100k Surprise, Question, Extra Preference!

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I just saw that this book reached 100k reads, which is positively mind-boggling for me. I realize it's been a little over a year since I posted, and about 18 months since I really worked on this book. Thank you all for all the hilarious comments and little pieces you've written, it's become a bright spot in my week to open my wattpad and read through them. 

I have started writing again slowly, and am currently writing for anime x reader on my quotev, 'JustAnotherCloud', so on the happenstance you're interested, I'd love to see you there! I'm doing alright, I'm currently working, and doing dual-enrollment full time at my local college, so I'm writing a lot, just usually not for fun. Thank you to everyone who's reached out or even read and smiled at this book. I really hope that it's given you a few things to smile about on a rainy day, just like you have been to me.

Would you all be interested if I edited some of my 40-ish drafts on this book and posted them slowly? as a small thank you gift, I wouldn't mind, as it would give me some tropes with work with in my other writings. I don't mind keeping that private either and not spamming yall with posts, so let me know either way!

now onto my gift to you all, I found this in a separate sanders sides x reader book I wrote awhile ago, and while AU's aren't usually the premise of what's in this book, I hope y'all will enjoy it!

this preference was based on the Tik-Tok challenge of kissing your best friend, however some of them will be dares from others. so without further ado, here is the preference


you smiled as Logan pointed out the points so evenly on his notes, lining them up to a book and to your notes. it was always wonderful studying with Logan. he was tall, absolutely gorgeous and oh so smart.

he smiled as you as you glanced down at the page, scribbling and glancing at his notes, he really did adore you, and just presents, you were such a light in his life, his bestie, and maybe something more.

things continued in this awkward state, both of you blushing at each other before a hand finally slammed on the table making you jump and stare at the boy infront of you. your stare darkened at the smirk and you scooted a little closer to Logan.

"hello there y/n... see you're busy with Logan again..." Janus said, sliping into a seat across from you, with a devilish smirk. your eyes darkened at him some more as he leaned a little closer. He was the worlds most annoying older brother ever.

"I see you haven't told Logan here about our little deal?" Janus said, slightly mockingly, as Logan perked up, staring at you

"shut it, you little reptilian." you grumbled before glancing nervously at Logan.

"you don't have to tell me..." Logan started but Janus interrupted.

"but they want to, the dare is about you after all..." Janus said with a playful tone in his voice as you turned so red you could be mistaken for a tomato. with that you quickly closed your eyes, grabbed Logan's strong face quickly, and slammed your lips into his while camera sounds clicked.

you pulled away, hands still over his strong jawline and cheek bones, with a blush you take your hands back while Janus was laughing loudly. Logan staring at you with a blush.

"the act of kissing doesn't always signify legitimate romantic interest, please inform me if romantic interest is why you were trying to portray" Logan asked and Janus snickered again. you nearly dying of embarrassment.

"as if the hand holding, wiping gravy off your face, longing eyes, secret messages, and many presents weren't enough, man you really are blind." Janus snickered, while you just glared.

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