Dark/Magic/Fantasy AU: Dark/Spider Virgil x Scared reader: Part 2 (Dark Ending)

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yay! Its finally finished. this was a bit of a handful, but YAY! This one is more dark than I usually go, so please be warned! I am kind of worried about this one, as I didn't have a perfectly clear idea of what to do, so please let me know what you honestly think, and if it's super bad, I'll edit it more... with that being said, I really hope you like it and thanks for reading. As Always please keep it clean and Patton-friendly!

oh goodness the warnings, brace yourself... there are lots

Warnings: Mentions of bruising, puppet imagery, use of force, mentions of neglectful behavior, yandere themes, stalking themes, spider mentions, mentions of webbing and nets, spider themes, freaky spider Virgil. mentions of being tied up, kidnaping, unwilling dancing, unsympathetic Virgil. (I think that's it, please let me know if you find anything else!)

You gulped for air, frozen in the spider boy's grasp as he moved his attention from the exit to you. his purple eyes glowed a bit as he leaned in a little, scanning every detail about your face. his surprisingly warm breath brushing your face as you stared at him.

"its not every day a healer comes into these parts, what was Roman doing with a healer?" Virgil asked, a smirk painting itself on his face. freezing in nervousness you stared, knowing you couldn't blow Roman's cover, yet also knowing this spider could eat you as a midnight snack and not give it a second thought.

 Virgil reached over in that moment, pulling your healing pouch and ripping the strap, pulling it into his grip, with a smile. he let go of you and turned. a scream escaped your lips as you expected to plummet 20 feet to your death, unaware of the webbing that had tied itself around you.

"You've got quite a selection of herbs here, for someone not from around here. I have many questions, many questions indeed." Virgil said, as he scanned the assortment of plants from your bag, the rare flowers and herbs you used to help heal hurting souls.

you tried to reach towards him as he picked up one of the rarer flowers before smirking and crushing it with his hand, a soft cry coming from you, right before Virgil turned.

"is there an issue?" Virgil asked, the dark purple eyes now almost a midnight purple, as he stalked closer, you trying to back away but still caught in the web, the only thing you could do was plead.

"what's so wrong?" the spider asked, most scary like a spider and less human like a boy in this moment. he walked up close, before wrapping an arm around your torso and grabbing one of your wrists, breathing becoming difficult as the spider held you.

"now, I got distracted, why are you here, a healer in the dark forest?" Virgil asked, starting to swing you around to a small musical melody, you unwillingly dancing with him as you hung like a puppet in the web.

"I was needed for a mission and nobody else was available." you mumbled quietly, before the Spider pulled your face against his chest, you continuing to dance. he finally let go with a chuckle, staring at you as you wiped the few tears that fell from your eyes.

"what mission are you talking about? Roman wanders in here so often he might as well live in the broken castle." Virgil said, yanking around some webbing, before throwing it forcefully at you, the net scooping you up as the webbing around your arms and legs snapped. you now dangling in the net, ready to scream at the thought of being dropped from this height.

"He was..." you tried to start but froze as the spider stalked a little closer.

"oh please continue" the spider said, swinging around on a hammock staring at you.

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