flinched. Don't... "There should be some clothing in my late Butler's room that will suit you. Come I'll escort you there." He said. Good... oh wait I gotta touch dead people!


You and the other three servants made your way to the cellar. Mey-Rin pulled off Sebastian's cover first. "Alright Sebastian, it's time for us to move you now..." You walked up to him. "Oh what the hell." You didn't even use the stretcher and just carried him over your shoulder.


"Alright! I shall examine each corpse in order by the time of death." Jeremy said. The dude in white wanted to come to for...some reason. So he did go to examine the first dead guy. So he went all bloodhound on them and sniffed up the scent of alcohol and the sea. Then me Phelps. He wanted to see the room in which the murder took place. While in there he confirmed there were multiple guilty party's. He had a plan. One, wait till nightfall. And two, Ciel's assistance." You picked up very quickly what he was doing. You weren't really working more or less just trying to make an effort so you can say you participated. "You'll know everything this evening. Now, Sebastian's next." You said.

" I believe you said that he was fatally stabbed after receiving a blow to the head, I'll just take a closer look." He then pulled the covers out enough to show the wounds. Ciel then almost gagged and used you as support. "My lord?" Arthur said. "Your pale..." You said. "I apologize, I'm finding it tries my nerves to keep seeing Sebastian's body like this." He replied. "Whaaaat? Where was this reaction when Y/n was casually undressing his body?" He then pulled the covers back. "There, I finished here ,his cause of death was simple indeed." You all then left. "You go on ahead without me. I must prepare for tonight's festivities." Jeremy said.

While you all were going your separate ways the dude in white ran back to where Sebastian's body was. He then yanked the covers off. He saw Sebastian's body. "Surely it couldn't be." He then stomped on his face, multiple times.

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