Pirate AU: Patton x reader part 1

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Hello, thanks for reading and I hope you like this, I've had this idea for while and have been writing and editing it some over the past few weeks. I really hope you like it. as always please keep comments clean and Patton-friendly

warnings:  kidnapping, mention of knives and other weapons, angry Janus

you walked out of the palace, still in the regal clothes that the royal gave you for today. they had been expecting someone and told you to wear it to look nice, so here you were, walking down to the village, a silver crown on top of your head.

you walked in the uncomfortable shoes, towards the crowds of people. you walked to the front, expecting to greet some royalty. betrothal is what you thought, but you never in a million years expected to see what you did.

pirates. not just one, but three. one was in a loose-fitting white t-shirt with a red vest, another in a black clothes, with purple accents and a cape. and the third decked out in green and black, many different weapons visible .

"why are you here?" the guard asked, pointing the spear at the pirates, and the one in red merely laughed. his eyes scanning the crowd. when your eyes met he smirked at you, while you backed up a bit

"why would we tell you?" the one in black and green said happily, as the purple one snapped, all the documents appearing before them, as well as the Crystal of the chosen (I know I know, so creative) prized possession of the kingdom. the guards came running but you saw the purple one quickly put up a force field.

"naughty naughty!" the one in green taunted, as you saw the one in red point at you. you gasped, as you appeared in his arms a split second later.

"drop your weapons unless you want me to kill this royal right here and now!" he screamed. you scanned the area. struggling before feeling cold metal on your throat.

"I wouldn't struggle too much there, dear." he whispered taunting you. a split second passed before you appeared again on the deck of a big ship, tied in ropes. and sitting against the mast. you saw several people staring at you, while you froze in fear.

you spotted the pirates that dragged you out of there. the one in the cloak lowering his hood to reveal his purple eyes, a woven silver crown atop his head. he glared down at you his eyes glowing softly, as you squeaked in fear

that drew the attention of the other sailors onboard. you saw the green and black one smirk, waving at you with a wink, you spotted one in blue and light brown, look at you, caramel eyes looking over your face with sympathy. you spotted the red and white wearing one, sharpening a long sword, glance at you, then you spotted another figure when he grabbed your chin looking into your eyes.

"what is your name?" he hissed, his yellow and brown eye piercing your soul. 

"I'm... I'm uhh?" you stuttered, before giving the name of the royalty you were posing as. you saw his eyes darken as he tightened his grip on your chin.

"I'm going to repeat myself, and you better be truthful if you know what's good for you." he hissed angrily. you shuttered a little but attempted to nod.

"what is your name?" he asked slowly. you looked down.

"y/n" you said softy as he let go of your jaw, a fiery anger in his eyes, as he stormed over to the other crewmates.

"what the heck did you dunderheads do?!!!!" he screamed. and you saw everyone flinch, a well dressed man walking out of the cabin area, his eyes quickly scanning you over before walking towards the others.

though you could only hear snippets over the waves, you made out that they were intending to get your royal instead of yourself. and they had messed up big time. you struggled against the ropes until the one in purple glared at you, scaring you into being still.

you watched the one in light blue walk up to you and lift you up easily.

"sorry about the confusion, Lily-Pad." he said, walking you down several stairs, after blindfolding you.

"you should be okay down here." he said softly, setting you down gently on a cot. he cut some of the ropes before walking out and locking the door. when you pulled of the blindfold you found his staring at you, through the metal bars.

"what are you doing?" you asked, looking around, trying to ignore the rocking of the boat against the waves.

"I want to get to know you, you seem like quite an interesting person." the man said, sitting on the floor infront of your cell, staring with big, beautiful brown eyes, while you stared nervously back at him, not sure about anything, but isn't where the most life changing things happen?

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you like it! there should be more parts on the way shortly. I'm planning on editing the first few chapters soon as well... so yeah, as always the art isn't mine so please give credit to the amazing artist, please remember you are loved and special!!!

have a fantastic day!!!

Peaceful Lavender

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