Preference #8: He cooks for you

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hello! thank you so much for reading, I hope you like it. please let me know if you have any one-shot, scenario, or preference requests. as always please keep comments clean and Patton friendly, and I hope you enjoy!


Logan walked around the kitchen, grabbing a fork as you watched him from one of the stools, he used the fork to pull the purple cabbage leaves out of the boiling water, setting them on a plate to use later for something.

Logan then grabbed the pasta, pouring it into the cabbage soaked water, and cooking it. (a/n, I'm not really sure if this is how do it or not. sorry) after that Logan drained the pasta, now a blue-ish purple ish color. and he smiled, looking up at you with a slight excitement in his eyes. 

he picked up the tongs sitting by the pasta bowl, and began twisting it gently onto two plates, before setting those aside to cool. he began stirring some vinegar and spices together in a small bowl, before bring them all to the table, you walking behind him, curious as ever.

"so... you see. the acid reacts with the dye from the cabbage, turning this pasta, from blue or purple, to a nice pink." Logan said, pouring some vinaigrette over it while you watched in awe, you then looked up to meet Logan's eyes, your shining in amazement. 

"that's so incredible Logan! you are so smart!" you responded, looking at the pasta changing colors, and Logan beamed, which was kind of rare for him. you walked over, kissing him on the chin, making him smile.

"I'm glad you enjoy it, it is merely science, my darling." Logan said, looking down at you with love in his eyes. you leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips, your finger swirling through his chocolate brown hair, his pale lips kissing your cheek gently after you broke the kiss

"shall we eat?" Logan asked, pulling a seat out for you. smiling and nodding, you sat down.


"y/n, come over here!" you heard Patton's voice call out, you smiled, and walked downstairs. enjoying the soft carpet under your feet as you walked, you made your way past the living room and all the way to the kitchen, where Patton was standing, turning to you when your feet hit the cold kitchen tiles.

"I just tried a new mac and cheese recipe, and I wanted to ask you." Patton said happily, a spoon filled with the delicious looking food in his hand. you walked over, smelling it before Patton fed you it. you smiled, it was your special thing to feed each other food. after chewing a bit you looked up at Patton.

"what did you do differently?" you asked, and Patton held up a new kind of cheese, you nodded, looking down at the pot, with your brow knit. it smells really good, but the color was different. you lifted the spoon, seeing how cheesy it really was. and then you turned back to Patton.

"well it taste delicious like everything you make Patton, but I prefer your normal recipe, it has something irreplaceable." you said, and Patton's mocha eyes widened slightly, a curious look on his face.

"what is that, pumpkin?" Patton asked, taking a step closer, as you smiled at him. 

"Love." you said simply, you saw Patton smile and you both shared a big hug. Patton lifting you slightly, before setting you down. and you just gave the mac and cheese to the other sides, while you both went out to dinner.


Roman stirred, frustrated. it should be thickening up by now, but his sauce was more like soup at this point. he sighed in frustration, adding some more squash to the pot. trying to get this to be good. for you, all for you.

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