Preference #21: cuddle time (during pregnancy)

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Hello, thank you so much for reading and I hope you like it! I really liked writing this one, very fluffy! as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!


you were scrolling through you phone late at night, Logan still wasn't home yet and you couldn't sleep. the baby was kicking and you had a headache starting again. you nuzzled your pillow deeper, just wishing for a nice nights rest.

you heard the familiar car door slam, the soft squeak of Logan's shoes, before his feet started up the stairs. he cracked the door open and quickly changed into some pj's, with a yawn he sat down on the bed, noticing you were awake.

"blue light won't help you sleep dear." Logan said, taking your phone while you let out a little grown.

"our daughter is kicking again..." you whined, looking at Logan, as he plugged your phone in on top of the dresser.

"I'm sorry she's doing that." Logan said, laying down on the bed next to you, looking over at you, his eyes tired, obvious bags beneath them, bags that would put Virgil's eyeshadow out of business.

"you okay?" you asked him and he shrugged, so you scooted over and laid your face on his chest, smiling as you did so, less than 30 seconds later you felt him playing with your hair. he then began rubbing your stomach with one hand and still playing with your hair with the other.

you soon fell asleep, not knowing that the whole interaction made Logan's day so much better, he kissed you softly after you were asleep and then closed his eyes, hugging you, as he felt into a deep sleep as well.


you walked inside from work, you were very nearly too pregnant to work and you had a scheduled leave in a few days, but that didn't stop you. you smiled as you smelled whatever Patton was cooking.

you walked in and went to hug him from behind like you used to do, but it was nearly impossible with your baby bump at this time. so you just ended up kissing him on the cheek.

"Hi, sweetie! dinner should be ready in a few minutes." Patton said cheerfully, smiling at you, with his light brown eyes and freckles. his glasses were a little crooked but you fixed them, causing him to lightly laugh, which still made your heart soar.

you sat down at the table and Patton walked in with two plates some forks, before rushing out and then back in, with two cups, filled with water. he smiled, leaning over and kissing your forehead. before he sat down. 

you both talked and laughed over dinner, talking about work, and the baby room, talking about what plans you had for the child, and what you both were planning for dinner. it was just a nice night, especially after the long shift you had just had.

by the end Patton walked you over to the couch and helped you sit down. the wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you into his chest, wrapping his legs lightly around your stomach, as to not hurting anything. then he began kissing your hair, while you just smiled.

you both started watching homeward bound, Patton snuggling with you. it was a wonderful moment of peace, a calm before the storm.


you were upstairs in you and Roman's bedroom, sorting some things and organizing and washing some baby clothes. you had been calculating costs all day, and soon walked to the baby's room, that was adjoined to the bedroom to put the clothes in the dresser.

you decided to take a quick break, slowly rubbing your stomach as Dustin mercilessly kicked. you didn't notice Roman walked in, a bright smile on his face, he hugged you from behind giggling in your ear.

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