Preference #2: You're cold

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Hi! thanks you so much for reading. this one might be a big long,  as always please keep it classy and keep comments clean. I hope you enjoy!

Logan: you paced around the living room, looking for a blanket or something to warm yourself with. since Roman was having his significant other over tonight he stole pretty much all the blankets in the house for a pillow fort and you knew Roman would throw a shoe at you if you tried to interupt so you were pretty much stuck. so here you were, trying to find the logical solution to the problem, but that wasn't your department, it was you're boyfriend's. you smiled sadly, before decided to just do it. you walked up and knocked on the door to Logan's room. he didn't like being interupted but you couldn't think of anything, what can I say, creativity wasn't your department either. the door opened to show Logan, who looked at you with his walnut-brown eyes, scanning your face. 

"what may I assist you with, my dear." Logan said, you bit your lip nervously, now not sure how to  ask. you walked inside his room following him. 

"I'm... cold." you said in defeat, letting yourself shiver once or twice, Logan then turned his full attention to you.

"cold?" Logan repeated, you nodded.

"have you tried to wrap up in the blanket?" Logan asked, walking towards you and sitting next to you. you shook your head. 

"may I offer something that might help?" Logan said, and you looked at him to see he was holding his Christmas sweater. you blushed looking up at Logan, who was looking down into your eyes. 

"this should help, thank you." you said, with a light kiss to his lips, he blushed deeply, and cleared his throat. 

"happy I could be of assistance." Logan said.

Patton: you shivered walking from room to room trying to find the warmest spot, the only rooms you hadn't looked at were Patton's, Janus' and Remus' rooms. there was absolutely no way you were going into Remus room, that was a nightmare you didn't want to see, Janus had snakes in his room, sure they were behind glass but... just no. so that left you to go find warmth in your boyfriends room. you walked inside, the smell of cinnamon and sugar immediatly hitting your nose, making you smile. and you walked over to his giant pile of stuffed animals. after picking up his soft throw blanket. you snuggled up into hte pile of stuffed animals. you got so deep in the pile so only your face was sticking out. you smiled contently.

"Honey? are you in here?" you heard Patton call, entering his room. you tried to yell out to him but you were kinda stuck. 

"umm... Hello Patton." you said awkwardly, a blush coating your cheeks in embarrassment. you and Patton made an awkward eye contact before Patton started laughing, leaning down.

"why are you inside my stuff animals, even if you are just as precious." Patton said. you blushed some more

"I was cold..." you mumbled, against trying to wiggle your way out of the pile of stuff animals. Patton laughed again before pulling you out. with a smile he took your cold hand in his warm one.

"there are some warm cinnamon buns downstairs. I told the others you would get first pick." Patton said, walking downstairs with you. after you finished eating, you and Patton cuddled on the couch

Roman: you were in the livingroom because it seemed like the warmest place to go. you were grumpy and sick of this dreaded winter and your freezing feet. you had tried going to Roman but he wasn't in his room, most likely in imagination, so you just let it slide. but when you spotted his lovely Disney fluffy blanket, you may or may not have stolen it. that gave you an idea as you went around stealing blankets from every sides room. you had to work very hard to get the one from Remus room, and you are probably mentally scarred for life but hey, it was worth it if you weren't cold anymore. you moved them all to the couch and curled as many as you could around you, while watching a disney movie. you snuggled up but nothing seemed to warm you. 

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