Roman x Reader: Keep Running Home to You

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Hello! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you like it!  I really really love this oneshot! (it made me cry writing it)... As always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly!

this was requested by @FannnOfEverything ! Thank you so much! and I really hope you like it!

this oneshot was very very heavily inspired by the following song, you don't have to play it, completely up to you, but here it is. I'll leave a moment for you to start it if you choose to listen so... yeah!

it was the anniversary of your wedding, you and Roman, forever together... until he the day Roman joined the military, you didn't want him to at first, you having just gotten married but the look in Roman's eyes as the thought about protecting his country, the home he loved, you... you couldn't tear that away from him.

so here you were, walking around the park where you met your darling prince, where he'd caught you, those strong arms, his gorgeous eyes, everything you missed. you reached up to touch the locket hanging around your neck, a photo of both of you at your wedding. it was a beautiful wedding, Roman made sure you had nothing but the best.

tears leaked down your cheeks as you continued walking. it was a bright day, one Roman would like, pulling you along as he skipped, a rose on your hair. you smiled sadly at it. and soon began walking towards the Sanders house.

Logan greeted you at the door after you knocked, a small smile on his face as you tried to smile, wiping your tears. he happily took your hand as Remus came out to meet you, you see... in Roman's honor you and Remus wanted to watch a disney marathon, something Roman would approve of. 

Remus and you walked upstairs and you walked into Roman's untouched room, the lingering smell of roses and chocolate faint yet still present in the air. you sniffled a little, running your fingers gently over the stuffed animal he'd gotton on your first date. reminding you of the small stuffed dragon he'd gotten you right before he left, he kissed it and gave it to you, claiming now you had something of him where ever you went, and you just had to kiss it and he'd know how much you care for him.

you ran your fingers over the journal still open, the untouched love letter he penned to you in his own hand, the gold handled hairbrush that he treasured and only let you use. it all reminded you of him, as tears lightly leaked down your cheeks. 

Remus had also found his way into the room, scanning the different drawings Roman had hung up in his room, Remus' drawings, after they'd had a heart to heart. how close they'd gotten, loving finally as brothers should.

soon enough you and Remus sat down on Roman's couch, and Remus handed you the silky bright red blanket that Roman had, still smelling of him. you snuggled up and Remus hit play. you both cried during some movies, but if was mainly because you both knew what joke Roman would make.

the hours sped by and you soon enough heard the soft sobs coming from Remus, turning to look at him. you rubbed his shoulder gently. as he just cried.

"how could I waste so many years..." he mumbled crying and you just rubbed his back soothingly. soon enough Remus stopped crying, before glancing at the TV, however you were interupted by Janus knocking at the door, feeling awkward. Janus and ROman hadn't always gotten along and Janus was afraid of stepping into Roman's space.

"Remus, y/n... we are going out to dinner and you need to come..." Janus said.

"I don't want to eat out, now without Roman." Remus sniffled, but Patton walked in too.

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