Remus x Reader: Beach PT 2

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Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you like it! this was very interesting to write, and I really enjoy the ending, so I hope you do it! please let me know what you think! as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!

warnings: blood, mentions of shards cutting hands, implied depression, implied neglect for self care. lots and lots of tears, angry Roman, a bit of angst at the beginning.

Remus continued trying to grab the shards, as the sliced his hands, while he just sobbed uncontrollably, it was only a prank, a joke. he just wanted you to know that no matter where you were, you were incredible. he never saw this, but then again, foresight hasn't really been his strong suit.

he continued to sob as a hand softly rubbed his back, the inky smell giving it away as Logan. as Logan pulled his hands away from the shards Remus tightened his grip on them, slicing his hands more, as he continued to cry.

"you need to let go... it's only hurting you." Logan said, but Remus shook his head, grabbing all the pieces he could, as Logan walked him to the car, his sobbing against Janus chest the entire ride home, everyone quiet, Remus sobs the only noise other than the soft buzzing of the car

Logan carried Remus up to his bedroom, and set him in the bed, while Remus cried himself to sleep, Logan carefully cleaning and wrapping his hands. disinfecting the shell shards. as Remus whimpered due to a nightmare.

you were sitting in your front-door rug, trying to breath as sobs escaped, loud. nothing able to fix them of the hole you felt in your chest as you just screamed, trying to keep yourself steady. this was a mess, an awful, mangled mess.

it was a good 15 minutes before your phone started blowing up with messages. the first one, a voicemail from Roman, causing you to cry harder as Roman screamed insults. You crawled onto the couch, sure you were mad at Remus for embarrassing you like that but you didn't mean everything you said. he was still your buttercup, just... he crossed a line. with a sigh, you muted your phone and tossed it away as you buried your face in your knees as you cried

the next few weeks were spend alone, in the dark, you ignore all the messages, Remus ignoring all the knocks on the door. it was too hard to even try to take care of yourself when Remus was the only thing on your mind.

you sighed, sticking the last of your ramen bowls in the microwave, you hadn't exactly felt up to shopping, or doing really anything else, heck you hadn't even stepped outside since.. well yeah. You did look at your phone once, but saw absolutely no messages from Remus, he probably hated you anyway, the thought making tears well in your eyes.

a knock on the door interrupted your thoughts, as you tried to wipe your eyes, you didn't go to answer the door, ignoring your phone again. when you heard the door unlock and someone step inside. their footsteps growing closer.

"y/n..." Janus' voice broke the silence, as he walked closer, taking in your appearance as you looked up at him. you were a complete mess, crying and alone. Janus' boots clunked against the floor as he looked around, his eyes sad at your state.

"why haven't you answered our calls... Patton's so worried." Janus said, as you stood up, walking away from him.

"I won't be much help, and I don't feel like talking, so you're better off just leaving now, before you even bother lecturing me about the mistake a I made! I know I made the worst mistake of my life, okay?!" you screamed, your voice cracking as a sob broke from your lips, you trying desperately not to think anymore on it.

"it's not completely your fault, Remus crossed a line and you reacted harshly... you're both in the wrong... I've know Remus since 6th grade, I know he wouldn't ever intentionally hurt anyone he loves, he just... doesn't realize it... and I'm sure you know this. I'm not here to lecture you, I'm simply here to help you, as I realize a lot of people don't want to help you right now." Janus spoke, slowly and softly. everything you've desperately needed, even if you weren't aware you did.

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